Originally posted by Nemephosis
As long as people support garbage, garbage will be all that we're given. The new Infiltration comes out, with more tweaks, unoriginal weapons and bugs than before and everyone falls all over themselves downloading it.
Yeah, obviously since it's a fucking realism game they shouldn't use the guns that most militaries use! They should just make up laser-beam shooting OICW look-alikes, since people have
Meanwhile truly great mods like U4E and U4E Fortress get little to no recognition cause the mindless drones are all out playing Infiltration/SF/TO/CS/whatever.
Uh-huh. Because there has only been about 2,000 ultra-crazy weapons mods since quake
1. Obviously since someone decided to play a mod you don't like, and decide to not jump on YOUR bandwagon, they must be a mindless drone!!
"Oh I get to play a game with an MP5!" whoopdie-doo. I can go to a gun range with an MP5 and its the same thing.
Yeah, everyone can afford MP5's! Everyone lives in a country where MP5's are legal! Everyone has a gun license! Well, whoopdie-doo, I can get a large rambo-esque knife and stab people to death and it's the same thing as U4E! I can get a howitzer and gib people at will just like U4E!
Maybe if the unrealism mods had an MP5 and an AK47, people would download them. But then the people would ONLY be using the MP5 and AK47.
Yeah, it's called a fad, smart guy. A few years ago the fad was TFC clones. The quality games will survive and retain a small following, while the shitty clones will be rooted out. Besides, Infiltration is from before the whole "realism-craze". Maybe you should do your homework instead of just spouting inane bs?
realism lovers. I just wanna smack every one of them with a copy of Rainbow 6 and say "YOU'RE PLAYING UNREAL TOURNAMENT! WRONG GAME SUCKA!"
unrealism lovers. I just wanna smack every one of them with a large hammer and say "YOU KNOW MODIFICATIONS EDIT GAMES IN ANY WAY YOU PLEASE, SUCKA!".