Browsing dead bodies

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I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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@ Geno:

@ Geno 2.0:

There is no such thing as an iron-sight Robar. Go back to CS...with the rest of 'em.

If you can't see why I have a problem with you already...then shucks...

99.9% of my family is in Law, and without consulting any of them, I can assure you that taking code from DX and putting it into INF is not only considered stealing, but also, it violates copyright laws. How you couldn't figure that one out on your own is amazing....

It's a retail game for a reason. The company PAID Epic games for the engine. After they pay the company that made the engine, anything and everything they do with it is their own business.

How do you figure INF could just take their code, simply because it's the same engine? Does that mean Medal of Honor could've just taken all the code from Wolfenstein, since they're both on the Quake 3 engine, despite each of them having their own copyrighted properties?

The engine is a canvas for creation, not a "code-pool" where if you see something you like, you can just take it.

More importantly, why am I even debating this?

Your parents should've aborted you earlier on.
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Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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[LD]CrAcWhOrE said:
@ Geno:

Here is the proof that I'm right and you're wrong.

@ Geno 2.0:

There is no such thing as an iron-sight Robar. Go back to CS...with the rest of 'em.

If you can't see why I have a problem with you already...then shucks...

99.9% of my family is in Law, and without consulting any of them, I can assure you that taking code from DX and putting it into INF is not only considered stealing, but also, it violates copyright laws. How you couldn't figure that one out on your own is amazing....

It's a retail game for a reason. The company PAID Epic games for the engine. After they pay the company that made the engine, anything and everything they do with it is their own business.

How do you figure INF could just take their code, simply because it's the same engine? Does that mean Medal of Honor could've just taken all the code from Wolfenstein, since they're both on the Quake 3 engine, despite each of them having their own copyrighted properties?

The engine is a canvas for creation, not a "code-pool" where if you see something you like, you can just take it.

More importantly, why am I even debating this?

Your parents should've aborted you earlier on.

That was like the sum of all the aspects of different types of forum jerks put together.

I mean really, he combined the classic "go back to CS" throw with the "I spent 2 minutes writing this post and now i'll claim you wasted my time" pull. Amazing tactics!


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
Crack, this link tried to install a virus on my machine. Please edit it.

Stealing code from another game is not only illegal, it's stupid. DX has been deeply rewritten with the logic of DX coders, wich is different from the logic of UT coders and the logic of INF coders. A piece of code that works in DX would take twice as much effort to work properly in INf as building it from scratch would.

As far as i know, there won't be any major code changes for INf for UT. Browsing dead people inventory's is something i'd like to see in the next gen INF, though.


l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
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[LD]CrAcWhOrE said:
@ Geno 2.0:

There is no such thing as an iron-sight Robar. Go back to CS...with the rest of 'em.

While you're bitching about the iron sight RC50, why don't you go yelling at yurch for making ACTSHUN? Or you could go and start screaming at those people that play TWT Zombies in INF. "THERE'S NO ZOMBIES/IRON SIGHTED RC50'S/TECHNICOLOR BULLET TRACERS TRAVELING AT 10 MILES AN HOUR IN REAL LIFE!" No kidding. It's a game. Now shut up. No one forced you to play it.

EDIT: I just noticed that a guy with a cliché misspelled and alternating capitalized name just told me to go back to CS. You see, he couldn't figure out anything more original than "crackwhore", so he misspelled it and randomly pressed his shift key to make it the oh so more original "CrAcWhOrE"
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Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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GenoOfTheCrayon said:
You forgot the part where he says I should have been aborted.

Hey, you gotta unleash your virtual testosterone somewhere, especially when you can't while the bullies in gym class are always beating you up ;)

Why haven't i seen FTU post here yet? I feel as though i am poorly fufilling his role...


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Geno, you're so smart. Turns out I was wrong.

Check ""

God, I feel like such a silly boy! Turns out you were right on the whole "stealing proprietary code" matter. I apologize for saying you're wrong! Since it's the same engine, it's 100% kosher. Man, you were right!!! LOL!

SS should get on the ball and get their best men on "borrowing" the Deus Ex code for searching bodies! I can't wait! OMG! That means when they go to UT2k4, they can just use the models from America's Army! That'll save so much time!

ROFL! I can't believe you were right!!! :eek:


l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
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I was thinking they could just mod America's Army. That'd be even faster! Just modify the damage on the guns, make it full 3D iron sights, take away that honor point system, and call it Infiltration! It's PURE GENIUS!

But whatever.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
three things:
1. stop going OT and take your personal stuff to PM
2. copying stuff over from DX is illegal. Even copying codes from INF is illegal. No need to discuss this further cause this is simply a known fact, period.
3. will check out my AddEquip muty... should be able to do this.


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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I'm sure that by using Unreal Ed or editing UT, you're automatically agreeing so some contract somewhere that Epic holds preventing you from selling anything you make using their base code without they're permission but granting you permission to use parts of the code in UT provided you paid for the game. This contract does not pertain to Deus Ex. the only code I'd say you could take from deus EX is any code that is identical to code found in UT. Other than that you can't touch it. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm guessing that's what Epic did and WHY you can remake the guns in UT and what not.


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Good luck Beppo! With that AddEQ muty thingamajigger. I recall an early version of Strike Force had this strange grid-based overlay where you could only pick items up when you were standing over them, and had to drag & drop the "On the Ground" stuff into your inventory. I'm not a big fan of sticking objects into little squares a la Diablo style, but the general idea is possible (DX, SF, etc).

Maybe there is some kind of "Get Pickup Names from 1m radius" function that can feed the objects in the area into some menu that works the opposite of Beppo's Equipment menu. Instead of tossing the selected ammo, you pick up the selected item. Sounds like a great system. Gambatte Beppo-san.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
hehe, no luck needed for this. ;)
I haven't had a chance yet to add this feature but I'm sure it will be available in the Bonus pack together with some other nice things you guys can use to add even new QA weapons. The additional QA weapons do work already and the selection is stored within the loadouts as it should. I only need to get around the first QA relevancy check to let QA Items that are 'unknown' to 2.9 stay activated on startup now. Then this stuff should be working fully.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
hehe, no luck needed for this. ;)
I haven't had a chance yet to add this feature but I'm sure it will be available in the Bonus pack together with some other nice things you guys can use to add even new QA weapons. The additional QA weapons do work already and the selection is stored within the loadouts as it should. I only need to get around the first QA relevancy check to let QA Items that are 'unknown' to 2.9 stay activated on startup now. Then this stuff should be working fully.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Beppo said:
hehe, no luck needed for this. ;)
I haven't had a chance yet to add this feature but I'm sure it will be available in the Bonus pack together with some other nice things you guys can use to add even new QA weapons. The additional QA weapons do work already and the selection is stored within the loadouts as it should. I only need to get around the first QA relevancy check to let QA Items that are 'unknown' to 2.9 stay activated on startup now. Then this stuff should be working fully.

The QA weapons setup is now fully integrated to allow any weapon or equipment item to be used as QuickAction by using an ini file that can even hold future weapon additions aso that are unknown today.

A 'Pickup...' submenu was added to the Equipment menu that allows picking up weapons, ammo and EAS items (ie. dropped CDs) that are lying around nearby. This way you can even grab the one object you want to pick up out of a pile of others.

This will be included in the Bonus pack.



Eternally noob
Dec 4, 2003
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Great work. I look forward to it.

I would consider it even better if a dead body only dropped the long weapons it was carrying. Could it be possible to make everything else non-dropped, but still reachable via the QA menu? I know it might be troublesome, but maybe spawn all other items 'inside' the corpse? That way they would not show up, but still be pickable items in terms of the menu.

-Freshmeat (Infiltration: Constant evolution)