Hello there all, I'm sorry for just coming outta the woodworks. I'm a JB player and Hide, I waned to say that I have always been a fan of your work. I have every model you've ever done for UT2004 and let me say, I love every one of em. Let's cut to the chase though. You said those screens were first made for a loading screen, and that idea isn't all that bad. I was going to request and/or suggest, either way you look at it is fine, if you could or would be willing to make a loading screen pack using those shot right there. The shots are perfect coding them into a loading screen pack could be a quick and easy project. I understand you are a busy man, I mean hey you have to be the most prestigious modeler out there, with lots of people coming to you with requests, but this project, I believe, would be quick and definately well worth it. I thank you for you time and ear.