i have a lot of fire that can be walked/jumped through on my new map. its not realistic if you see some one camping in a fire now is it? how can i make these fires cause damage???
um, care to explain it in detailOriginally posted by Bot_40
Just use the trigger method, tried and tested (by me![]()
Originally posted by TechnoArcher
Put a Trigger in the fire. Give it a RepeatTriggerTime of 1 second. Make the Trigger set off a SpecialEvent actor that you have put somewhere in your map. The SpecialEvent actor's state should be "DamageInstigator." You should also specify an amount of damage to cause in the SpecialEvent's properties. For a little extra effect, you could even set the DamageType to 'burning.'
Originally posted by RigorMortis
...Bot_40 REALLY knows his stuff!!!!!!!...
Originally posted by RigorMortis
ok... sorry i posted the zone idea... i am a newbie. i admited it in my post![]()
i even said theres porbably a better way... i just read his question and fired up UED to figure out a way... thats all... my way worked... and it doesnt show up as a lava zone... you can see the flame... (zones dont show their color... red, blue, whatever utill you enter them right?) and if the zone was as small as the flame the player wouldnt see much but the flame and the smoke from him burning up...) anyhow... my idea was lame, i admit that... i also admit that im a newbie who A.) is glad that theres a more professional way of doing that and B.) thinks Bot_40 REALLY knows his stuff!!!!!!! ive been reading alot of threads and that darned bot_40 has all the answers.... id like to see a map or two of his...
Originally posted by cdeaconu
A kewl thing 2 do with fires is to add a kicker to make the player jump up and down
smoke never hurts either.
u could also try setting a dispatcher to hurt the player several times whenever they set the trigger (so that they'll burn a little after they get out of the fire. after all, fires don't go out instantly.)