Rostam said:
One thing I still don't get is how on earth you can mis-align a rifle while you are not moving. I've only had experience with a 4x20 scope but still, aligning the rifle was probably the easiest part of shooting.
I noticed too, that when I´m fit and rested, I align the sights easily automatical just by pointing them forward and can hold them for a long time with just few slight mis-alignments (a matter of micrometers).
But when I´m tired and arms are tired, it's much harder to keeping them aligning just by pointing the sights, but I have just a slight misalignment few times, I have to concentrate (control) more.
So it should be in INF. When rested controlling the sights should be a matter only of extreme ranges. When tired controling becomes more used, but rather on middle-to-distant ranges. When proning you just not need to control the sight, only on extreme distances when tired.
Rostam said:
By the way I don't know many people that can precisely fire a pistol beyond 50 meters, because the sights on pistols are just so close to each other (and like Yurch mentioned, no stock). So managing to implent this would probably be better. Then again I don't know that much about firearms.
I can keep pistol sights pretty accurate, but the problem is the leak of stock, the weapon always sways a very bit around. Controlling the weapon can reduce the sway for few miliseconds, but the sway is always there, even if I am rested.
Also I noticed, that when moving and than stopping, trying to aim accurate after the movement, the recovery of alignment takes slightly longer with pistols in comaprison with rifles.
And when you're tired the pistol sway is even harder and nearly impossible to control.
In INF you see the sights misalign, but IMO thats not the case in real life, I can align the pistol sight very good, but the whole pistol is hard to keep at one point, the arms just sway around, even if it is just a bit.
I´m not a robot to be able to keep the pistol with streched arms pinpoint accurate.
That (the sway) I think is the main problem with pistols. And I would like the pistols to be a close range weapon, it pretty much is, except few snipe shots.
P.S. A strange thing I noticed, that holding a stockless rifle (which means one arm at the front-grip, the other at the back) has less sway. The reason is, because the arm at the grip is bend and gives you more comfort to keep it steady.
The front arm at the front-grip is what is affected by sway slightly more and cause very slight misalignment.
Beeing tired makes aiming stockless weapon much worse than supported.
Turin_Turambar said:
I only hope the SS team is taking notes from the New Version Suggestions Forum and some interesting threads in this forum.
They 100%ly do. The problem is, do they like what they read? Even if some stuff might be good, the question is the feasibility.
I try to keep my suggestion the way where I (imo) think they is a chance for feasibility. Few times I go a bit to far into theory. But it's all SentryStudios' decision.
Do not forget they have their own ideas and those might be supperior to our more than we might think, but generally because they 'know' what they can do and what not.
I just hope they expant the next INF more toward realism and dynamic (the right 1st person creates a more dynamic feel and more satisfaction playing the game).