Bot Pathing in a DM

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I would not recomend paths build, for several reasons: Paths build will tend to put pathnodes in unesecary places, also, It will over-path some areas and make them a nightmare of red and blue lines. The best way is to place your startpoints first, then pickups/weapons, then special nav points (defense points, liftexits etc.) then connect these areas with the minimum pathnodes required.


Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
Visit site
All right. I usually go ahead and put in mover related pathing with the movers. Unfortunately, my understanding of how the bots use the pathing is limited. Are there any tricks, etc. to keep them from being moronic?


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by Seco_In_The_Bushes
I would not recomend paths build, for several reasons: Paths build will tend to put pathnodes in unesecary places, also, It will over-path some areas and make them a nightmare of red and blue lines. The best way is to place your startpoints first, then pickups/weapons, then special nav points (defense points, liftexits etc.) then connect these areas with the minimum pathnodes required.
I couldn't have said it better myself

Originally posted by GoldenMouse
All right. I usually go ahead and put in mover related pathing with the movers. Unfortunately, my understanding of how the bots use the pathing is limited. Are there any tricks, etc. to keep them from being moronic?

the best way is to read every botpathing tutorial you can find, then try then out for yourself. That is what i did, mixed in with some snoopin' around in other authors' maps.


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by GoldenMouse
All right. I usually go ahead and put in mover related pathing with the movers. Unfortunately, my understanding of how the bots use the pathing is limited. Are there any tricks, etc. to keep them from being moronic?
Here is a lynk which I found very useful.
(you've probably seen it already)
A couple things which helped me:
- ALWAYS try to have blue lines instead of red between the nodes...
- Health, ammo, and weapons also act as pathnodes...
- Use lift exits instead of pathnodes to get the bots to use difficult areas...
One thing I had trouble with early on was lifts. :rolleyes:
The first few tutorials I looked at failed to mention
that the mover must be made "stand open timed"
or the bots will jump off before reaching the top.




New Member
Aug 29, 2000
letting the pc place pathnodes sux, place it yourself, pc is always wrong
blue or red lines are almost differnt btw, if a bot has the choice between red and blue he will take blue, if there is only red he will take red, nothing more


Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
Visit site
Items work as pathnodes, I've known this for quite awhile. However, is this only when there is an item there, or are those nodes always active? I've got a bridge of sorts with health vials, and I hear that putting a pathnode too close to pickups causes bot confusion.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
Always remember to match lift center/exit tags with the tag of the lift that they're used for, this helps keep the bots from jumping off them while in use.

Originally posted by LXIXGTO
- ALWAYS try to have blue lines instead of red between the nodes...

How do you dtermine how you get blue or red lines?


Mar 12, 2000
rofl right click on the grey bar above each window and go to view -> show paths ;)


Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
Visit site
Pot Bathing in a DM

Move it so that there is a clearer path between the two. Suppose a wall got too close to the line, that will turn it red, so move a node a bit, and rebuild paths. Perhaps the ground is a bit too uneven. Just fiddle with the nodes, making it look more like something that you would like to cross.


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by GoldenMouse
Items work as pathnodes, I've known this for quite awhile. However, is this only when there is an item there, or are those nodes always active? I've got a bridge of sorts with health vials, and I hear that putting a pathnode too close to pickups causes bot confusion.
Hmmm, from watching the bots I think the pickups only act as
pathnodes when they are there. (kind of makes sense :) )
If the power-up is missing when the bot gets near, it will
use another path if it is more accessable.
For me, understanding the pathnode network was more of
a challenge than making the rest of the map.
(and I still have a long, LONG way to go yet ...)
Oh, ... when laying out the weapons and health in your map you
also have to take into account the pick-up's "desirability".
(that field is in the inventory menu I think)
At times I have gotten the bots to use previously unused areas
simply by putting a more powerful (= more desirability) pick-up in
that area.
The best thing to do is to sit back and watch the bots play
a few games. In my opinion this can give you valuable insight
into how well the bots use the pathnode network you have set up.
After watching a few games, make a few tweaks and see
how it changed the way the bots use the map.
Happy mapping!




Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
Visit site
In that case, it doesn't seem that the minigun is all that desireable. Nobody ever has it, but hot damn, the flak cannon and the pulse gun.... (WHY do the bots like the pulse gun so much, of all things?)


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by GoldenMouse
In that case, it doesn't seem that the minigun is all that desireable. Nobody ever has it, but hot damn, the flak cannon and the pulse gun.... (WHY do the bots like the pulse gun so much, of all things?)
It may have to do with your bot's settings. Do you have
some of the bots set to have the pulse gun as their favorite weapon?
You may also want to consider if the pulse gun is
more accessable to the bots through the path network than the
flak cannon is. :hmm:
I think the "max desirability" setting under inventory is the same
for all the weapons. (= 0.50)
But pick-ups like the armor vest and U-Dam have a "max
desirability" that is much higher. (= 2.0 I think)
All I can say is what I suggested in my previous post.
Move some things around (after saving of course)
and see if the bots use things differently.
Good luck!

