Cheat Protection?

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.
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Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
Douchebags, if we already know they know how to make bots.. what does it matter if they make the cheat protection letting them use their own personal bots or not? Either way (hypothetical statement) they'd cheat but at least if they make the AC it would catch SOME PEOPLE, lol. You want to abandon an anti cheat and all forms of protection over the actions of one or two people. You have got to be the most moronic cumstained excuse for a human life form I have seen.. all day.

Hmm some protection or NO protection?! Oh my, decisions de f'n cisions.

Take some statistics and probability courses and then come back and post a follow up to your understandings of what common sense is and maybe just maybe, we won't laugh at your faggotry the next time you spew your typographical vomit all over these messageboards. Who do you think makes most anti cheats to begin with? Someone who has absolutely no friggin' idea how a bot works, or is made? They just *HAPPEN* to stumble blindly into the code and then accidentally make it work? Holy ****, talk about coincidental. Man, am I ever stupid or what. Silly me, and here I thought people who were knowledgable about the way bots work made them!



My brain hurts.


CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
Pro^Kp said:
The Final and Released Code will be compiled by l0cky the Jolt Head Admin. who is also helping make it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
is it just me, or does that sound wrong... i know that most antcheat mods for unreal games do not have there source code released, and they strip the packages, so i find this very funny...


Jan 24, 2004
well everyone in XMP is paraniod and they wont have it any other way


Jan 24, 2004

The cheat protection is nearing completion, all it needs now is to be compiled by l0cky and for me to write a readme.

it inplements a 2nd Much tougher MD5 Scan and also a Texture File MD5 Scan which wasnt there before.

The Texture file scan will eliminate the possiblity of an External aimbot & Triggerbot Completely, I also found that there were alot of Servers vunerable to this, including but not limited to.

and most of the other servers

Servers not affected due to undetermined reasons.

Jolt 1
DCSB Public Server
TH Public
XMPTV Public

The test i implemented wasnt very comprehensive at all a little more digging and these servers could have easily been bypassed, with the exception of TH server which i was testing the anti-cheat on :p

Thanks Much
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Jan 24, 2004
because the package read directory is the SYSTEM folder anything alse such as a texture must have an absolute path.

i dont see how its a problem anyway.


Jan 24, 2004
oops sorry about the scare there guys. just me rushing things u can use relative paths but only with quick MD5 and i was using full so it kept booting me.

Sorry bout that.


Jan 24, 2004
XMPSecure Ported From UTSecure
By Se7en with much help from L0cky and Subvertio

This security mod will perform an extra more thorough MD5 Scan of the files specified in the INI file, (See Example Below)
The mod will also MD5 scan previously unscanned texture files for any changes for possible external
Aim/triggerbots these must also be specifed in the ini file (See Example Below)


To install this security mod on your server open your u2xmp.ini/Myu2xmp.ini find the [Engine.GameEngine] section and add these entries



Use this for any file located in the system directory.



Use this for any file not located in the system File such as texture or map files

Checks=(FName="texture",MD5=("bb45552b940658c11b1355660eb6f49a","da2eef76e78000ef4897344d2c2be508"),MD5Type=0) - You MUST not have the file extention on the end otherwise it will not work

Making Your Own Entries (\System)

1st of you must choose a file.

then goto

Start >> Run >> CMD

Then in the dos window type

cd c:\path\to\your\xmp\systemfolder

then your directory should change to something like this


now type

ucc mastermd5 -f c:\path\to\your\file.u/utx/usx/unr/uxx (Always Use -F as then u will not have to ever change "MD5Type=2" in the example above)

then it should give you something like this.

MD5 Database Management

Performing full MD5 on engine.u

MD5 = [da2eef76e78000ef4897344d2c2be508]

Success - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 0 update(s)

Write down the MD5 (the number inbetween the [] brackets then add them to your own file check

here is what i got


To Make a file optional add Optional=true to the end like such


Making Your Own Entries (Anything Else)

Follow the steps above untill you come to the MD5

after you have do the same only change the command line to

ucc mastermd5 -q


and you should get a completely different MD5 Sum write this one down too


Quick MD5 first (-q) Full Md5 Next (-f) for a texture or map or anything else MD5Type has to =0

INI File Settings


The what to do option determines what your server will do if it detects an modified file. The available options are:

0 - Nothing, just log the transgression
1 - Log the transgression and kick the user
2 - Log and kick ban the user for just this session
3 - Log and kick ban the user for good.


This option determins now how the mutator will wait before it considers the whole system to have timed out. (ie: not functioning properly).


If this option is true, when a player timesout, he will be kicked from your system.


When set to true, XMPSecure will attempt to send most of it's log output to the log file specified in the next variable.


Holds the name of the log file to output to. This file gets stored in the \System directory.

and thats that

any enquieries just post them here

Many Thanks

Just Finished the readme :p
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Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
Reading through what you said earlier, and the readme...What if you have custom crosshairs or HUD elements? From what I could tell, they don't look effected, but I just want to make sure thats clear. ;)

edit: a couple more quick questions: How does the mod effect server performance and bandwith. I know the UT TCC Crap lags the hell out of everything..does this do the same?

Also, thanks for fixing the Absolute Path "problem" :)
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UTXMP Beta Tester
Apr 19, 2004
West Midlands UK
Ok guys, we are also starting work on the DemoRec for XMP, as far as we know Legend never got round to fixing the problem so we thought we would try and do it ourselves ;)

Hopefully the DemoRec will allow ppl to spec other players and view their HUD's, so they can see if any bots or radars are in use. We will keep you posted about that to ;)

EDIT - As far as we know XMPSecure does not effect perfomance whatsoever, except it may take a little longer for you to load into servers (due to the extended MD5 scans) and thats about it. As it is only just been released we are still waiting for any feedback of problems etc etc
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Jan 24, 2004
Xaero said:
Reading through what you said earlier, and the readme...What if you have custom crosshairs or HUD elements? From what I could tell, they don't look effected, but I just want to make sure thats clear. ;)

edit: a couple more quick questions: How does the mod effect server performance and bandwith. I know the UT TCC Crap lags the hell out of everything..does this do the same?

Also, thanks for fixing the Absolute Path "problem" :)

No it wont affect server performance the reason 2K4 does is because it is necassary to track all packages after the game has begun so that ppl arnt able to press F2 and load up thier aimbot. this isnt possible in XMP and such hasnt been implemented. as u can imagine tracking packages on 16-32 players is very CPU heavy.

as for Huds and Crosshairs its all down to the actual server if they decide that they dont want custim huds or crosshairs since every file can be scanned incluidin the UI files.

but these arnt scanned in XMPSecure by default anyway they will have to be added by the server admin.

so its the server admins choice at the end of the day.
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