I wouldn't be very surprised if it's Fortnite.
High Quality is the key words here. When has Epic ever shit anything out for the PC community that has been high quality since UT2k3/2k4? If you say UT3 then you need to wake the fuck up and get off the bandwagon.
There is a reason why people are being cautious about this.
The can't win, can they?
They make console games and people are bitching about them only making console exclusives. They announce a PC exclusive title and people bitch about it - even though they haven't even shown anything, yet...
The PC can't win, either. Epic ignored that their PC games were successful, but when a lousy port doesn't do well, they blamed piracy.
I'll be interested as long as it isn't another Unreal/UT game. The series has been butchered enough by now.
I wouldn't be very surprised if it's Fortnite.
And They must have realized PC gamers tend to complain too much
I've outlined in the past what I'd love to see for a new UT game: sub $20 price tag, TF2 level of post-game support/content, Unreal Editor support, and I wouldn't have an issue with a cash shop for cosmetic BS if they needed some supplemental income. Steam would be a massive bonus due to its great community features. Plus, with Steam Workshop going out of beta, that'd be a great way to support mods for the game and would solve a number of headaches for the community.
I'm guessing it'll be a MMORPG made by Epic's sudios in China/Korea in the WW3 genre... then again a relaunch of Unreal1 would be awesome
Another casualty of GFWL... I got a real kick out of this:
Epic. Please add this to your business plan.We made a PC version of Bulletstorm, and it didn't do very well on PC and I think a lot of that was due to piracy. It wasn't the best PC port ever, sure, but also piracy was a pretty big problem.
Copy/paste off a post i made on UnrealSP:
Unfortunately for the Unreal games Epic saw them largely as a dumping ground for their latest technical gizmos and didn't care much about making actual games. id Software is guilty of the same thing. Take for example the very loose connections between the two "Unreal" games. If they called Unreal II something else and made a few tweaks (i.e. removing the Skaarj cameos) a lot of people wouldn't probably realise it was even meant to be an Unreal game. That's how loose the series is.
I personally think that the chances of another Unreal/UT game being produced are very low at this point. Outside of hardcore gaming circles it's not particularly well know or successful. Almost every title in the 2000s reception was either mixed at best or a dissapointment, with UT2004 being the only one to really buck the trend.
The final nail in the coffin was probably when Gears of War 1 was released and turned out to be a huge success, far more than they had ever been able to achieve with any Unreal Tournament game. This probably led to a radical retool of UT3 while it was still in development, with a "war" story being dropped in and a general grimy/gritty atmosphere as Gears of War had it and people seemed to liked that, so they thought if UT3 had the same feel it would be popular too.
Funny that when Epic signed their deal with Midway originally they were contracted to produce three Unreal titles, with Unreal Championship being the first and Unreal Tournament 3 being the second. If they hadn't declared bankruptcy maybe Epic would've put out a third game. Of course (and I bet it was to Epic's delight) that didn't happen.
Epic seems more content with producing other games these days. If Epic really wants to make something like Unreal again they should just start over with a clean slate and forget the Unreal series ever happened. The Unreal series imo ended up being a bland mess of shooters that had little in common with one another and as a result I don't see another reason why they sould produce yet another bland soulless game to add to the pile.
Another casualty of GFWL... I got a real kick out of this:
Epic. Please add this to your business plan.
"Pretend like piracy doesn't exist."
Honestly, it will make your life better. Bulletstorm was a dang fun game, even on PC. Nobody wanted to buy it because everyone hates GFWL. Honestly. I'm not joking even a little bit. There are so few games that can get away with using GFWL, one of the only successful ones on PC is Batman. Yes, a game about one of the most popular comic book characters of all time managed to not utterly fail because of GFWL. Bulletstorm didn't match the profile.