Originally posted by TheRealFluffy
I love riding rollercoasters, maybe a whole circuit, with a mountain lift (going slow up), and then, becoming faster and faster, (going down), making a Sonic speed, and then making a corkscrew..... slowing a bit down, dissapearing in that mouth (it's a pity that the skin is blurry then)... Here and there a turn... Maybe a map for people who never drove a rollercoaster, whiiiiiiiiihaaa!!!
That's exactly what I'm after with this map!
Originally posted by TheRealFluffy
Good job on the looping, I don't get the point of interpolation points, (it seems so much work! I'm a lazy ass...)
Making the brush for the looping was most of the work. The interpolation path was done in 10 minutes. OK, I had to experiment with interpolation points in testmaps a lot to figure out how they work, but once that's done, setting up a new path is very easy!
I've done some tests with bends of 90 degrees using 2 velocity zones and it works great! After a lot of testing and fine-tuning of speeds for the ZoneVelocities, I've now managed to keep players in the center of the tunnel all the time!
If anyone has has any ideas on how to increase the rollercoaster feeling, please most post 'em here!