So, now I think its time to present my first map here too. It is a little Deathmatch map for 1on1 or 2on2. As said, it is my first map, so I'm not a genius at floorplanning or weapon and powerup placement.
It was very important for me to make everything by myself, means everything is done by myself. Meshs, textures, all by me. Except the one waterfall coming from above the floor, thats epicstuff. Rest is selfmade. Learned so much by making this map.
Working on it now since middle december and think it's near finished. But lighting is not the best. Thats where I have close to 0 experience and have to learn alot, especially how to get what effect. Just got to practice.
Yeah, so... some concept I drew for lighting first of all, but never got really close to it. Just don't really know how.
Have so much more scribbles, but too lazy to scan and most are just there fixing ideas.
Ya, now to the screenshots, no one loads a map without screenshots:
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Comments and critics are very much appreciated. Thanks for the attention spent,
It was very important for me to make everything by myself, means everything is done by myself. Meshs, textures, all by me. Except the one waterfall coming from above the floor, thats epicstuff. Rest is selfmade. Learned so much by making this map.
Working on it now since middle december and think it's near finished. But lighting is not the best. Thats where I have close to 0 experience and have to learn alot, especially how to get what effect. Just got to practice.
Yeah, so... some concept I drew for lighting first of all, but never got really close to it. Just don't really know how.
Have so much more scribbles, but too lazy to scan and most are just there fixing ideas.
Ya, now to the screenshots, no one loads a map without screenshots:
~~~ Download ~~~
Comments and critics are very much appreciated. Thanks for the attention spent,