I found these on google as a cached page and it seemed a shame to lose them, so here they are. Many thanks to Crotale for the effort.
Hi everyone. After doing some searching through this forum and the Epic forums for INI tweaks, etc, for my own system, I figured I would start a thread for all of us to input tweaks and adjustments for people to use. So, please post your tips, tweaks and fixes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to back up your .ini and/or .int files prior to making any modifications.
EDIT:/ I'd like to thank everyone who has provided this information on the various forums.
EDIT#2:/ Code6226 made a utility that allows you to make some of these changes without manually editing your .inis.
EDIT#3:/To unlock all characters, go to this thread.
Ultron has an awesome tweak thread over on Epic Forums as well.
1. Want a few more frames per second? Open your UTEngine.ini, which is located in a folder called My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UT Game\Config. Find the [SystemSettings] section and change DepthofField=True and Bloom=True to DepthofField=False and Bloom=False. Also, set Trilinear=False and MotionBlur=False.
A few more tweaks that may help your fps are listed below. Be warned, these settings may dramatically reduce the "eye candy" to a non-existent status.
2. Is your game crashing upon playback of the Single Player Campaign video? Try this UTEngine.ini tweak: Locate the section called [Engine.ISVHacks] and change PumpWindowMessagesWhenRenderThreadStalled=False to PumpWindowMessagesWhenRenderThreadStalled=True
3. Tilde key not bringing up the Console? This will fix it: Open the UTInput.ini in your Configs folder as listed in number 1 above and find the section called [Engine.Console] and change ConsoleKey=F10 to ConsoleKey=Tilde.
4. Wanna kill off the death messages? Open the UTGame.ini and change the following:
bNoConsoleDeathMessages=True to read bNoConsoleDeathMessages=False
bNoConsoleDeathMessages=True to read bNoConsoleDeathMessages=False
5. How do I uncap my FPS? Open UTEngine.ini, and in the section [Engine.GameEngine] set bSmoothFrameRate=False
6. How do I disable mouse acceleration? In the UTInput.ini, set the following:
7. How do I turn off the Startup Movies (more like commercials if you ask me)? Script out the following line in the UTEngine.ini as shown below:
8. How do I disable Bobbing?
9. Throw Weapon http://www.unrealnorth.com/forum.php...topic&id=50559
There is no throw weapon button in configure controls menu. Weaponthrowing is available through ini-editing IF the mutator Weapon-Respawn is loaded. All you have to do, is modify the [Engine.PlayerInput] section of the UTInput.ini by adding a last line with your binding:
Bindings=(Name="Name of the Key, e.g. Spacebar", Command="ThrowWeapon")
for example to bind the function to SpaceBar:
Bindings=(Name="SpaceBar", Command="ThrowWeapon")
10. How do I make my mouse sensitivity like it was in UT2004?
Lets dig the ut2004 settings to get some info first.
-Open user.ini in your ut2004/system folder and serch for "MouseSensitivity"
-Get the number associated with it.
-Run UT3 and set the mouse sensitivity to 1, then exit.
-open UTInput.ini in your C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3 Demo\UTGame\Config folder
-set bViewAccelerationEnabled=False
-set MouseSensitivity=5
And now to set the rotation to the same as your 2k4 rotation:
Take your UT2k4 sensitivity that we got in the first step and multiply it by 2.4
Here is an example::
UT2004 sens was .50, multiplied by 2.4 gives me 1.2.
This is the number that we will use to get UT3 to feel the same.
A few lines down in the same file as above (UTInput.ini) you will find:
Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX")
Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY")
And we will add the new rotation speed into it like this:
Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=1.2")
Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=1.2")
Save and close UTInput.ini
This setting will stick unlike any changes to the MouseSensitivity setting.
11. Does the game crash and give you the dreaded BSOD on startup? Try this: In the UTEngine.ini, under the section of [Engine.ISVHacks], set bInitializeShadersOnDemand=True
12. Do you want to change the names of pickups, weapons, vehicles, and change death messages?
You need to go into the utgame.int file in
C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Localization\INT. Make sure you change the files from being READ ONLY as well.
Example of custom Deathmessage
DeathString="`k |**GREEN SHAFT**| `o"
FemaleSuicide="`o shafted herself."
MaleSuicide="`o shafted himself."
Weapons Name
Vehicle Name
VehiclePositionString="in a Cicada"
13. How do I change my preferred team? Open your UTGames.ini, and in the [DefaultPlayer] section, make this change (the italicized text):
Default Player
Blue Player
Red Player
14. How do I change to an alternate directory for storing "My Documents" game folders?
Try this.
15. How do I change the colors of my crosshair: in UTWeapon.ini, add the following line:
a, b, c and d are numbers between 0 (none at all) and 255 (all out).
a: amount of Red
b: amount of Green
c: amount of Blue
d: transparency of the crosshair (advised to keep this at 255).
Adding the line to the [UTGame.UTWeapon] changes the default color of the weapons.
Adding the line to any of the weapon paragraphs ([UTGame.UTWeap_<something>]) changes this weapon's color from the default setting to whatever you enter there.
16. How do I add armour parts from one faction to another? http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showp...1&postcount=71
Console Commands
In UT3 you can open and close the in-game command console at any time by pressing the ~ key (key below ESC), or by pressing the TAB key. There are a range of console commands you can use, and below is a list of the most common commands and a brief description for each:
General Commands
Say [text] - Shows specified text in global chat
Teamsay [text] - Shows specified text in team chat
FOV [degrees] - Changes the Field of View to the specified degrees
Slomo [speed] - Alters the speed of the game to the value specified. Values above 1 speed up the game, values below 1 slow it down
Showhud - Toggles whether to display or hide the HUD
Setbind [Key,Command] - Binds the specified command to the specified key
Setsensitivity [value] - Changes your mouse sensitivity to the specified value
Shot - Takes a screenshot in .BMP format
Exec [filename] - Executes a file under the \Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries directory
Brightness [value] - Changes the brightness to the specified value
Contrast [value] - Changes the contrast to the specified value
Gamma [value] - Changes the gamma to the specified value
Demorec [demoname] - Starts recording an in-game demo with the name specified
Stopdemo - Stops recording a demo
Demoplay [demoname] - Plays back a demo with the name specified
Switchlevel [mapname] - Changes the level to the map specified
Switchteam - Toggles you to the other team
Suicide - Kills your character
Open [mapname or IP] - Loads up the specified map, or joins the specified IP address
Reconnect - Reconnects to the last connected server
Disconnect - Disconnects from current server
Exit, Quit - Exits the game to desktop immediately
Information Commands
Stat FPS - Toggles the display of your framerate
Stat Net - Toggles the display of network statistics including Ping
Stat Audio - Toggles information about the audio system
Stat Engine - Toggles information about the rendering system
Stat Game - Toggles information about the game engine
Cheat / Fun Commands
Behindview - Toggles between 1st and 3rd person view
God - Makes your character indestructible, toggles on or off
Fly - Allows your character to fly
Ghost - Allows your character to fly and move through solid objects
Walk - Switches off Fly and Ghost modes
Allweapons - Gives you all weapons
Allammo - Gives you maximum ammo for all your weapons
Loaded - Gives a combination of all weapons and all ammo
Playersonly - Freezes all bots
Addbots [number] - Adds the specified number of bots to the current game
Killbots - Kills all bots in the game
Giveweapon [itemname] - Gives yoou a weapon with the specified name. For example to summon the instagib rifle, or translocator, try the following commands:
Instagib Rifle: giveweapon utgame.utweap_instagibrifle
Translocator: giveweapon utgamecontent.UTWeap_Translocator_Content
Summon [itemname] - Summons an item/vehicle with the specified name. For example, to summon vehicles, try the following commands:
Fury: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_fury_content
Hellbender: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_hellbender_content
Darkwalker: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_darkwalker_content
Manta: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_manta_content
Scorpion: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_scorpion_content
Cicada: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content
Goliath: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_goliath_content
Nemsis: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_nemesis_content
Paladin: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_paladin_content
Hellfire SPMA: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_spma_content
Raptor: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_raptor_content
Hi everyone. After doing some searching through this forum and the Epic forums for INI tweaks, etc, for my own system, I figured I would start a thread for all of us to input tweaks and adjustments for people to use. So, please post your tips, tweaks and fixes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to back up your .ini and/or .int files prior to making any modifications.
EDIT:/ I'd like to thank everyone who has provided this information on the various forums.
EDIT#2:/ Code6226 made a utility that allows you to make some of these changes without manually editing your .inis.
EDIT#3:/To unlock all characters, go to this thread.
Ultron has an awesome tweak thread over on Epic Forums as well.
1. Want a few more frames per second? Open your UTEngine.ini, which is located in a folder called My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UT Game\Config. Find the [SystemSettings] section and change DepthofField=True and Bloom=True to DepthofField=False and Bloom=False. Also, set Trilinear=False and MotionBlur=False.
A few more tweaks that may help your fps are listed below. Be warned, these settings may dramatically reduce the "eye candy" to a non-existent status.
2. Is your game crashing upon playback of the Single Player Campaign video? Try this UTEngine.ini tweak: Locate the section called [Engine.ISVHacks] and change PumpWindowMessagesWhenRenderThreadStalled=False to PumpWindowMessagesWhenRenderThreadStalled=True
3. Tilde key not bringing up the Console? This will fix it: Open the UTInput.ini in your Configs folder as listed in number 1 above and find the section called [Engine.Console] and change ConsoleKey=F10 to ConsoleKey=Tilde.
4. Wanna kill off the death messages? Open the UTGame.ini and change the following:
bNoConsoleDeathMessages=True to read bNoConsoleDeathMessages=False
bNoConsoleDeathMessages=True to read bNoConsoleDeathMessages=False
5. How do I uncap my FPS? Open UTEngine.ini, and in the section [Engine.GameEngine] set bSmoothFrameRate=False
6. How do I disable mouse acceleration? In the UTInput.ini, set the following:
7. How do I turn off the Startup Movies (more like commercials if you ask me)? Script out the following line in the UTEngine.ini as shown below:
8. How do I disable Bobbing?
9. Throw Weapon http://www.unrealnorth.com/forum.php...topic&id=50559
There is no throw weapon button in configure controls menu. Weaponthrowing is available through ini-editing IF the mutator Weapon-Respawn is loaded. All you have to do, is modify the [Engine.PlayerInput] section of the UTInput.ini by adding a last line with your binding:
Bindings=(Name="Name of the Key, e.g. Spacebar", Command="ThrowWeapon")
for example to bind the function to SpaceBar:
Bindings=(Name="SpaceBar", Command="ThrowWeapon")
10. How do I make my mouse sensitivity like it was in UT2004?
Lets dig the ut2004 settings to get some info first.
-Open user.ini in your ut2004/system folder and serch for "MouseSensitivity"
-Get the number associated with it.
-Run UT3 and set the mouse sensitivity to 1, then exit.
-open UTInput.ini in your C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3 Demo\UTGame\Config folder
-set bViewAccelerationEnabled=False
-set MouseSensitivity=5
And now to set the rotation to the same as your 2k4 rotation:
Take your UT2k4 sensitivity that we got in the first step and multiply it by 2.4
Here is an example::
UT2004 sens was .50, multiplied by 2.4 gives me 1.2.
This is the number that we will use to get UT3 to feel the same.
A few lines down in the same file as above (UTInput.ini) you will find:
Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX")
Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY")
And we will add the new rotation speed into it like this:
Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=1.2")
Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=1.2")
Save and close UTInput.ini
This setting will stick unlike any changes to the MouseSensitivity setting.
11. Does the game crash and give you the dreaded BSOD on startup? Try this: In the UTEngine.ini, under the section of [Engine.ISVHacks], set bInitializeShadersOnDemand=True
12. Do you want to change the names of pickups, weapons, vehicles, and change death messages?
You need to go into the utgame.int file in
C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Localization\INT. Make sure you change the files from being READ ONLY as well.
Example of custom Deathmessage
DeathString="`k |**GREEN SHAFT**| `o"
FemaleSuicide="`o shafted herself."
MaleSuicide="`o shafted himself."
Weapons Name
Vehicle Name
VehiclePositionString="in a Cicada"
13. How do I change my preferred team? Open your UTGames.ini, and in the [DefaultPlayer] section, make this change (the italicized text):
Default Player
Blue Player
Red Player
14. How do I change to an alternate directory for storing "My Documents" game folders?
Try this.
15. How do I change the colors of my crosshair: in UTWeapon.ini, add the following line:
a, b, c and d are numbers between 0 (none at all) and 255 (all out).
a: amount of Red
b: amount of Green
c: amount of Blue
d: transparency of the crosshair (advised to keep this at 255).
Adding the line to the [UTGame.UTWeapon] changes the default color of the weapons.
Adding the line to any of the weapon paragraphs ([UTGame.UTWeap_<something>]) changes this weapon's color from the default setting to whatever you enter there.
16. How do I add armour parts from one faction to another? http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showp...1&postcount=71
Console Commands
In UT3 you can open and close the in-game command console at any time by pressing the ~ key (key below ESC), or by pressing the TAB key. There are a range of console commands you can use, and below is a list of the most common commands and a brief description for each:
General Commands
Say [text] - Shows specified text in global chat
Teamsay [text] - Shows specified text in team chat
FOV [degrees] - Changes the Field of View to the specified degrees
Slomo [speed] - Alters the speed of the game to the value specified. Values above 1 speed up the game, values below 1 slow it down
Showhud - Toggles whether to display or hide the HUD
Setbind [Key,Command] - Binds the specified command to the specified key
Setsensitivity [value] - Changes your mouse sensitivity to the specified value
Shot - Takes a screenshot in .BMP format
Exec [filename] - Executes a file under the \Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries directory
Brightness [value] - Changes the brightness to the specified value
Contrast [value] - Changes the contrast to the specified value
Gamma [value] - Changes the gamma to the specified value
Demorec [demoname] - Starts recording an in-game demo with the name specified
Stopdemo - Stops recording a demo
Demoplay [demoname] - Plays back a demo with the name specified
Switchlevel [mapname] - Changes the level to the map specified
Switchteam - Toggles you to the other team
Suicide - Kills your character
Open [mapname or IP] - Loads up the specified map, or joins the specified IP address
Reconnect - Reconnects to the last connected server
Disconnect - Disconnects from current server
Exit, Quit - Exits the game to desktop immediately
Information Commands
Stat FPS - Toggles the display of your framerate
Stat Net - Toggles the display of network statistics including Ping
Stat Audio - Toggles information about the audio system
Stat Engine - Toggles information about the rendering system
Stat Game - Toggles information about the game engine
Cheat / Fun Commands
Behindview - Toggles between 1st and 3rd person view
God - Makes your character indestructible, toggles on or off
Fly - Allows your character to fly
Ghost - Allows your character to fly and move through solid objects
Walk - Switches off Fly and Ghost modes
Allweapons - Gives you all weapons
Allammo - Gives you maximum ammo for all your weapons
Loaded - Gives a combination of all weapons and all ammo
Playersonly - Freezes all bots
Addbots [number] - Adds the specified number of bots to the current game
Killbots - Kills all bots in the game
Giveweapon [itemname] - Gives yoou a weapon with the specified name. For example to summon the instagib rifle, or translocator, try the following commands:
Instagib Rifle: giveweapon utgame.utweap_instagibrifle
Translocator: giveweapon utgamecontent.UTWeap_Translocator_Content
Summon [itemname] - Summons an item/vehicle with the specified name. For example, to summon vehicles, try the following commands:
Fury: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_fury_content
Hellbender: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_hellbender_content
Darkwalker: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_darkwalker_content
Manta: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_manta_content
Scorpion: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_scorpion_content
Cicada: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content
Goliath: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_goliath_content
Nemsis: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_nemesis_content
Paladin: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_paladin_content
Hellfire SPMA: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_spma_content
Raptor: summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_raptor_content
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