Dreamcast maps?

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Xan the Man

New Member
Jul 26, 2008
Ok, here is a list of what I found so far:

Sorayama, loathing, core, brickyard, hood (DM here, DOM in DC version), coagulate (DM here, DOM in original version): http://download.beyondunreal.com/search.php (type in dm-ps2).

Spacenoxx and a few others are in the inoxx map pack. I'm sure most people here have that.

DM-Flux- Apparently lots of people want this one. Pretty close to the original. i think the shadow effects are a little off though. http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=7031

Sector 9- http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks.php/nalicity/utdm/dm-sector-9.zip

Block Party (although I cannot get it to work)- http://www.mapraider.com/maps/?fileid=419

The key ones I am looking for now are canyon fear, singularity, and industrial. Ive found maps called singularity and industrial, but they arent the console map.
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Xan the Man

New Member
Jul 26, 2008
In Dreamcast they were domination....

Apparently that blockparty needs rocketarena to work. Anywhere anyone know of where you can get it without rocket arena?


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Great, thanks for the find, I will try these.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Btw, is dm-flux really that close to original? I've heard it had some skaarj like shield around it and there's nothing like taht in this version. Anyway all these levels (except the two or so that were based on the rocketarena versions) are remade from scratch by hand, that means they can't be exactly same, anyway lol that person didn't know how to make bots impact hammer jump on top of the amplifier box at sector 9 map, he said at ps2 version they jumped up there or something. edit: (or not i mistaken that with flux, anyway bot pathing is poorly done anyway at all these levels here)
However I find the levels boring, I don't beleive the original ps2 levels were that boring perhaps.
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Jan 20, 2008
Yeah, it's pretty close to the original. Although the former had better lighting (green and more refined) and the skybox used the green liquid one of the Mothership. The Redeemer was never supposed to exist as well.

The layout is the same anyway.


kittens give Morbo gas
Aug 11, 2008
DM-Flux- Apparently lots of people want this one. Pretty close to the original. i think the shadow effects are a little off though. http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=7031
Judging from the screenshots here the both the lighting, proportions and the background effects are wrong. I once remade this map for the pc years ago, strolling through the PS2 version of Flux, drawing every single corner out and even counting the amount of times the floor texture repeated in a hallway to get the geometry and proportions as close to the original as it could possibly get. I never got the sound right, though. I strongly suspect it were the wood creaking sounds pitched at a very low level but still it didn't sound entirely like the original. Unfortunately I lost this map because daddy decided to format the entire hard disc without warning me :mad:

I have UT still installed, so I could check this map out and modify it to fit the original more closely.
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Xan the Man

New Member
Jul 26, 2008
I noticed flux isn't exactly identical to the original. It seems bigger somehow. Also, as I mentioned, the lighting effects and coloring seem a bit off. The music is also wrong in this, seeing how the tune used in phobos was in the original version. Still, better than nothing.


kittens give Morbo gas
Aug 11, 2008
Just downloaded Flux, and it definitely doesn't use Foregone. Instead, it uses some worthless crap track called "So_Deep". The track is wrong, the geometry in this map is wrong, the proportions are wrong, the lighting is wrong, the background effects are wrong, the weapons and item placement is wrong, the sound effects are non-existant and thus wrong, just about everything in this map is wrong. I'll see if I can dive into this map and do a real remake when I have time next week.
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Jan 20, 2008
Would be really cool :tup:

But already thumbs up for what you've already done. It has been cool playing Flux on the PC.


kittens give Morbo gas
Aug 11, 2008
Thanks UBerserker :)

Ok, so I have been looking into these maps (not only Flux, but I decided to check out all of the maps that have been ported from the PS2). Flux clearly needs the biggest overhaul, I've already added sound effects and did the skybox. While the other maps are practically perfect in terms of scaling, there are still many mistakes the author made and I'm busy correcting as much of them as possible. I'm already done with DM-Core and I'm keeping a changelog. I'll post the Core changelog here so you'll have an idea of what exactly I'm doing with these maps:
-Removed 'PS2_' tag (two reasons: one because I'm allergic to tags, and two because I want the maps to feel as authentic as possible)
-Preview screenshot matches PS2 version
-Corrected texturing
-Elevator moving speed and sound matches PS2 version
-Elevator no longer kills players
-Corrected elevator geometry to match the PS2 version
-Corrected geometry so the player doesn't get stuck trying to run up the slope in the room with the glass floor
-Improved brush work (removed more than 100 obsolete brushes, corrected brushes that came off the grid)
-Improved zoning (added ZoneInfo's)
-Dramatically improved lighting
-Added sound to match the PS2 version
I've even asked Cliff yesterday if he could provide a list with the official authors of these levels, but I doubt he'll reply to that.

I'm considering to port DOM-Osiris and perhaps CTF-Stormfront after I'm done correcting the other levels. I also considered doing DM-CayonFear but unless I learn how to import low-poly models from Maya PLE to UnrealEd 2.0 brushes this will be impossible, I'm afraid. If I could, I'd release all them in a mappack but unfortunately I don't have any webspace to upload them to.
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kittens give Morbo gas
Aug 11, 2008
I remember that in the PS2 version, Core's elevator doesn't kill you if you're crushed.
Whoops, I knew there was something missing in that changelog :rolleyes:
So yes, that has been fixed as well :)

Never liked UT2004 either (well I did, until I started to see how alienated it was from UT). It's not even fun to map for it since you always have to blow the scale way out of proportion because of the radical player movement.
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kittens give Morbo gas
Aug 11, 2008
All right, then I don't have to work on that one ;)
Yeah, counting bricks or texture repetitions can be a real pain in the *** to do, but to me it seems like a fairly bulletproof way to get the scale on your map right.