Such a pitty, but due my shifts not time whatsoever.
But one question though ... We are running demorec as server mutator, so it is running all the time ..
Also, I am running the mutator ownage (I explain in a minute). In the ini of this mutator you can setup a clan-tag, like in our case ]-=UTW=-[
Now, when a player joins with this clan tag in the name, it says "ownage" (can be disabled) and it displays not just the small "Blabla joined the game" but also in big blue letter above the weapon bar. So it is easy to recognize when a clan members joins.
So, my actuall question : Is there a way to make a switch in demorec which does actually the same ? So that the mutator does not have to run all the time, nor has to be switched on manually but is starting automatcily when a player with a specific clan tag is joining ?
Also: Ok, we can create a database with the playernames, but will be a way to name the file as in UTComp ? (Sorry if this question has been answered already)