Daaamn. That looks like one badass cannon. Wouldnt want to be staring at the wrong end of that barrel
Daaamn. That looks like one badass cannon. Wouldnt want to be staring at the wrong end of that barrel
If you know about the "Arkon 2004 Weapons Mod", do you think you could incorperate aspects from the missile launcher, like a fast dumb-fire missile primary fire, and a guidence laser for alt-fire?
// Special calc-view for vehicles
simulated function bool SpecialCalcView(out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation )
local vector CamLookAt, HitLocation, HitNormal;
local PlayerController pc;
local int i, averageOver;
pc = PlayerController(Controller);
// Only do this mode we have a playercontroller viewing this vehicle
if(pc == None || pc.ViewTarget != self)
return false;
ViewActor = self;
CamLookAt = Location + (vect(-100, 0, 100) >> Rotation);
// Smooth lookat position over a few frames.
CameraHistory[NextHistorySlot] = CamLookAt;
averageOver = NextHistorySlot;
averageOver = FilterFrames;
CamLookAt = vect(0, 0, 0);
for(i=0; i<averageOver; i++)
CamLookAt += CameraHistory[i];
CamLookAt /= float(averageOver);
if(NextHistorySlot == FilterFrames)
NextHistorySlot = 0;
CameraLocation = CamLookAt + (vect(-600, 0, 0) >> CameraRotation);
if( Trace( HitLocation, HitNormal, CameraLocation, CamLookAt, false, vect(10, 10, 10) ) != None )
CameraLocation = HitLocation;
return true;
Make what work? It's a mutator - select it from the list.
you should give the passenger a modified A.V.R.I.L