Fanatics of Realism Mods

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Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
Thanks for keeping the thread open mate, I love a nice discussion.

My whole argument in the first place was based off of the comment by ModSquad and the first one by Nemephosis.

But how many maps are with the current INF download?

Not sure, but there are 3 packs which can be downloaded in segments.

What sets INF apart?

Iron Sights (No crosshair, aim with the sights on the gun)

Stamina System (No bunny jumping and running full speed across
the arctic tundra without breaking a sweat)

Breathing System (You can control your breathing for a short time for more percise aiming while zooming in)

No nonsense "money" system-- you are infiltrating a place, and you come in with what you picked out before. You don't buy weapons magically with money that you magically get by killing terrorists.

Level-Based team Camos (Which can be over-ridden by server)

Weapon / Body Collision System (No, sticking guns through walls)

Leaning and Prone, with new hit detection (code had to be re-written for the Prone mode)

Inertia System (No stopping on a dime)

3 Levels of Movement (Normal Speed, Jog, and Sprint), each respectively taking up stamina faster

Loadout Weights (Heavier weapons / more clips and guns detract from your total stamina, so no running the same speed and distance with a Shotgun, Pistol, Nades and Ammo as someone with just a Knife)

No magic speed boosting because you have a lighter weapon equipped although are still carying your others (like in CS, with the knife)

Little Unique Things:

Weapons show on back when not in use (Sling that Robar over your shoulder when not using it, not into some magic backpack!)

Falling a great distance will make you drop your weapon (You fall 20 feet and still keep a grip on your gun ;))

No instant proning-- it takes time to go prone and stand up again

Full control on most weapons of appropriate modes-- pump, semi, auto, burst

Purchasable attachments-- M203, ACOG, Supresser, Aimpoints, Flashlight, etc

Real fragmentation damage from grenades (Not some magic area affect explosion like CS)

Fully-Controlable mounted weapons

>REALISTIC DAMAGE< No doing a 3 round burst into someone's chest and watching as they turn around like nothing just happened.

"Distance Sounds"-- now you hear the rumble of grenades in the distance and the echoing roar of a Robar round leaving the barrel.


Varying amounts of wall penetration based on weapon

I could go on and on :)
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New Member
Dec 30, 2000
Agreed with them.
TO, SF and INF are realism mod but there are 3 very different realism mod. As a player of all three, the gameplay differences is mammoth. TO is faster pace, CS+UT kind of fun. It's basically a more unreal CS in another word, a kind of mod that will attract those who likes a little realism in their games. How about SF and INF? Both are aiming for realism but SF goes more for the fun, hence they didn't take out the Xhair, they use a different aiming system and realism in weapons are sacrificed so gamers can get acustomed to them easily, while INF use the /\see-above-posts system.

Another set of examples: Weapon Factory, UT Classes, Unreal Fortress and the upcoming Unreal4ever Fortress. WHat makes them different?


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Wow! Judging from Lifesbane's post there, INF players sure are having a lot of fun. Not fun I would enjoy, personally, but damn man.

Some of the points that sorta made me laugh include:

-No magic speed boosting because you have a lighter weapon equipped although are still carying your others (like in CS, with the knife)

-No nonsense "money" system-- you are infiltrating a place, and you come in with what you picked out before. You don't buy weapons magically with money that you magically get by killing terrorists. (I've always wondered where that money came from! Don't they stash it in bank accounts, or they just run around with millions of dollars in their pockets? :D)

->REALISTIC DAMAGE< No doing a 3 round burst into someone's chest and watching as they turn around like nothing just happened.

I'll bet the INFers are having a lot of fun. What more could possibly be added to another Infiltration? Got anything else planned?


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
Vehicles, enhanced skeletal animations, a new HUD (GUI too?), new game types (instead of just Team DM, the EAS (Enhanced Assault System) will be in soon). I think there is still a roadmap up on the site for the things they want in.

INF isn't for everyone though-- some people don't like this amount of realism, and would rather take the "CS Arcade Realism" which is perfectly understandable.


New Member
Apr 17, 2001
Originally posted by LifesBane[4C]
Thanks for keeping the thread open mate, I love a nice discussion.

My whole argument in the first place was based off of the comment by ModSquad and the first one by Nemephosis.

Not sure, but there are 3 packs which can be downloaded in segments.

Iron Sights (No crosshair, aim with the sights on the gun)

Stamina System (No bunny jumping and running full speed across
the arctic tundra without breaking a sweat)

Breathing System (You can control your breathing for a short time for more percise aiming while zooming in)

No nonsense "money" system-- you are infiltrating a place, and you come in with what you picked out before. You don't buy weapons magically with money that you magically get by killing terrorists.

Level-Based team Camos (Which can be over-ridden by server)

Weapon / Body Collision System (No, sticking guns through walls)

Leaning and Prone, with new hit detection (code had to be re-written for the Prone mode)

Inertia System (No stopping on a dime)

3 Levels of Movement (Normal Speed, Jog, and Sprint), each respectively taking up stamina faster

Loadout Weights (Heavier weapons / more clips and guns detract from your total stamina, so no running the same speed and distance with a Shotgun, Pistol, Nades and Ammo as someone with just a Knife)

No magic speed boosting because you have a lighter weapon equipped although are still carying your others (like in CS, with the knife)

Little Unique Things:

Weapons show on back when not in use (Sling that Robar over your shoulder when not using it, not into some magic backpack!)

Falling a great distance will make you drop your weapon (You fall 20 feet and still keep a grip on your gun ;))

No instant proning-- it takes time to go prone and stand up again

Full control on most weapons of appropriate modes-- pump, semi, auto, burst

Purchasable attachments-- M203, ACOG, Supresser, Aimpoints, Flashlight, etc

Real fragmentation damage from grenades (Not some magic area affect explosion like CS)

Fully-Controlable mounted weapons

>REALISTIC DAMAGE< No doing a 3 round burst into someone's chest and watching as they turn around like nothing just happened.

"Distance Sounds"-- now you hear the rumble of grenades in the distance and the echoing roar of a Robar round leaving the barrel.


Varying amounts of wall penetration based on weapon

I could go on and on :)

Congratulations Lifebane, you managed to mention 90% of the "unique” things that are bugged and make up the majority of whining ass comments found all over the INF forums.


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
LOL! Someone obviously doesn't play INF or plays it on a very bugged system.

I've played INF on about 6 different computers (all >completely< different) and have never encountered any problems with the above...and I don't see complaining about any of the above being "bugged". Some people don't >like< the features, but that doesn't make it "bugged". I rather enjoy those features.

Some people :rolleyes:


New Member
Apr 17, 2001
Originally posted by LifesBane[4C]
LOL! Someone obviously doesn't play INF or plays it on a very bugged system.

I've played INF on about 6 different computers (all >completely< different) and have never encountered any problems with the above...and I don't see complaining about any of the above being "bugged". Some people don't >like< the features, but that doesn't make it "bugged". I rather enjoy those features.

Some people :rolleyes:

Someone obviously is talking out of his ass right now. I suggest you put some time into reading several threads on the INF forums and paying attention to all the people whining in the chat box.

If these features aren't bugged then explain why several gamers are experiencing these problems;

Toggling between the 3 movements doesn't work properly. I'm not going to even get into details with this one. You have to play it to know why the hell this is messed up.
Leaning still causes some people to be invisible and also makes the leaners bullets fly into the wall he's leaning from although he’s got a very free view.

Why people’s weapons get stuck "into" walls causing them to be sitting ducks.

Inertia system is not balanced properly.
Example: Hold your sprint button and tap 1 forward, you move 2 steps. Now do the same procedure but tap backwards now. You step 5 steps backwards ok? These things need to be corrected.

Load out system- hahahahaha.. ok. It's obvious now that you don't play online. Perhaps you'll notice the ****ty and unbalanced money system INF uses. People are running around with 2-3 Primary weapons and a whole lot of other **** with a bulk of 50.
I thought this was realism eh?
Explain why a person can buy a Robar + M16 + Mp5...but can only afford a Psg and Pistol? Load out system is gay and needs to be fixed.

A player should have the ability to run quicker with a lighter load out than a person with 2-3 primary weapons. So eliminating the "magic speed boost" is another unrealistic feature.

The proning is the most useless feature implemented. The prone speed is not even close to how fast a real soldier would get down on the ground during combat situations.
If you want a good example of how proning should be go play Ghost Recon. They add a nice animation and realistic proning speed. Proning in INF is a 100% death wish.

Full control of weapons- That’s unique? haha try playing other realism shooters and notice everyone has the switch weapon mode feature.

The mounted turret guns are hardly in any maps. If they are, noone uses them since you can't get down to a iron sight view. Like proning, it's a useless feature. Nothing unique!

As for realistic damage, several other games such as the R6 series already introduced the 1 shot = kill damage system. INF's damage system is not unique. Take a look at the R6, RS and GR franchise. They have realistic damage. You shoot someone in the leg, he limps. You shoot his arm, he has a harder time aiming.
In INF you can shoot someone and he can still sprint away as if he wasn't even touched.

Distance sounds don't work optimal. If it were too be realistic, you would only be able to hear a weapon fire from a certain distance. In INF a person can snipe on EP and a person all the way across the map can hear it as if it was him firing. Same goes for the P90 suppressed or Mp5 suppressed. They make too much noise that can be heard from a far distance.

Footprints? Please take some Screenshots of the footprints because noones noticed this feature yet.

The wall weapons penetrations are bugged. take forexample ppl who can snipe with robars through bullet proof windows. Or ppl who can shoot through doors with P90s. Other weapons should have the ability to shoot through wooden doors. The P90 shooting through walls is also another bugged feature.


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
Time to tear apart a post ;)

Someone obviously is talking out of his ass right now.

I'm talking out of experience.

Toggling between the 3 movements doesn't work properly. I'm not going to even get into details with this one. You have to play it to know why the hell this is messed up.

It works perfectly for me. Maybe >you< need to read the posts and you'd see that you bind it to the Hold key, not the Toggle key.

Inertia system is not balanced properly.

You are right there. I myself have only had that on occaison-- and it can be stopped by doing a quick duck while moving backwards.

Leaning still causes some people to be invisible and also makes the leaners bullets fly into the wall he's leaning from although he’s got a very free view.

I'm pretty sure that leaning invisibility issue is graphics card related-- I've never gotten it. I've never even heard from friends, players in game, nor have experienced myself the bullets hitting crate issue.

The amount of money for those weapons are actually that much. The PSG really does cost that much. BUT-- I do agree with the multi-primary weapon issue ;) Hopefully that does get changed's kind of annoying to see a guy running around with a shotgun, robar, m16, and more ;) You do have a very valid point there, and I find that one of the biggest issues currently.

But do notice-- you do run slower with a heavier loadout, as your stamina is decreased. Lower stamina does decrease your speed.

Proning speed is fine if you are just snuggling into a nice position. And it's very usefull for cover. In a dangerous situation? I guess you didn't know you can dive into the prone position nearly instantly...

I'm only commenting off of the mods I've played for weapon switching-- I never saw it when I played CS and the few others I've played.

The mounted turrets I agree should be put in more levels. But that's a mappers problem, even for the custom user levels. For a good example of the weapons though, play Bulletcourt-- it has great placement of the mounted guns.

Again, I was only commenting on the damage system based on the mod's I've played. This time I was mainly comparing it to CounterStrike. But also notice-- we're talking about MODs here, not full games. They have more time and money to do little special things. And, they're working off their own engine usually. Keep it in perspective. You are right though-- it would be nice to be able to have them move slower when wounded. But alas, locational damage is a very hard thing to do with the UT system.

Not sure about that sound thing-- I play on a smaller map like Siberia and I can't hear people firing on the other side of the level. I'm on a SB Live! Value. You? Maybe it's my sound card.

The footprints are texture based. Go play DM-INF-Chasm and watch when you step in the snow.

The weapon penetration isn't bugged-- it's the levels themselves. There is no "flag" for something being bullet proof. The only way glass shatters is by setting it up as a mover and some other things in UnrealED. The INF penetration system operates off of wall length-- therefore if the glass is set too small by the mapper, certain weapons only can fire through it (like the one level with the window in the red spawn that can be shot through). What would be a nice new feature is an option to make a surface "Bullet Proof". It can be done already, but that's an extra step a mapper would have to take-- adding in a block projectile actor. But it's okay you don't know this-- only a mapper like me would understand these things ;)

Sorry if this seems like an Infiltration debate, but this is a MOD review site discussion board-- so it'd be about MODs, right? ;)


New Member
Apr 17, 2001
I'm talking out of experience.

Apparently your not experienced enough since you haven’t played enough online to actually notice these problems. Playing vs the bots offline does not make you “experienced”.

It works perfectly for me. Maybe >you< need to read the posts and you'd see that you bind it to the Hold key, not the Toggle key.

The option binding a movement key for the 3 different speeds was placed under the re-map menu. If a feature shown doesn’t work properly which was clearly made available for the user to reconfigure then it’s “bugged”.
You must be one of the special ones since you haven’t experienced the problems of actually switching between the different movement modes with the “hold” and “toggle” key. The majority of INF’ers that do play on a regular basis complain about it.

You are right there. I myself have only had that on occaison-- and it can be stopped by doing a quick duck while moving backwards.

Like I said, if it doesn’t work properly then it’s bugged. The user is not supposed to come up with alternative methods to tackle this problem. That’s not the way the game was designed to be played with us bending the rules the programmers provided us with.
It’s unbalanced and needs tweaking.

I'm pretty sure that leaning invisibility issue is graphics card related-- I've never gotten it. I've never even heard from friends, players in game, nor have experienced myself the bullets hitting crate issue.

I doubt it’s graphics card related as there have been several players with different hardware components that have complained about leaning-invisibility bug.

The amount of money for those weapons are actually that much. The PSG really does cost that much. BUT-- I do agree with the multi-primary weapon issue Hopefully that does get changed's kind of annoying to see a guy running around with a shotgun, robar, m16, and more You do have a very valid point there, and I find that one of the biggest issues currently.

You all complain about how gay money system is due to Counterstrike and how special INF is, ironic how INF also uses a money system.
Remove the money system and replace it with a simpler load out system such as seen from the R6 franchise.
1 Primary weapon, 1 pistol, 2 slots for extra ammo and frags.
Program solved and no load out abusing.

But do notice-- you do run slower with a heavier load out, as your stamina is decreased. Lower stamina does decrease your speed.

You run the same speed, only different is that your stamina runs out quicker if you use the sprint feature. However speed doesn’t differ.

Proning speed is fine if you are just snuggling into a nice position. And it's very usefull for cover. In a dangerous situation? I guess you didn't know you can dive into the prone position nearly instantly...

Obviously you haven’t played enough online to see how useless proning is. No one prones because your basically a sitting duck when you do it. Movement is very limited and it takes a extremely unrealistic time for someone to get up and down. Experienced players can’t be bothered to prone, only newbies do it until they start learning that’s the reason they keep getting ass raped.

I'm only commenting off of the mods I've played for weapon switching-- I never saw it when I played CS and the few others I've played.

Toggling between fire modes has been around since the realism shooter genres boomed in the market. INF is not special because you can switch to 3 burst.

The mounted turrets I agree should be put in more levels. But that's a mappers problem, even for the custom user levels. For a good example of the weapons though, play Bulletcourt-- it has great placement of the mounted guns.

The position of the turret guns in bulletcourt is useless. They are positioned in a open space with little cover close to the spawn areas. You can’t make use of it unless your team actually decided to base camp all together. The maps that have included turret guns are misplaced; they are basically useless and just decoration.

Again, I was only commenting on the damage system based on the mod's I've played. This time I was mainly comparing it to CounterStrike. But also notice-- we're talking about MODs here, not full games. They have more time and money to do little special things. And, they're working off their own engine usually. Keep it in perspective. You are right though-- it would be nice to be able to have them move slower when wounded. But alas, locational damage is a very hard thing to do with the UT system.

Take StrikeForce for example as a mod. They have implemented a damage system, which affects your aim and speed if you take hits to your legs or above your torso. An animation of limping and increased recoil after being hit isn’t so hard to implement since INF already can make prone animations and SF implemented a location damage system.

Not sure about that sound thing-- I play on a smaller map like Siberia and I can't hear people firing on the other side of the level. I'm on a SB Live! Value. You? Maybe it's my sound card.

This issue has already been disused and mentioned. It’s due to the limitations of UT’s sound engine.

The weapon penetration isn't bugged-- it's the levels themselves. There is no "flag" for something being bullet proof. The only way glass shatters is by setting it up as a mover and some other things in UnrealED. The INF penetration system operates off of wall length-- therefore if the glass is set too small by the mapper, certain weapons only can fire through it (like the one level with the window in the red spawn that can be shot through). What would be a nice new feature is an option to make a surface "Bullet Proof". It can be done already, but that's an extra step a mapper would have to take-- adding in a block projectile actor. But it's okay you don't know this-- only a mapper like me would understand these things

From a gamers point of view, if certain guns can penetration areas which they are not supposed too or where they should penetrate but don’t. Then the weapon penetration is bugged, as it is not working effectively the way laws of realism where designed which INF is trying to achieve. If the problem is so easy to solve for mappers just by taking a few extra steps then I strongly suggest you e-mail the INF mapping team to take these extra measures to balance gameplay.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Heyheyhey, this has been talked to death in our own forums. Let's leave Mod Squad in peace :D

Besides, most of these things, while bugged, are still unique and if handled right, do make things more interesting. You might want to try playing on AFA#2 for a little while...get the feeling of how INF is meant to be played.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by phatcat
mod squad ROCKS :)

I thought this was just intresting to share with the INF guys :D

at first I thought this was a huuuuuuge mistake, phatcat ;)

but it turned out to be a pretty good discussion overall.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by asmodeus
there's one simple reason for that... we rule:p

no, really.... what's the reason ;)



Master of Dagoth Lies
Feb 2, 2000
Chicago, IL
to heck with it....let's just start all over again....

Originally posted by modsquad
Why do so many people want to play realism mods when they are playing a game called UNREAL Tournament?

I mean how many of these realism mods do we need?
