a good tutorial over at angel mappers page.
# Making Custom Crosshairs by Kyllian
Anyway, to get 2k3 crosshairs working you have to compile the class with references to the textures. I think Kyllian had figured out a way to reference points in a single texture but I never bothered doing that.
I couldn't even tell you anymore. Once custom xhairs were working in 2k4 I pretty much abandoned them in 2k3
As far as I can remember, you had to directly reference the texture in the User.Ini
Like I said, it's been a looonnnggg time since I messed with 2k3 xhairs
Ah, found the 2225 changelog(2k3)
- custom weapon crosshairs: You can specify custom crosshairs and crosshair
colors for each weapon. To do this, add the following lines to the appropriate
weapon section in your User.ini file:
where CustomCrosshair can have any value between 0 and 13, and the Crosshair color is in 8 bit RGBA format. You can also use your own custom textures (after importing them into a utx) by adding CustomCrosshairTextureName="package.texture" (where package is the name of the UTX package, and texture is the name of the texture in the package.
Digging around old threads it would seem you had to do similar in 2k4 until the 3204 patch fixed it