Browsing dead bodies

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Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Beppo said:
The QA weapons setup is now fully integrated to allow any weapon or equipment item to be used as QuickAction by using an ini file that can even hold future weapon additions aso that are unknown today.

A 'Pickup...' submenu was added to the Equipment menu that allows picking up weapons, ammo and EAS items (ie. dropped CDs) that are lying around nearby. This way you can even grab the one object you want to pick up out of a pile of others.

This will be included in the Bonus pack.


yeeehaw! But will a dead player still spew weapons and mags out of their chest when they die, or will they stay conveniently packed inside their buttback until you go searching through it?


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Two guys that ask the same thing and it was a way long non-instaposting... mmmh :p

The current system simply checks for nearby items lying around and is not browsing a corpse.
A system that actually browses thru the full inventory the player was carrying would be possible too but needs some little changes for the dropping of things. At the moment the server admin decides what stuff is dropped in addition to the currently held weapon. So if the admin decides to not let anything else being dropped if killed, then you would have the proper base for a 'search corpse' scenario.
Will check it out later today... is doable without question but needs some more workarounds.

mat69 said:
Yes that would be great, especially if you don't have much stamina because you were hit and now you try to pick up the cd but you get so much stuff that you lose all your stamina ....
This was actually never an issue... dropped CDs (EAS items) do react on the 'grab/use' key directly without the need to be looked at like a pickup (weapon/ammo). So with just hitting the grab/use key while near to the dropped CD you pick it up. No need to 'aim' for it in any way.
However, dropped CDs will show up on top of the new Pickup... menu so that you do not overlook it. ;)


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
Awesome work Beppo!

I hope you can get it to work so that only weapons visible on the outside of the player model are dropped; while everything, including the non-visible stuff, is available through the equip menu.

-It seems like this would be less server intensive than having all inventory items dropped onto the ground.

--To build on sir edmond's comment: It might be nice to be able to still pick up stuff by hitting the grab/use button. If a player simply hit the button, then there would be a hierarchy of items in the list; hitting the button would simply pick up the item on the top of the list (like the cd, nades, or ammo for your currently equiped gun).


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
picking up stuff using the 'normal' way is still there of course... no worries...
and what stuff is dropped is - as said - up to the server admin...
Default is that the visible weapons are dropped only, but options allow to drop all weapons and all ammo too. So it is up to the admin if the browsing thru a deads inventory will be something 'extra' or not. An option for this feature will be included I guess (default: feature being active of course).