I just wouldn't take what Epic (the company) does as an indicator about how the majority of Epic (the employees) feel about PC versus consoles.
They are obviously showcasing the game on 360 because they are expecting to get the majority of their sales on that platform, but once people see the kind of combos you can get on the PC that just aren't going to be possible on the consoles, it will be interesting to see what happens.
Bulletstorm combos are not going to convince console players to suddenly start caring about PC versions. There's a reason they play their FPS games on a console and not on a PC. They chose that platform for whatever reason (can't/don't want to buy a gaming PC, prefer not to deal with installing and configuring, etc.), and getting a few more points in BS isn't going to change that.
As far as I am concerned, No Demo = No Purchase. If the people that make a game are either too embarrassed to show me a demo, or can't be assed to make one, they don't earn my money.
It was the same with MW2. They wanted to treat their PC customers like **** by not having dedicated servers and giving us "features" like "mouse and keyboard support", they didn't get my money. To this day I never touched any version of that game.
There are plenty of companies and teams these days, both indie and professional, that make PC games and actually give a **** about the platform. Enough that I don't throw money at people that treat me like a second-class customer because I don't play their genres on consoles.
Maybe one of these days, these modern dev teams that think they can just throw a lazy port at the PC and pick up some sales will wonder why their AAA millions-of-dollars-in-the-making blockbuster doesn't earn a penny from people like me, but we still drop bucks on GOG's catalog of games from ten+ years ago. Maybe they'll consider that, if they just put some effort into the platform, they too will be selling copies of their game a decade down the line like Blizzard does with the original Starcraft.
Probably not though, because even terrible movie tie-in games sell decent on consoles these days.