favorite cartoons?

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The Evil Spatula
Mar 19, 2000
Ithaca (A.K.A. Cornell's Bitch) NY
cowboy bebop wasn't really a cartoon, it ran for 26 episodes and came to a definative end... in my mind cartoons like transformers are collections of stories that just keep going... but yeah, bebop is one of my all time favorites too... mmm.... faye... yellow plastic jackets...

i never got the hang of EVA... i watched some of it, and i get teh whole warped take on religion thing, but it got kind of really preachy... i like htings with less subtle overtones....


Deacon Massif
Mar 4, 2000
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I found eva little more than a standard giant robot soap opera with lots of pseudo intellectual undertones & bucketloads of angst, and the animation (a bit of a misnomer as the final episodes are like one frame a second) isnt all that great

cool character designs but it's not a benchmark series by any stretch... the End Of Evangelion movie is fantastic, however - but it's no Macross Plus :p

I really need to get that bebop movie...


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
I dont much like cartoons, never did...when I was about 5 there was this weird cartoon about a puff of smoke who lived in a wood...Willo the wisp i think it was called...for some reason I remember that...


The Evil Spatula
Mar 19, 2000
Ithaca (A.K.A. Cornell's Bitch) NY
Originally posted by @kuma
I found eva little more than a standard giant robot soap opera with lots of pseudo intellectual undertones & bucketloads of angst, and the animation (a bit of a misnomer as the final episodes are like one frame a second) isnt all that great

cool character designs but it's not a benchmark series by any stretch... the End Of Evangelion movie is fantastic, however - but it's no Macross Plus :p

I really need to get that bebop movie...

i thought the end of hte series was really cliche... i mean, all of a sudden, all-encompassing power to make the world into anything you want? it's basically a teen angst thing, where in the end you get the chance to make everything like you want, mainly because you're a teen and you think everything is wrong... big whoop...

bebop movie's on morpheus already, pretty damn good quality too... DVD's a whiles away tho... the fan-sub was pretty good too... i thought the plot was awesome, pretty standard for bebop to be ground-breaking like that... =)


Deacon Massif
Mar 4, 2000
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yes, the series ends very badly indeed - the cool thing about the movie is that it's an alternative ending with all the things you wanted to see in the climax of a 26 part OAV.

the movies got awesome eva combat, much better animation and an even more enigmatic ending

look for the fansub on edonkey, its well worth the download (theres a ramstein music video of it too :p)

I think ADV are releasing it sometime soon but I've not really kept up with that stuff since I got back to the UK


The Evil Spatula
Mar 19, 2000
Ithaca (A.K.A. Cornell's Bitch) NY
nono, i meant the ending for EVA was preachy... i haven't watched the end of the series, but i watched the 2 hour movie, with the invasion of neotokyo and all that... i didin't like that...

the bebop ending was very sad, but i thought it was fitting because i like stories that are good enough to make you want to say, "NO!" when something bad happens to the characters. it makes you get attached to the characters and that matters more than what actually happens to them... and besides, the whole point was that he was looking for a way out and the show wraps up its loose ends perfectly... the movie takes place between episodes 22 and 23, and since the OAV already showed you what is to become of them, it's sort of calming...


Deacon Massif
Mar 4, 2000
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weirdo :D

I loved the end of eva, even if it was a dodgy fansub

the series ending is basically a set of stills that change every 10 minutes with shinjii wittering on about existential angst

bebops ending made up for episode 2... just


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
anyone DragonBalls Z ? I watched it once on TV and it fells under the category childish and no real story.
but two of my schoolmates(high-school!!!) are fanatic DBZ fans! They havent missed any episode and usualy they are having a good taste... so DBZ is evil and brainsucking!


The Evil Spatula
Mar 19, 2000
Ithaca (A.K.A. Cornell's Bitch) NY
it's nonsensically violent... they didn't create a sensible world that appeals to mature audiences... everything in bebop was well... okay the technology is more advanced, but the basics of humanity didn't change, they way people act and think... they way they react... it's our world, taken further up in time, and then horribly skewed... technology made the world better, and worse, and it makes you wonder if there really is any sort of advancement for the human race? or are we doomed to be so petty and small and vengeful and sad creatures?

what was episode 2? i don't remember...


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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I used to like:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Captain Future
Masters of the Universe
Inspector Gadget
Sailor Moon
Miyuki (it's been so long ago I can't even guess if I'd still like it)
South Park (got bored by now)

I like:

Aeon Flux
The Maxx
The Head
Record of Lodoss War
Serial Experiment Lain
Gunsmith Cats
...loads of other Anime stuff

I like 2 things esp. about a comic:
fun (not the subtle kind) and strangeness
Last edited:


Apr 2, 2000
Finding a new low
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Originally posted by Rabid Wolf
talking of giant robots and stuff...
I recall something from my childhood, was a puppet show, about some space saga or other, and the individual vessels could join together to a huge robot.
I think it was called star fleet or something like that, but I couldn't find anything on that via google.
I guess it originated in japan, because of the design of the robot and all.
it used to be on saturdays or sundays late afternoon, on either sky (back when there was just one channel "Sky TV", or the Super Channel, but I think it was sky.
anyone know what I'm talking about?

agh - yeah, I remember that too. Haven't been able to figure out what it's called yet though. it wasn't all that great either, but it would be cool to find some stuff about it.

I liked Eva's story... :(


Apr 2, 2000
Finding a new low
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I didn't think either of those episodes were *bad*... :eek:

it's funny when you realize where the characters and situations in the episodes are taken from. Like that Kareem Abdul Jabaar character in episode 2.


Deacon Massif
Mar 4, 2000
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the dog one was bad, I'm sorry but you're wrong there :D

a change of pace is one thing, and some of bebops more lighthearted episodes were pretty amusing for anime (like the aliens parody) but the Data Dog was just... shite (probably why he didnt feature much after that)

but as far as series go it's the best Sunrise has done - you seen the Big O? Getting the Batman team involved didn't really help it much :(

and escaflowne degerates into nonsense in the last 2 dvds which is a real shame as it starts so well