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Speed Addict
Dec 23, 2001
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Sorry..I guess Sfear]|[ is tabled indefinitely; I received the following email:

Im really very sorry, I think we will leave the gravity point for now... If we make one, I will contact you


Originally posted by Freakish
Sorry..I guess Sfear]|[ is tabled indefinitely; I received the following email:

Im really very sorry, I think we will leave the gravity point for now... If we make one, I will contact you

So they say they never actually started making the point gravity actor? :hmm:

I have to admit I have thought about how to make a point gravity actor. I shouldn't be too hard to adjust the Rotation and ViewRotation of each pawn in a zone every tick relative to its position to the point gravity actor. But the hard part would be to actually 'pull' all pawns to that point, like normal gravity would. And if we could somehow get that to work, would a pawn be able to move over a, say, vertical surface he is 'standing' on? Would jumping/ducking work? And what about BOTS?

We could go to the coding forum with the point gravity actor and see if anyone has any ideas... Or do you think you can live without Sfear]|[ and that we should "table" this map?


Speed Addict
Dec 23, 2001
Visit site
If you're up to the challenge, I'm up to the testing. :D And bots are secondary..if you can get it to work for a normal game, the people will love you..I swears it.:) Ok I need to study my physics..

And since there's not much going on in the community, I'm sure you'll be able to get plenty of help figuring it out in the coding forum..if you're up to *another* project..lol.


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Seeing as there are two threads I'll post my humble thoughts on
CTF-sFear][ here as well.

Been playing CTF-sFear][ for over a month now.
Overall I'd say it is a very fun and imaginative map. It might be a
little bigger though. :hmm: ... anyway ...
There is some good work in there that many non-mappers might
not appreciate because of the small faults. But these faults are
likely limitations of the game's engine rather than the way which
it was made. It is a mapper's map if you will.

The problems I have are that it is disorienting to disappear for an
instant when passing through the invisible zones in the sphere to
realign myself with the floor.
I realize this is necessary or eventually I would be
upside-down but, it is still frustrating.
And I get some weird affects at the sphere zone borders too.
Various HOMs and disappearing towers are the
norm and even the explosions are cut in half by the zones.

In conclusion I'd say that sFear][ is a nice piece of work
and a lot of fun to play. Quite a refresing change from the usual
map where you run from room to room. It just has a few bugs
which are inevitable when you push the game engine to the limits
like that.
It will stay on my hard drive for some time to come. Thanx for
sharing the map Astyanax.

And good luck with TF-RollerCoaster. :D

:biorifle: http://lxixgto/tripod.com/lxixgto :biorifle:



Hmmm no I'm not gonna make a point gravity actor... too much work. I'll concentrate on CTF-Rollercoaster for now... :p I'm trying to rewrite part of the InterpolationPoint script to make bots take flybys without crashing UT.