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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
I also love realism stlye .. But its a game and a game needs to retain its fun element

And realism can only go so far .. for eg:mad: weapon colision .. good idea except .. that the human arm can move in many differant directions and angles to move fast through an area full of obsticals ..However Infiltration Can never achive this

I would like to see a key that you could press that would pull your weapon in close to your chest and then have no weapon colision while in this mode .. for fast movment through tight areas

Also .. with missions .. Cant u choose to take only a primary weapon and no back pack or extra things u dont need for that mission .. thus giveing u a much faster movment speed

Im sure that in some situations it makes sence not to load your troops with extra bagadge

If i was in a team of units on a mission im sure we would need supplys .. however once close to our target i feel it would make sence to drop extra equipment ( maybe hide it ) then perform the assult with as light a load as possible ? .. (i think this is included right ? :) )

And isnt it fair to asume we are fully trained units who know how to aim a weapon this dose not need to be so difficult IMO .. Having said that i dont know what its gonna be like yet .. so i will wait to see whats what :)

Anyway .. I play Vannila still . But im Very much looking forward to 2.9
Im Certian It will make Clan Wars Very much more Exciteing
I just hope there is still enough Speed to retain the fun element on Public servers :)
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New Member
Oct 22, 2002
Further to Spookies suggestion, and it may already be implemented but here goes....

In many of the EAS mission we have an "attacking/assault" force and a "defending" force, in real situations, the attacking force would have limited supplies but the defending force would probably have access to extra ammunition, of course once these "ammo" stores have been captured then there is always the possibility of the atttacking force having the option to "Stock-up" providing the ammo was compatible!

I think that in longer more tense games this would add a certain extra level of tension with the attacking force having to be much more carefull with supplies!


MP_Clan member
Sep 16, 2000
[C22]-SpOOky said:
And isnt it fair to asume we are fully trained units who know how to aim a weapon
Is it? isnt it fair to make a game that requires players to learn skills instead of give them to the player, and thus resulting in a game that has a reason to practise?

[C22]-SpOOky said: this dose not need to be so difficult IMO ..
^^ So no IMO ;)


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
You can hardly relate learning to move a mouse in a certain way... to training to use a weapon .

And if u can .. The army would not send out troops who dont know how to fire their weapon onto missions to recover an important data cd .. would they :lol:



MP_Clan member
Sep 16, 2000
Very true, but why does that directly mean no learning at all is required to play a game?
I never stated that its good practise for any soldier wanna be or amatuer shooter, however that does not dismiss the fact that INF (specially with the ra mutators) requires practise and skill to be good at, instead of that just anyone can come in and be as good as the experienced players when it comes to being able to snipe or shoot someone.


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
IMO experienced players have more than just good mouse control :)
So Makeing it hard to shoot the gun is unrealistic since most missions are undertaken by people who have training in fireing a weapon ;) :D


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
- to get your weapon out of the way to avoid collision simply switch to hip mode
- aiming using the iron sights IS easy... ok not as easy as using a crosshair but I guess you know the answer to this already ;)
- in INF you choose your loadout and so you define your maximum speed and stamina by the amount of bulk you are carrying. In 2.9 the backpack is only added to the model if a certain amount of bulk was reached. So you define yourself fully this way.
- Dropping equipment to pick it back up later on is possible too but needs an option for the weapon and ammo lifespan to be taken in mind. The dropped equipment will vanish after the defined amount of seconds. If zero then the pickups will not vanish anymore.
- Adding equipment to a map and combine it with EAS mission objectives is possible of course. In some of the 2.9 maps you will find ammo and weapons at specific places that you can pick up during the mission. Most placed for the defending team of course but some are available even to the attacking team during the mission after pushing back the defenders for example.



New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Visit site
Don't have much to add except it is good to hear you guys talking about continuing Infiltration, heh. There are already some cool mods out for it like Red Orchestra, but certainly not as many as I expected to be out. The engine seems very mod friendly though so here is hoping the process is... more streamlined (?) than the UT INF process was.


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
Dam i wish we could have a pair of binoculars .. would not really add to your bulk .. but would be nice to take a small arms with binoculars .

At my age you need all the help you can get :nag:


The Golden Spear
Sep 20, 2003
Wijk bij Duurstede
Visit site
thats clool ive first exp that in q3 bfp nnow on ut2003 phoow i think i need that game .i still hope there will be full atention at ut v. i do think that ugys have allready taken ut to the maxx couse the original had ownley so much potential .. hmm this all wont work on the demo ehh ...


It hurts.
Oct 6, 2000
This is brilliant. I should stop in more often. Keep up the great work Beppo and Co.

Joel 'Razorflower' Bailey


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Vega-don said:
i am personnaly neutral about something like that.
i don't own UT 2003 so i can't test it.(no way i buy this crap :D )

i played operation flashpoint, and this system is not realy important in my eyes.
i don't realy notice it ingame, i focus on the sights of my M16 :D
but, maybe this system would make animations easier to create, and in this case that would deff be a good point.

to conclude , i think that what the INF team should focus with the UT2003 port

1-to remake a gameplay as good as 2.9 is supposed to be ;)

2-to make better maps,with big open areas... with all open buildings, higher buildings (why not imagine snipers on the 15th floor firing at soldiers on the groud ) , more interraction with the envirronement like lifts, ability to burn things (imagine , burning a terrain to make cover harder , or burning a floor to make ennemies suffocate). firing through doors and walls .. i have many many ideas for inf- ut 2003 :D

Ditto! Port the game to 2004 and open up the maps!