Another hurricane

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Eyuva 'S' NRG

dont mess with the toilet monster
Apr 27, 2000
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Cat Fuzz said:
Geez, I wish we could see the alternate timeline that has Bush doing nothing about Saddam. I can just hear Teddy :burp: Kennedy now calling Bush a coward for not doing anything when there is clear evidence of Saddams WMD's. He would be critisizing Bush as a do-nothing President as the danger of nuclear, chemical or biological attack looms on the horizon. :lol:

They didn't do that when North Korea started building WMD's. North Korea actually built WMD's, but they attack a country on the grounds of having WMD's when they only thought they had them... Later they discover, oops, they didn't have them.

It sounds like an embarrassing situation to me.

Bush needs better intelligence.

Trust me, the Democrats know how to get things done better than Republicans, blunders like this wont happen. There will be an astute maturity at the head of government with a democrat in the white house.

Eyuva 'S' NRG

dont mess with the toilet monster
Apr 27, 2000
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GoAt said:
this is true.

it has been proven over and over that as a large storm system passes over a large city, that system will strengthen or weaken depending on the variables provided by the city.

but as far as GLOBAL warming, no.

LOCAL and GLOBAL are 2 different animals.

taking a thermal scan of NY says nothing about how NY is affecting everything on a GLOBAL scale.

Cough, it's just one city. Considering there are thousands of cities on the planet, the home furnace begins to add up.

It's common knowledge that URBAN areas are typically warmer than their surrounding rural neighborhoods. Why is this, use your common sense. Settlers didn't say... "oh this area is a tad warmer than the surrounding area, maybe by about 2-5 degrees warmer even, so we'll settle here." No, they settled in the area, turned on their furnaces or fireplaces and heated the place up.

Remember people, use common sense, think! Thinking for yourself is a lost art. Stop relying on Fox News for your information nipple.

Eyuva 'S' NRG

dont mess with the toilet monster
Apr 27, 2000
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Cat Fuzz said:

So now you at least admit there is a problem, that's a plus, it's a step in the right direction. Just like the AA member who finally gets over his denial.

The next step is thinking up inventive solutions to the problem.


Baitshop opening soon.
Apr 9, 2000
Nali City, Florida
Eyuva 'S' NRG said:
So now you at least admit there is a problem, that's a plus, it's a step in the right direction. Just like the AA member who finally gets over his denial.

The next step is thinking up inventive solutions to the problem.
I was thinking the same thing, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous. He might not really feel that way and misspoke. One thing that might help is birth control. Unfortunately, this would only be most beneficial in countries like the US where waste is the name of the game. In poorer countries where people walk everywhere and breed a lot, this wouldn’t help as much, but it would help.

But the idea is to combine techniques for an overall plan. Few people want to carpool or use public transit when they can drive places in their own vehicle. If that trend was changed somewhat, this would help. If there were less births, that would help. If we quit burning as much fossil fuel and stopped bulldozing the rainforests, that would help. If we’d stop plowing over all the trees on a plot of land to construct a building and a parking lot, and instead work with nature and keep as many trees as possible, that would help. If we’d all dump ice cubes into the oceans, oh….wait, never mind.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
hmm it's about 0 degress in chicago, like 5 here,Just think of all that pollution that wouldnt happen, if it was WARM !!!!!!!

We don't have air conditioning either, but all those lame ass south and around here who do, total waste, your supposed to be hot when it's hot outside.I hate air con.
Also in cars no air, totaly stupid, not to mention because of all this COLD weather and road salt, our cars rust out, therefore filling up the landfills.(and untold mountains of other COLD weather waste)

Global warming is a good thing, all the crops food wich could grow YEAR ROUND.there are so many things wich could benefit the earth if it was warmer.

I say bann all air con, and use the old freon, for more efficient refrigeration.

And tell Al Gore to come over here and pay our 206$ gas bill for last month, I think you global warm heads ARE for the corperate world.
Not to mention we got to work to pay out more means more driving, cars that run when we warm them up,
Think of all the extra electricity,shorter days,plus the furnace.
Or why don't you ultra smart brainwashed collegd kids start a national thing,JUNK MAIL OUTLAWED ! thiunk how much energy that wouls save, but no, bash bush, blame with all whimpyness in force, never good for the good, allways bash bush, blame blame.

So lets see it, C'mon !!!, I WANT TO HEAR ON FOX NEWS NEXT WEEK


Now your proffesors are so smart, so smart, pfffft, why don't you guys start protesting to do some REAL good for all, it's allways bs.

your all full of __it.
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Eyuva 'S' NRG

dont mess with the toilet monster
Apr 27, 2000
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ReD_Fist said:
hmm it's about 0 degress in chicago, like 5 here,Just think of all that pollution that wouldnt happen, if it was WARM !!!!!!!

We don't have air conditioning either, but all those lame ass south and around here who do, total waste, your supposed to be hot when it's hot outside.I hate air con.
Also in cars no air, totaly stupid, not to mention because of all this COLD weather and road salt, our cars rust out, therefore filling up the landfills.(and untold mountains of other COLD weather waste)

Global warming is a good thing, all the crops food wich could grow YEAR ROUND.there are so many things wich could benefit the earth if it was warmer.

I say bann all air con, and use the old freon, for more efficient refrigeration.

And tell Al Gore to come over here and pay our 206$ gas bill for last month, I think you global warm heads ARE for the corperate world.
Not to mention we got to work to pay out more means more driving, cars that run when we warm them up,
Think of all the extra electricity,shorter days,plus the furnace.
Or why don't you ultra smart brainwashed collegd kids start a national thing,JUNK MAIL OUTLAWED ! thiunk how much energy that wouls save, but no, bash bush, blame with all whimpyness in force, never good for the good, allways bash bush, blame blame.

So lets see it, C'mon !!!, I WANT TO HEAR ON FOX NEWS NEXT WEEK


Now your proffesors are so smart, so smart, pfffft, why don't you guys start protesting to do some REAL good for all, it's allways bs.

your all full of __it.

You're being irrational. ;)

Facts are facts, numbers are numbers. Dont get jealous of other people's knowledge, simply put, scientists and meteorologists know MORE about the weather than you do, or most politicians for that matter. This includes democrats by the way.

Al Gore paying your gas bill, lol. Al Gore has nothing to do with your gas bill. Go talk to the oil companies. Check their record profits of late. Blame the source, NOT the democrats. Democrats have nothing to do with this. Neither do republicans. Republicans have most of the federal power of late, so if anything goes wrong, it's their fault.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
GMotha said:
The enourmous variety of religions is (to my opinion) the main reason why there are that much atheïsts. Every religion has it's convincing (or less convincing) way to arrtract believers.
This one's not ment personally, but how can you be so certain that your way of christianity is more true than the catholic church or even the islam? If it's about belief, most catholics and muslims are truly convinced that their way is the right way. I don't think that God'd make a difference between catholic, baptist, angelican etc... It's merely a mixture of a certain culture and religion. All of them serve the same purpose.

You prove my point.


Never wrong
Nov 3, 2001
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even with all these big cities, there is no proof that the heat these cities generate are affecting areas hundreds of miles away.


Baitshop opening soon.
Apr 9, 2000
Nali City, Florida
Oh. Okay.

I will mention, though, that the “butterfly effect” might play a part in things. You know, where a butterfly flapping its wings can affect climate on the other side of the world type of thing. I think the point to all that is a small change can manifest itself into a large change.

I guess it would be like a person doing $12,000 damage to their apartment because they slipped on a marble. They step on the marble, it rolls, they fall backwards into the curtains. The curtains come down and the curtain rod hits a large picture on the wall that falls into an entertainment center, knocking it over and breaking the TV and stereo, etc, etc.

I don’t know if a tiny change in the air around a butterfly can make much of a difference, but a city might be able to steer weather changes to some degree. I say we ask for a 10 billion dollar grant and 10 years of research time from the government to investigate this stuff. :)


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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Eyuva 'S' NRG

dont mess with the toilet monster
Apr 27, 2000
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The implication of the skeptics' argument is that whatever warming seems to be happening on the Earth's surface, similar warming isn't happening in the atmosphere. This might mean that any observed surface warming is more likely due to the urban heat island effect -- where the heat-retaining properties of concrete and asphalt in urban areas artificially increase local temperatures -- rather than increasing atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.


Very interesting here. I always had a theory that if we had white roads with a less heat retaining material instead of black roads (which absorb more heat), that we could cool things down a bit. It would be interesting to try out.

In the worst case scenario of global warming we could probably pave a large state with something highly heat reflective (cant think of a material at this time), choose white as the color, and of course you will see a noticable difference in temperature. It would be an interesting scientific project.

But yes, it is confirmed, cities retain more heat, but this was common knowledge.

Ironically they ignore the heat that gets trapped in houses, and home furnaces. But that couldn't escape NASA's infrared scan of New York City. But that's just being the master of the obvious. Of course cities have a large amount of trapped heat.

As for greenhouses gases, I have no clue, I tend to look to obvious sources first, isolate those ingrediants, and then go to other ones.
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Never wrong
Nov 3, 2001
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the air surrounding the cities obsorb more heat that the city can produce.

look at a space heater.
can you heat a 2 story 4 bedroom house with that one space heater?


Baitshop opening soon.
Apr 9, 2000
Nali City, Florida
If you consider the mechanism that creates global warming, white roads and the like shouldn’t make any difference that I can think of. Global warming occurs when radiation can get through the atmosphere, but can’t get back out because gases stop much of the reflected radiation. We need to reduce the gases that block the radiation trying to get back out into space.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
Over here!!!
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Oh. Okay.

I will mention, though, that the “butterfly effect” might play a part in things. You know, where a butterfly flapping its wings can affect climate on the other side of the world type of thing.
Okay, put the crack pipe down Q. ;)


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Bah, the more i read the more pissed i get

"The European RoHS regulations are forcing the electronic industry to transition to lead-free soldering by July 2006. Higher heat and more active fluxes cause challenges to PCB manufacturers in the areas of board production, rework and cleaning"

Damn people, and their damn crappy stupid moron idiot Ahole, global spaces between the ears.

Man I NEED my CFC control cleaner, geeez, now we gonna get lead free solder, what a bunch of busybodies.

Hell I probably go through like 2 22oz cans a year, oh no but now, we are lead by total paranoid flaming , stupid , dip sh_ts.
And I hope some dopey technician trashes an old classic stereo you have , i hope they ruin it beyond any hope.

Oh but china i am sure is using it, the military, bootlegging accros mexican border, you global warming punks, I will make sure i pollute something now every year and litter more, and hopefully i will desrtoy the earth.....................
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