The_Head said:At first I though great. No more people joining games and finding out that they aint got a patch. But reading this an auto update would indeed be annoying. I think having a pop up when you go to online play saying "There is a new UT200X Patch out, visit www.Unrea....." etc. Give it a clicky link so you can go straight and download it or can choose to leave it.
Yep. That's the way it should be. :tup:
kafros said:2. You cannot play on this server.
I hope EPIC chooses (2).
Dedicated servers should be auto-patched to the latest version!!!
You're obviously one of the guys whose high- paid job it is to make one's working life utter misery. Nice to finally meet you.
kafros said:There is NO WAY for EPIC to introduce NEW CODE THAT OPTIMISES THE GAME because they HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU (that said no to the download link) CAN STILL PLAY.
I've got one simple word for you: WRONG. Your understanding of how the process works is wrong, wrong, wrong, it's just plain unattached to reality in even the most basic ways.
As an example, look here at the combined changelogs for the first two patches to UT2004:
Page @
First you'll note the disclaimer at the top:
the changelog said:This patch is completely compatible with the retail version - servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other.
This patch will not overwrite your ut2004.ini and user.ini files, except to update settings as necessary. This patch includes all changes made in Patch 1.
That's in reference to patch 2, but it's also true for patch 1. Seems pretty clear to me, but just to elucidate: unpatched clients could connect to patched servers. Patched clients could connect to unpatched servers. There was no need to install this patch in order to keep playing or serving the game.
Now let's go down to the patch 1 changelist at the bottom and take a look at a couple of changes made:
the changelog said:- call takefallingdamage() on wall dodge to prevent it being used as an exploit for avoiding damage on long falls
(can still use wall dodging anywhere you could before, you just take damage if you are falling too fast).
- force same character as player is using - players using bForceDefaultCharacter must use a valid forced character as their own model
- Fixed Leviathan pushing exploits by limiting the Leviathans max speed.
Those are all exploit fixes, every one. I'm not entirely sure that the Leviathan- pushing fix worked... but the first one (which prevented players from avoiding fall damage altogther by walldodging at the bottom of a long fall) and the second one (which allowed players to view all other players as Gorge while themselves playing as Matrix) definitely did work. Go ahead and look through those (rather long) changelogs and take a look at all the other great stuff that Epic "couldn't" do thanks to the patch being optional.
Now. Some servers ran those patches, some didn't. Some clients ran those patches, some didn't. Whether or not the changes were felt ingame was entirely dependent on whether the patch was installed on the server. Those servers that didn't run it chose not to do so because with both patches, particularly the windows versions, problems were rampant but nowhere near universal. If a problem isn't universal, it generally doesn't get prompt 2- day service from Epic.
And now let me explain to you how the UT2004 servers are run: in brief, it's done out of pocket. An admin either rents the server from a service provider, rents space at a colocated data center, or else kicks out the dough for his/ her own private T3 line and builds the server machine as well -- all from his/ her own funds. Option 1 is NOT cheap. Option 2 is even more expensive, and option 3 pretty much requires that you're fairly wealthy.
And so what you're asking is that these people pay all that money to a 3rd party so that Epic can force them to install a hurry- up early patch that may very well make their server either unplayable or unpopular for God only knows how long. There's a reason Communism failed, you know...
If you think this is such a good idea, here's what: just before UT2007 comes out, go rent a server for it (shouldn't cost you more than about $150 US per month) and then install each and every patch that comes out. Hope you've got a big bottle of Excedrin... the installs themselves are fairly easy and your provider will probably do them for you. The nightmare begins after installation.
Look, I'm not really arguing that this shouldn't happen. There's no need for that because I can guarantee you that at least for PC, it won't happen. I'm just trying to explain to you why that is. Srry if I've sounded a little uptight, but the very idea makes my skin crawl.
I doubt you've been around to see patching of UT games in action, but I can assure you of two things:
1. The bugs that need fixing after initial release are substantial, but not game- breakers. The game will be playable and enjoyable right out of the box unless you're extremely picky.
2. The patches come fairly quickly at first. Skipping a patch or even two only means a delay of a month or so before you finally find one you want to use.
The system is fine as is, with the exception that more notification needs to be made. As for "transparency," I don't want to play on servers with lazy admins... those servers usually die pretty quickly anyway. There are plenty of resources available to keep admins active and informed of what's going on with the game, and the better ones take advantage of them.
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