I'm sorry to contribute to a thread which should have been long buried, but I need to just say a few words about Eric's post. The main thing is that allthough suggestions are being considered, it's not we, the community, who dictates what features or whatever should be in the game. The team consists of enthusiasts who make whatever they want to see in a game, not what others outside the team tells them to incorporate.
Yes, suggestions are considered and even implemented, like Domino's 1911 and Keganator's lean with reset. Just don't expect anything and everything you suggest to be automagically implemented. Basically, if the team think your idea is a good idea, there's a chance you'll see it ingame. Bare sånn at du vet hvor landet ligger, as we would say in Norway
(First one outside Europe to figure out the meaning of that last sentance gets a hot date with my butt ugly new neighbour).
And for the record: Yes, the team
does in fact keep an eye on this part of the forums.