damaging fire?

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Techno JF

He Who Has Powerful Words
Put a Trigger in the fire. Give it a RepeatTriggerTime of 1 second. Make the Trigger set off a SpecialEvent actor that you have put somewhere in your map. The SpecialEvent actor's state should be "DamageInstigator." You should also specify an amount of damage to cause in the SpecialEvent's properties. For a little extra effect, you could even set the DamageType to 'burning.'

i hope this makes sence... theres probably a better (smarter) way of doing this but im a friggin n0ob so i think i came up with a pretty damn good way to do this that gets the job done for you.

you have your area where your flame is... now creat a HOLLOW cube that envelops the flame (the inside, or 'hollow' part of the cube completely surrounds the flame)

now dont hit 'add' hit 'add special brush'

on the menu that pops up click 'non-solid' and 'invisible'

then add it... now select all OUTER surfaces of the hollow, invisible cube and under surface properties set those surfaces to portal.

rebuild to make sure that the inside of the hollow cube is now a new zone

add a lava zone inside the hollowness, set its damage properties to lower... we dont need to die after a few seconds... we like a slow burn;) i guess just enuff to make the bastard jump out of the flame

rebuild and test it! LEMME KNOW IF IT WORKED!
p.s. (i really appreciate all the input on my map you gave me!)



Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
lol, I think you didn't read this ;)

Originally posted by TechnoArcher
Put a Trigger in the fire. Give it a RepeatTriggerTime of 1 second. Make the Trigger set off a SpecialEvent actor that you have put somewhere in your map. The SpecialEvent actor's state should be "DamageInstigator." You should also specify an amount of damage to cause in the SpecialEvent's properties. For a little extra effect, you could even set the DamageType to 'burning.'

Techno JF

He Who Has Powerful Words
Don't be too hard on him, Bot_40. I think he is asking for an explanation of how it works. I'll provide it in this post.

A SpecialEvent actor can do many things, depending on its state. With the DamageInstigator state, it will injure whatever creature, player, or bot triggers it.

As for the Trigger, it's just a case of someone touching the Trigger to make to trigger its event. However, the RepeatTriggerTime value of 1 second means "the Trigger will keep triggering its event every 1 second until whatever is touching it has left." This is so that the player will continue to take damage every second he stands in the fire, and he won't stop taking damage until he leaves.

While the aforementioned LavaZone method would appropriately cause damage, it just has too many other inconveniences. First, a LavaZone is fluidic, so the player would be able to swim through it instead of walking through it. Second, I believe it would be completely visible as a LavaZone; there would be no way to disguise it, which defeats the purpose of decorating it with a fire. ;)


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
don't do the zone portal thing. It is way bad and newbish. use the trigger method. for an example, look at AS-Overlord when you hit the barbed wire. the specialevent has to be triggered by another trigger to work i think.
ok... sorry i posted the zone idea... i am a newbie. i admited it in my post:(

i even said theres porbably a better way... i just read his question and fired up UED to figure out a way... thats all... my way worked... and it doesnt show up as a lava zone... you can see the flame... (zones dont show their color... red, blue, whatever utill you enter them right?) and if the zone was as small as the flame the player wouldnt see much but the flame and the smoke from him burning up...) anyhow... my idea was lame, i admit that... i also admit that im a newbie who A.) is glad that theres a more professional way of doing that and B.) thinks Bot_40 REALLY knows his stuff!!!!!!! ive been reading alot of threads and that darned bot_40 has all the answers.... id like to see a map or two of his...


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by RigorMortis
ok... sorry i posted the zone idea... i am a newbie. i admited it in my post:(

i even said theres porbably a better way... i just read his question and fired up UED to figure out a way... thats all... my way worked... and it doesnt show up as a lava zone... you can see the flame... (zones dont show their color... red, blue, whatever utill you enter them right?) and if the zone was as small as the flame the player wouldnt see much but the flame and the smoke from him burning up...) anyhow... my idea was lame, i admit that... i also admit that im a newbie who A.) is glad that theres a more professional way of doing that and B.) thinks Bot_40 REALLY knows his stuff!!!!!!! ive been reading alot of threads and that darned bot_40 has all the answers.... id like to see a map or two of his...

Hey, don't be so hard to yourself! I only now realized about that other way, I've tried the zone thing in an older unreleased map... :)
BTW why not just use a standard ZoneInfo and enable "bDamageZone" or whatever? Or with LavaZones you could switch off ScreenFlash & Fog as well as bWaterZone, and there's the same result. (I hope...)


waiting for the worms
Jul 13, 2001
not far enough
idea 4 fire

A kewl thing 2 do with fires is to add a kicker to make the player jump up and down

smoke never hurts either.

u could also try setting a dispatcher to hurt the player several times whenever they set the trigger (so that they'll burn a little after they get out of the fire. after all, fires don't go out instantly.)


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Re: idea 4 fire

Originally posted by cdeaconu
A kewl thing 2 do with fires is to add a kicker to make the player jump up and down

smoke never hurts either.

u could also try setting a dispatcher to hurt the player several times whenever they set the trigger (so that they'll burn a little after they get out of the fire. after all, fires don't go out instantly.)

Wow, that's some pretty cool ideas
/me makes mental note ;)

Call me Erdrik

Arch Mage
Nov 24, 1999
Spring Hill, FL, USA
hee hee Bot_40, you being of pretty famous in these here parts ;)

if you'd like to see some of Bots maps goto www.planetunreal.com/ucz and goto the links section. his web page is linked there :)

I suggest CTFStoneForts, CTFLostValley, DMKyro, DMCryptic][, and DOMElements.

those are the only ones of his Ive played(Im a 'hater of Realism', but based on what Ive played his other maps should rock as well :) )