You people not from NC aren't getting the point. Probably your immense lack of intellect and your eagerness to be flaming morons is to blame.
We hide out here, in our little corner of the forums, because we don't like YOUR forums. I venture out every now and then since I have friends there, but anymore the BuF forums are generally full of even more crap than our little forums here. It's not biting the hand that feeds you; Pete owns this site as well as BuF, and he knows I don't care for most of the BuF forums. It's not "not expressing gratitude," because I thank Pete for starting this site and giving the site I help run the opportunity to move to a better home.
It's just that we hate people like you. "OH NO OH NO SOMEONE CRITICIZED BUF!@!#@~ THEY MUST BE GAMESPY FANS$@# BURN THEM BURN THEM!@~~~~~!" Kinda like how I was when I first joined NC about defending IT, but you guys are veterans now.
It must be hard to type in low air pressure, and trust me, we can tell, so why don't you trolls go back to YOUR home and leave us to our opinions that said home, minus the few threads started by people I actually *like*, is as much fun as getting poked in the eye with a sharp stick sometimes?
No, this is NOT a ploy. Thread closed, because nonunderstanding fools will always remain nonunderstanding fools.