It's a shame that 'Red Steel' looks like a game built exclusively for wiggers. Shame on Ubisoft.
What I'd really like is GRAW with that controller. Excuse me, 'Wii-mote'.
I did enjoy hearing that Quebecuois son-of-a-bitch saying "...and you can shoot gangsta-style..." though.
Completely unimpressed by the Revolution, as it stands. I suppose I'll have to wait until I try Zelda on it - but so far - it looks like 'Gamecube 1.5', as they say. Nothing terribly impressive by way of graphics (especially the lack of HD support). I would hope that the Revolution version of Zelda looks much better than the Gamecube.
'Metroid Prime 3' looks fucking awful, as expected. All of those games are bad. Some games should never leave the second dimension. Besides, why would you need a lock-on with that control scheme?
I did, however, pee my pants when I saw that you actually had to turn the lever next to the door to activate it. That's excellent. If they could come up with a realistic way to reload reapons and whatnot, that would be grand.
There's a lot of potential with that control scheme, but who knows if developers will actually take full advantage of it.
I must say, however, congrats to Konami, for making (what appears to be) the first awful 2D 'Castlevania' game. The animation in that game makes me cry. And what's the deal with the 'Wonder Twin Powers' shit?
Honestly, aside from the hot 'MGS4' trailer (we can only hope the gameplay isn't ass), the only things that have brought a smile to my face are:
-New Co-Op missions for GRAW
-Rainbow Six: Vegas
-Yoshi's Island 2
Well, the $600 price tag on the PS3 brought a smile to my face - but it was a different kind of smile.
Edit in response to Geo:
It's good to see that John Locke is playable in UT2k7.