Duke Nukem Forever Update

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New Member
Aug 21, 2004
Lets not forget the fact that HL2 sucked (my opinion) and that theres only about 20 people in Epic (i think :S)


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
I've been trying to be less flamey lately. And I rather like it, it pisses people off even worse and yet since I'm not the instigator, I don't get in trouble.

What can I say? The new me rules.

edit: One step ahead of you good buddy.
Jul 26, 2003
All i'm saying is, that saying DNF just wont come out is totally unfounded
I have nothing against the joking of it's development time. 8+ years is rather silly and funny, but means nothing.
-3DR have spent a lot of time and money into this game's development, they would have to release SOMETHING just at a chance to make back some of the money used over the last 8+ years.
-3DR have been hiring and employ developers, but have only been publishing/producing games recently (Max Payne and other Duke games made by other companies).
-3DR has a contract with Take 2 to deliver Duke Nukem Forever. Just shutting down would be incur the legal wrath of them. They aren't Infinium Labs and this isn't the Phantom ;) (3DR have credability)

The end.


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Oct 2, 2002
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In the last thread about this someone suggested they could make a duke mod before this game is ever released. The more I think about it the more it seems like a good idea. What better publicity could a mod have than to be labeled as the duke game that was made in a fraction of the dnf time, all the mags and sites would mention it.

Course it couldn't be called duke. It'd have to be called Raoul Duke Nuclear, Fear and aliens in las vegas.


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Oct 2, 2002
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Yeah, I saw that, but I reiterate...
Caravaggio said:
Course it couldn't be called duke. It'd have to be called Raoul Duke Nuclear, Fear and aliens in las vegas.

And if they still talk ****, say it's based on everyone's favorite californian governor. As if duke had an original muscle in his head.

Too bad though, they had some good looking level remakes for that mod. It kind of makes me wonder if they don't plan on doing something with duke3d. Maybe they're planning to release it free with dnf?