Damnation Goes Retail

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Aug 17, 1999
Visit site
I'm buying it just for the fact that it shows some bottom-boob. :)

oh, and I played the mod for UT2K4, it was cool. Little unoriginal, but fun and they had some nice artwork if I recall.
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Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
Where did you hear this? The mod was really good (played it again about a month ago) and it would be a real shame if they got rid of the people who did it in the first place...

It's true and the company explained it already ... I'll see if I can find the link ...

Edit: Here is it is:


03-24-2005, 07:13 AM
Hey everyone,
Just thought I'd pop in and respond to some of the speculation about Damnation.


Originally posted by hal
Unfortunately, it was designed as a three level demo for a concept they hoped would be picked up, and it seems that development has ceased.

This is mostly true. Our goal was to make a prototype for a game with which we could launch a new development studio. When we were originally looking around at licensed engines, Mark Rein himself suggested that we enter the MSUC.

At this point, we have tested out most of the gameplay concepts that will be going into the final game and are satisfied with the prototype. Certainly, there are many problems with it, but that fact that the mod allowed us to identify those problems and see how people in the mod community reacted to them is all we really wanted.

The feedback from everyone here has been absolutely invaluable. We have listened to everything that has been said about Damnation and I assure you that you will see drastic changes to the final game based on your suggestions, comments, and complaints. Development of the full game continues and is planned for a next-generation release.


Originally posted by Angel_Mapper
Actually from what I heard the company that was responsible for the mod "fired" all the people working on it after the MSUC and are outsourcing it to another company to be turned into a commercial game.

It is always hard to make decisions like the ones we were forced to make at the end of the mod development period. We learned a lot about what it would take to make a stellar game, and the development structure we had built up over the course of the mod was not going to be conducive to that goal. Five contractors were not asked to continue as we moved into full production. It was a very hard decision and we did everything we could to try to find a way to fit them into the team, but, ultimately, it didn't work out.

That said, I would like it to be known that everyone currently on the team in-house worked on the mod. No-one who was working in-house at Blue Omega Entertainment on the mod project was let go. We have kept certain contractors from the mod on as well, and we have brought still others in-house. This is not to say that the people who we did not bring in-house were any less talented than those we did. We simply could not find a way to integrate them into what we saw as being a viable development team for the final game.

Making smart busniess decisions can be very painful. Believe me, we would have liked to keep everyone on. But at the same time, we are a tiny, inexperienced, 3rd-party development studio just opening up on the East coast at a time when game development as a whole is being crushed and consolidated by industry giants. If we don't keep our focus on the business aspects of the company, we'll never survive to ship our first title.

Anyway, I want to sincerely thank everyone who has contributed to the mod, including everyone on the forums who has given us feedback. If Damnation succeeds, it will we because of the people we met through the mod community. I urge you to continue to post your thoughts about Damnation. Everything you write will help us to make a better game in the end ."
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Moar Pie!
Jan 21, 2008
Bern CH
Hm, that sounds like an awful lot of marketing speak to me, I don't understand a word of that mumbo jumbo. Anybody experienced with marketing-to-English translations care to elaborate?


Registered Monkey
Mar 20, 2004
Inna Jungle
Letting go some mod team members does sound like a tough call, but its great to see a mod get to production.

On the website I (didn't) read:
With up to three hours of actual gameplay stretching out in front of them per level, players will need more than just muscle power to get across each level safely.
Three hours? Uh. That's painfully short. Is this a typo?
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Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
^^^ Three hours per level ... Short? Are you kidding me ... that is very long these days. If the game has five levels then you are looking at 15 hours of gameplay and for a game like this that would be great if they can really pull that off. Usually shooters these days can be finished in 6-8 hours on normal difficulty setting ... some shooters give you 10 hours but if you want longer than that you usually have to crank the game up to the highest difficulty and even then some folks still finish in less than 12 hours.


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
replace the word "designers" with "marketers" or "suits" and i'll agree....

I'll pass. Its time marketers got over the need to use SkimpyBabes to sell something. They should realise that great content is what makes a great game. A few bits of woman flesh doens't distract from a crap game.

Enough already on that, regardless the lads are doing a fine job. Hope it all goes well for them.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I think you're possibly overestimating the intent of the character design. I very much doubt that the scantily clad female is the result of a marketing guy saying "must show under-boobage" and more a product of a character design artist saying "hey, this design looks pretty cool". Athletic men and women dressed in minimal garb has been a staple of science fiction and fantasy art way before any marketing person was likely even born.
