Well Mike, that's what happens when you take a significant chunk of your potential customer base (PC Gamers) and you have one of your top guys (CliffyB) shit all over them with public comments.
I was highly considering a Bulletstorm purchase right up to the point that CliffyB said (paraphrased) "Demo for XBox and PS3 now, PC Gamers can go fuck themselves LOL". I said it then and I say it now: Cliffy's statement cost them a sale of that game.
Of course, it turns out that it was the right direction anyway, apparently it was a shitty console port that was full of bugs and still has no editor, so I didn't miss much.
I was highly considering a Bulletstorm purchase right up to the point that CliffyB said (paraphrased) "Demo for XBox and PS3 now, PC Gamers can go fuck themselves LOL". I said it then and I say it now: Cliffy's statement cost them a sale of that game.
Of course, it turns out that it was the right direction anyway, apparently it was a shitty console port that was full of bugs and still has no editor, so I didn't miss much.