Of course the attackers know what they have to attack and where it is. Since you have no land-map to check they have to be another solution.
But I would like to have it more natural, not like you have a landwarrior system and the exact position of the objective is displayed in your HUD centimeter precise.
You should know where it is, but not pin point accurate, but more like you know the area where it is, but still have to search it visually (not knowing where the objective is and searching for it could be another game mode).
Another idea of this would be, that the closer you get to the objective, the more transparent the mark in the HUD gets, untill it disappears.
Having a mark while at distance represents the direction (which is good), but beeing near the objective and knowing the direction pinpoint is not so good.
But I would prefer it that when you start a message in the HUD says you 'Objective at South, 160' like in EAS and F3 would let you always check it again, so you know where it is, but not pinpoint and you have to orintate yourself with the compass.
That's just more realistic to me.
@ benmcl:
Ok, understand, hope someone wil make it

Generally I find the flag is an ok solution, but what about really a military gadged? I mean just repalace it by a small tent (reversed V shape, only 1,5 meters wide), inside this tent is an important communication system (just a receiver and a dish).
It would be still the dominating game mode like the current DTAS, you have to stand near it to capture (capturing is like you get the frequenzes of the receiver and report it immediatly to the HQ).
Capturing this tent will give you a message 'Enemy communication frequencies captured', or something like this.
And IF you make it a bomb sabotaging thing, because of balance issues you don't have to plant the bomb exactly at the tent(objective), but like in current DTAS be inside the objective area, even behind a wall and still could set the bomb, the blast would destroy the wall and still destroy the objective, so it would be much harder for the defenders to defend.
The attacker would know when they are near the objective and could instantly palnt the bomb.
And no, they would be no bomb disarm.
Capturing a communication hardware (which means getting the enemy intelligence channel frequences or what ever) sounds more beliveable to me than just capturing a pointless area with a flag.
And beeing able to plant a bomb near the area to sabotage and blowing it through a wall is something most games not have and would be balance toward the attackers (imagine the faces of the defenders that have the objective covered in-sight and it goes off in a huge blast just a second later
