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Call me Erdrik

Arch Mage
Nov 24, 1999
Spring Hill, FL, USA
I would perfer setting up a point gravity actor and makin' just one sphear....

I don't like the whole zone thing becuase you can't use instant hit weapons through zones.... and it screws with bots....

I know the point gravity thing is possible becuase Dragon Ball UT did it... though they wouldn't tell me how :mad:

oh well I guess I have to find out for my self. If I get it working Ill post here too ;)


Hmmmm :hmm:

This one has died out a bit. It could have been very cool, but I never quite got it to work. :(

CTF-Sfear][ had nice angles for the warpzone portals, which could be expressed in whole units/angles. However if I had used 6 segments, like in CTF-Sfear][, for the outside of the sphere, then it would've be possible to get seriously stuck between 2 warpzones. Near the portals the surface is so steep that you slide back if you don't have enough speed. I lowered the gravity in CTF-Sfear][ so that you need very little speed to slide to the warpzone. However in CTF-Sfear]|[ you would slide down to a warpzone, go through it, slide back, re-enter it, and so on...

So I figured I had to use 8 segments for CTF-Sfear]|[ (cutting the sphere like an octahedron). I've spent a great deal of time calculating angles and relations between width/breadth and height of the segments. With the Ued tools it would have been possible to create a perfectly working sphere. Unfortunately the way UT handles warpzones and it's portals is very buggy. When testing, some portals worked fine, but some only produced HOM, while they were all exact duplicates! The portals were perfect in Ued, but some just refused to work properly. Also at some warpzones you could walk over the portals (??). I never understood what I was standing on, there was nothing there?!

Another big problem was the sphere itself, the surface. The only way to make a convincingly looking round surface, is by using the sphere builder and clipping off the part you don't need. However no matter what I tried, the sphere turned into one big BSP hole... :mad: It didn't want to be solid, you'd just fall through the ground and die in solid space.

It was all misery, so I abandonned the project and started working on CTF-Rollercoaster. If you insist, StoneViper, I could give it another try, or if you want I could explain to you how the make a sphere out of 8 pieces and you can try and get it to work yourself.


Originally posted by Call me Erdrik
I would perfer setting up a point gravity actor and makin' just one sphear....

I don't like the whole zone thing becuase you can't use instant hit weapons through zones.... and it screws with bots....

I know the point gravity thing is possible becuase Dragon Ball UT did it... though they wouldn't tell me how :mad:

oh well I guess I have to find out for my self. If I get it working Ill post here too ;)

I thought there was a program that can rip scripts....? You could use that to see how they did it..... :p


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by Astyanax
Hmmmm :hmm:

This one has died out a bit. It could have been very cool, but I never quite got it to work. :(

It was all misery, so I abandonned the project and started working on CTF-Rollercoaster. If you insist, StoneViper, I could give it another try, or if you want I could explain to you how the make a sphere out of 8 pieces and you can try and get it to work yourself.
that's ok, i haven't mapped much in a while anyway. i would love to finish one more map before the next wave of u games comes out, so i might even abandon my urbal style map i've spent hours on as well as my AS map i was working on. i will try to stick to one map at a time from now on.


Speed Addict
Dec 23, 2001
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maybe if you emailed the DBZ people and asked really nicely and promised to mention using their technique in your readme, they'd let you use it on sfear. Or (last resort only!)..use the scriptviewer prog that was mentioned..but only to get the general idea of course.
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Speed Addict
Dec 23, 2001
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woopsie..last I heard it was out in some beta form or another..hehe /me no remember things good
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Speed Addict
Dec 23, 2001
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Do they still have a website? If so..anyone know what it is? Or..just gimme somebody's email addy. I'll plead with them. :D The only thing holding Sfear back from being an awesome map are the warp zones. You'd agree to give them credit for use of their code...right?


Originally posted by Freakish
Do they still have a website? If so..anyone know what it is? Or..just gimme somebody's email addy. I'll plead with them. :D The only thing holding Sfear back from being an awesome map are the warp zones. You'd agree to give them credit for use of their code...right?

I think this is the site: http://dragonballu.modnmod.net/

However I couldn't find anything about the point gravity thing there... I don't know how Erdrik found out they made such a thing.

And of course I give anyone who helps me full credit for their work, and so would StoneViper...right? :)


Speed Addict
Dec 23, 2001
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fingers crossed...I emailed them.

edit: got a response quickly! w00t! Unfortunately, the person I talked to said he didn't think the actor was finished yet. He wants to help, will talk to their coder, and will lemme know what the coder says.
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