Do you want Epic Games to hear your feedback?

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The World's Favorite Flak Monkey
Feb 26, 2004
BC, Canada

I just found out I'm banned at Epic's forums too (yet another "some random troll") and I don't even remember posting over there recently! The last thing I remember posting there was some months ago agreeing with hal for one reason or another.

Edit. Yup. My last post there was 11-05-2007 in a thread about someone remaking DM-Under, and I said not to remake it unless something was done about the very long lines of sight since that were the main issue with the map. My posts before that were on 10-18-2007 in agreement with hal that UT2003/4 were originally console games, just as I said.

It appears that I got banned there for voicing my opinion over here.

Epic can go f**k themselves. Seriously. I don't even know why a few of them are pretending to care about their community -- they obviously do not.

wow you got banned for posting here...

personally i really like the i am happy :) (i had to buy a new vid card to get happy but eh...) but if i had to change one thing... it would be the menus
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New Member
Jul 9, 2002
The Netherlands
Guys, this thread isn't for actual feedback on the game. You can do that (good or bad) in any thread, provided you act like a reasonable person.

I'm a little bit confused now. I thought this topic was for giving feedback about UT3 like i did a couple of posts before?

If not then i have misread the beginning of the topic :)

Gr Fragger


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I don't know any practical reasons why it is missing, but there is no code in the game that would show them.


Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
Perhaps hijacking a thread such as this to discuss frustration on another forum perfectly illustrates the actual problem.

great observation - it really does (if i get ya right) i mean seriously, the whole point of this thread (i thought) was hal trying to give everyone a tip on how to get heard by Epic (and almost more importantly, how NOT to get heard)!

but, some ppl are so self absorbed that their witty insightful comments just have to be inserted in every thread or complaint(despite the fact that most of these offending comments are overly agressive, insulting, flames, repititive, angry, over the top, etc.)... and if a message was deleted or they were banned it must be because the powers that be have it in for them and all their friends and family, or that "they" (moderators, developers, 'the man')just dont get it because they are too square, too stupid or just dont care... not cause someone broke the rules, or behaved badly - coudlnt be!

give me a freakin break. theres a way to address other human beings and theres a way to get your point across without being an asshat. sure we all have had passionate moments and said things we wish we could take back, but for the most part, if you act reasonably human and dont fling too many personal insults consistantly, you generally wont find yourself explaining (complaining about) why you were banned or mistreated so unfairly in another forum. and tbh, most of those 'explanations' just make ya look even worse. alot of us take our forums and online stuff seriously and thats great, but believe me, mods have better things to do than get their jollies by banning ppl. enjoy your games, enjoy your forums, be passionate about them, but fer xans sake, play nice and everyone will have alot more fun ;)
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Nali Wardog
Feb 4, 2008
What a sleepy sermon...

Why are many here acting like Epic Games were some sort of Vatican City.
Holy smokes! They are developing games not religion.
Nobody is commiting a sacrilege if he criticize them neither in their forum nor here or wherever.

If they don't like it to be criticized in their forum, they are arrogant or anxious or both.
No problem is solved by deleting threads and no bug is fixed by banning (paying) players.
And for sure I do not mean players who broke forum rules.

However they can behave just as they like and everyone can support the companies he likes.
So you can cherish the illusion to get heared, but don't forget none so deaf as those that will not hear.



New Member
Aug 31, 2005
Warshington State
If they don't like it to be criticized in their forum, they are arrogant or anxious or both.
No problem is solved by deleting threads and no bug is fixed by banning (paying) players.
And for sure I do not mean players who broke forum rules.
Actually, it does solve problems. It weeds out idiots and flamers, and leaves people who have something constructive to say.

There's a big difference between not wanting to be criticized and not wanting to hear people flaming them and going on rants, fits, and tantrums of crying and whining, which there have been alot of.

I'm sure they are perfectly willing to listen to people who are reasonable. I have 6 year old nieces who throw fits all the time, and frankly I don't want to listen to them either.
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Комиссар Гробут
Oct 27, 2004
Soviet Denmark
I'm sure they are perfectly willing to listen to people who are reasonable.

I have seen countless threads vanish that didn't have one single flame, troll, whine or tantrum in them, just people calmly disgussing the problems of the game and what could be done to fix it.
You dont have to act like an idiot to get a thread deleted over there, you just have to say something other than blind praise of the game, thats enough, that can get threads purged.

If it was just flamers and trollers that got banned or got their threads deleted, nobody would care, not one bit, but there's actually a good reason why people critisize how things are handled over there.


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
I have never seen or heard of a person getting banned that didn't break one of the forum rules. Well, T2A' may be the one exception, if his claim is true. But, I have seen a few seemingly harmless threads get closed and sent to the "Nevermore" place for no apparent reason. Honestly, except for the starters of those closed/deleted "harmless" threads and maybe a few participants who may have actually taken the time and effort to make eloquent postings, the removal of those threads really don't have any significant impact on the overall health of the forums. Remember, we are talking about a forum in which most readers will only visit page 1, and it usually takes only a few hours for any topic to get pushed to page 2.


Registered Coder
Mar 12, 2004
The Netherlands
I personally find the amount of locking and deleting amazing. Example: when the gamespy server was down, a thread was made in which the creator kindly addressed the issue and a couple of people confirming it. Not a foul word spoken, a moderator posts "we're gonna look into it" and closes the thread.

Doing that is not necessary for any reason. Its a valid thread, no user misbehaved but the thread is still locked. The only thing I can then think of is that they don't want people to see something is wrong, ie hiding any screwups.


Jul 24, 2005
I personally find the amount of locking and deleting amazing. Example: when the gamespy server was down, a thread was made in which the creator kindly addressed the issue and a couple of people confirming it. Not a foul word spoken, a moderator posts "we're gonna look into it" and closes the thread.

Doing that is not necessary for any reason. Its a valid thread, no user misbehaved but the thread is still locked. The only thing I can then think of is that they don't want people to see something is wrong, ie hiding any screwups.

Actually it makes sense since the problem has been stated and they are now looking in to it. Any additional posts are not going to have any importance to the topic whatsoever.
I know I had a thread locked there awhile back. It was basiclly a PSA, letting people know to NOT buy anything from the website. I got ripped off, and the site isn't actually anything anymore. You can order your action figures (of Unreal) but you won't ever get anything, thus it's like a scam site.


Jul 24, 2005
People do understand the difference between locked and deleted right? In a locked thread the discussion is over and it is left there for reference, a deleted thread is something that had no place in the forums to begin with.


Where does it hurt?
Apr 28, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Has anyone had any experience on a 64 player Warfare server yet? The one that gives me good ping invariably runs fine till the player count reaches > 40. Then it starts to stutter and eventually will crash. Not sure if it's the game, the server or the band width taking the fall. Often will happen on the smaller maps with concentrated action but larger maps such as Torlan are not immune. I suspect it the game's net code taking the hit.


Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
^^^ Way to change the direction the thread has been heading .. lol. :) I like that ... GJ.


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
CTF-Omicron BONG
I have never seen or heard of a person getting banned that didn't break one of the forum rules. Well, T2A' may be the one exception, if his claim is true.

I have seen scores, and scores of good people get banned for NOTHING, or verry little, and the biggest issues in it all, is NOBODY ever seems to get so much as a warning,and I am not talking about myself, cause noob IP bans don't work on me anyhow. I know alot of good people who have gotten banned over there. The problem is VERY apparent. Just look at the threads over here pertaining to the subject.

I never thought 3-4 years ago that I'd EVER see this.:y5:

I know I had a thread locked there awhile back. It was basiclly a PSA, letting people know to NOT buy anything from the website. I got ripped off, and the site isn't actually anything anymore. You can order your action figures (of Unreal) but you won't ever get anything, thus it's like a scam site.

I have 2 in packages, and one opened I'd all be willing to sell. Shipping is your burden.....Domina, and Damarus carded, and Gorge is opened...lowerd price for him.....Pm me...make me an offer (shipping $ not included in offer). THis would also give you a falk cannon, a Shock Rifle, and a Rocket Launcher. The RL is too small for Gorge though, but would fit the others better. I thought of posing Damarus with RL, and Gorge with Falk, but...again, all but one are unopened.
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