Daikatana to be remade in UE3

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XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
I'm not too sure how many old-school gamers we have here, but if anyone remembers John Romero's first independent game, Daikatana, you know what it was like back then. Well, according to this source, it seems like it's about to get the UE3 makeover...think it'll be all hype, or do you think Romero will get it right this time?



Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
I can't say anything about the PC/N64 version since I never played it, but I did like the GBC port and hope any remake of Daikatana would be more Zelda like gameplay wise.

With the technology today, I can see the AI being way improved (especially on UE3) and perhaps a melee mode like from the Jedi Knight series to make using the Daikatana weapon worth using.


XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
Well...yeah, especially since Ion Storm put Daikatana on the back burner for so long, since they were big with the Deus Ex franchise instead (which as you well know was based on UE2 tech, iirc, well, maybe DX1 was UE1, but DX:IW was UE2, perhaps). Now that Ion Storm is hardly a shadow of their former selves, who knows what we can really expect anymore. Nonetheless, if they are willing to bring back the Daikatana franchise, I'm more than welcome to find out what the end result'll be like using UE3.
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New Member
May 3, 2009
I don't remember Daikatana having any sucess and don't see why iy should this time. But there's never enough of brainless shooters.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Why did Romero move his site into a new one? There are new forums as well, but I am still registered in the old ones.
There is topic about the new one:

I actually planned to make storm sector 7 remake for UT3. It was a great deathmatch map in Daikatana and the dm had a lot of strenght. I would maybe remake it later. I still didn't have enough time to fully learn new editor though. Too busy with other things.

http://rome.ro/smf/ is the old forum.

Here is the level I talked about btw:
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
No, that's just dishonorable to say. Daikatana has a pretty big potential. I enjoyed it more than Quake 2, the engine the game was based on and that's a lot to say. Sure, it had developement problems and they shouldn't have switched to Q2 engine and the coders were really ****heads on the project, making the game AI mess and the wholegame unstable when original team left etc.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I talked with the guy...he would need some texture artists, modellers and coders. Anyone wants to join it?
I mean C'mon the project already started.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I have just watched some videos (a playthrough) from Game Boy version of Daikatana (I remember I couldn't get it to run years ago, but I don't intend to play it). I don't get why people claim that it is better than the PC version, the storyline is definitely poorer and it is not making any sense at all. I guess you could say that of the PC version, but it's the complete opposite for me, I mean in PC version you even level up your skills, while all you level up in the GBC version is your health after killing bosses and that is called RPG? Pardon me?
Of course the N64 version is even worse and the GBC version got some nide ideas and twists that could be used in the remake, but to me the PC version is the most superior one. Most of people who claims Daikatana sucks have not even played the whole game, or just outright suck at it and then bash the game, or tell outright lies about it because they are pissed. There are many reasons why the Daikatana failed, but most people are really ignorant about it. The game has great multiplayer and probably revolutionary system at all, even at coop, but it was outright ignored.
Yet Deus Ex was deemed as a much better game, sure there was almost no hype about it and no media press, Romero was never really a rock star like guy, he just fell for it all naievely.


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
I think I recall having to shoot a bunch of tiny flying insects with a pistol, then having to shoot a bunch of tiny frogs with a pistol and not seeing any reason to continue playing. If you want people to get through your game to see how great it is, immediately frustrating them isn't the way to do it.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I don't get what is so frustrating about the first levels (marsh), the robotic animals (it is far in future, there are no wild animals it seems and mishima owns these robots) are piss easy, the only problem are the turrets in these early levels and even these are easy if you use your brain.

But for your enjoynment, the beginning can be different and there can be a level or two prior to marsh, like fighting with these ninjas, which was only cutscene thing.
Now it would be good to stop bitching and actually get someone to help the guy, c'mon there are many talented members out there.
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May 12, 2008
Daikatana is one of those games that was designed to be played cooperatively, but failed to mention that fact. The game was simply unplayable alone, since the AI was horrid. Extremely horrid and kept getting killed by closing doors...

That and it was the first game I couldn't finish, because of bugs and crashes.
Daikatana had some fun elements though, most of which came after the first chapter(which was awful).
And the character models sucked...


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
I can't remember if I finished this or not. I do remember getting to a point where I just said,"the hell with it", though. I'd be interested in checking out the final product of this thing for sure.:)


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
I don't get what is so frustrating about the first levels (marsh), the robotic animals (it is far in future, there are no wild animals it seems and mishima owns these robots) are piss easy, the only problem are the turrets in these early levels and even these are easy if you use your brain.

Easy doesn't necessarily preclude annoying or frustrating. Basically: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoddamnedBats

I can "use my brain" all I want, but shooting lots of fast moving little things with a slow single-shot, non-splash weapon is obnoxious and tends to make me quit playing.

I'll try the demo again, though, see how skewed my memory of it may be...
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
The demo is awful imo and it's on the old patch still. It just picks first level of first ep, then second level of second ep and second level of third ep and that's it. Doesn't let you try even ep4, but meh.

Oh and btw when you mentioned bats, there are real ones in episode 3 and they are the most annoying flying enemy, on hardest settings they can even spit something on you when they are flying.
The robotic flies are easy to hit compared to the bats.
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Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
Thing is about DK that it is a only a very good shooter. Romero promised a revolution. And we didn't get one. We got a very good shooter. With its flaws, that's why I say very good, not excellent. But the promise was something else. And Romero failed to deliver - FAILED MISERABLY. That's why DK is so hated nowadays.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Actually there is a lot of story as why it failed, but it rubbed people in the wrong way almost always. It didn't deserve all that ****.
I mean I can name some more frustrating games and nobody bitched about them, it was the marketing that did this and all that. Romero didn't want it to be revolutionary game even, that was something it was mistook for, although from his original concept it differed a bit. Don't forget it was not JUST HIM. In fact except for some level design plans and sketches he didn't actually do the level design unlike games. No, he was the project leader.

I mean it is really unfair when people say: "Thanks, John." as I've read somewhere that some people like somethingawful guys and others were telling others that everytime Daikatana is behaving weird to say Thanks John and troll around...

He didn't have anything to do with those bugs oh my god, blame the coders who messed up, not him.

By the way there should be something like developement thread, not a lot of people are gonna see this...and this is UT3 mod for now, not UDK or standalone game. Why was it moved away from UT3?
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