XMPSecure Ported From UTSecure
By Se7en with much help from L0cky and Subvertio
This security mod will perform an extra more thorough MD5 Scan of the files specified in the INI file, (See Example Below)
The mod will also MD5 scan previously unscanned texture files for any changes for possible external
Aim/triggerbots these must also be specifed in the ini file (See Example Below)
To install this security mod on your server open your u2xmp.ini/Myu2xmp.ini find the [Engine.GameEngine] section and add these entries
Use this for any file located in the system directory.
Use this for any file not located in the system File such as texture or map files
Checks=(FName="texture",MD5=("bb45552b940658c11b1355660eb6f49a","da2eef76e78000ef4897344d2c2be508"),MD5Type=0) - You MUST not have the file extention on the end otherwise it will not work
Making Your Own Entries (\System)
1st of you must choose a file.
then goto
Start >> Run >> CMD
Then in the dos window type
cd c:\path\to\your\xmp\systemfolder
then your directory should change to something like this
now type
ucc mastermd5 -f c:\path\to\your\file.u/utx/usx/unr/uxx (Always Use -F as then u will not have to ever change "MD5Type=2" in the example above)
then it should give you something like this.
MD5 Database Management
Performing full MD5 on engine.u
MD5 = [da2eef76e78000ef4897344d2c2be508]
Success - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 0 update(s)
Write down the MD5 (the number inbetween the [] brackets then add them to your own file check
here is what i got
To Make a file optional add Optional=true to the end like such
Making Your Own Entries (Anything Else)
Follow the steps above untill you come to the MD5
after you have do the same only change the command line to
ucc mastermd5 -q
and you should get a completely different MD5 Sum write this one down too
Quick MD5 first (-q) Full Md5 Next (-f) for a texture or map or anything else MD5Type has to =0
INI File Settings
The what to do option determines what your server will do if it detects an modified file. The available options are:
0 - Nothing, just log the transgression
1 - Log the transgression and kick the user
2 - Log and kick ban the user for just this session
3 - Log and kick ban the user for good.
This option determins now how the mutator will wait before it considers the whole system to have timed out. (ie: not functioning properly).
If this option is true, when a player timesout, he will be kicked from your system.
When set to true, XMPSecure will attempt to send most of it's log output to the log file specified in the next variable.
Holds the name of the log file to output to. This file gets stored in the \System directory.
and thats that
any enquieries just post them here
Many Thanks
Just Finished the readme