Ann Coulter : Lonely

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Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
Stilgar said:
'Caring is usually the opposite of thinking'

fb: I don't get it. Explain this for me.

k. The more attached you are to something or somebody, the harder it is to think rationally about it...

For example : fundamentally, no-one cares about the specifics of chemistry or physics. They may love chemistry in general, but no-one's personal belief system rests on the fact that methane is CH4 rather than CH5 or whatever, so there's very few heated arguments about stuff like that, and we have steady progress.

On the other hand, people do care a great deal about the specifics of things like religion, politics, philosophy, etc (for some reason :p) and we're fundamentally in the same state we were 2000 years ago: no-one can agree on anything, and we've had people going to war over the question of whether the Holy Spirit emenates from the Father or both the Father and the Son (literally).

Back to the point, Americans care about politics too much. Have you ever heard of someone who changed from being a Democrat to a Republican, or vice versa?


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Ann Coulter is a rabble rouser ( true ), everything from the provacative and insulting nature of her books, to her use of childish putdowns to gain attention. ( wich means she must be silenced by the left, right? What about all you aclu libs and this freedom of speech I keep hearing about? )

Sheehan is legitimately ( no draft ) opposing the war. Look, it's ok to be against a war that is doing nothing good for the country, except wasting lives and money ( your left opinion speaking here ). Sheehan is right, we ARE, our own best enemy in this war. ( says people whom are "blame america first" )

It helps to see this holographically, rather than politically. To look simply at the war and ask, is this GOOD for us, or is this a waste of our time? ( it is very logical and fesable and easily to pull off, for sadaam to hand off anthrax or other, then easily cross our boarder, regardless of my opinion )

I say it's a waste, and I agree with anyone who says similarly. ( like move on dot org, or frankin)
Thus a wise prince will think of ways to keep his citizens of every sort and under every circumstance dependant on the state and on him; and then they will always be trustworthy. ~ Niccolo Machiavelli

The unfortunate reality of the situation is that most people have the intellectual capacity of a pair of socks.

And yes it does have the SAME effect as the nazi's, not that they are nazi's)
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
You are so out of touch with reality it isn't even funny ( yep thats why she was shouted down ). Crying the nazis or communists are coming is just moronic. ( I never said that )

Look, let me clear a couple of things up. There is no parrallel between the events in Nazi Germany, and the protests of Ann Coulter.( Accept the other people there and thier choice to hear her was muted )

Second, Ann Coulter goes to colleges where she knows the intellectual elite will protest her to stir the pot. ( so that makes those so called students listen then go debate later? ! like an inteligent person would do ) She didn't go to redneck rural country towns to give a speech, where she will probably be well recieved. No, she went to a place where she could cause trouble and get some press.
( It's unfortunate your so brainwashed, last I heard she was invited by the rep students )

Third, you have a complete misunderstanding of all the events occurring in this situation, please die. ( hmm, seems you don't know, mabye you should watch FOX news for once, you know, like cameras and audio of the event,but your opinion sticks out so bad , thinking fox news is right wing says it all, and I am having a good laugh before I die lol )
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
For frosty.

""On the other hand, people do care a great deal about the specifics of things like religion, politics, philosophy, etc (for some reason :p) and we're fundamentally in the same state we were 2000 years ago: no-one can agree on anything, and we've had people going to war over the question of whether the Holy Spirit emenates from the Father or both the Father and the Son (literally)""

Well things like murder,rape, etc etc their needs to be a morality built in, hence God, the bible, and or things that don't allow bad thing to happen in our lives. even 2000 years ago.
So a religion that says make a human sacrifice, and it's YOU, would you fight ?
They smashed those trade towers, all inocent people, so a religion that says, thou shalt not kill, will trump the other one up there.


The nipples from Napels
Nov 3, 2001
So without God, rape would have been ok?
But the bible excists, and still there's rape...

And the religion that states "thou shalt not kill" has allready claimed an impressive ammount of innocent lives. Would you call that hypocrite?

And I advice you to take a closer look at the islam (since that's what you ment by the 'other religion'), since you seemed to be brainwashed by the media enough to actually believe that the islam is a religion of war and killing innocents.

It's quite funny tough, practicly anyone with a conservative mind refuses to think between the extremes. "If you're not with us, you're against us." Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the message they seem to send towards the others. Otherwise, explain the extreme distrust and paranoia.


Crony of Stilgar
Aug 13, 2001
Shelf Adventure.
Morality is a phenomenon that occurs without religion. Furthermore, most if not all religion, at some point in its history, has exhibited a profound lack of it.
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Dec 20, 1999
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Frostblood said:
k. The more attached you are to something or somebody, the harder it is to think rationally about it...

In general, I guess so. Yes, people get irrational when their emotions
are so strong that they block out reasonable argument. On the other hand,
I'm so attached attached to games that I can't help but analyze them ;)

Back to the point, Americans care about politics too much. Have you ever heard of someone who changed from being a Democrat to a Republican, or vice versa?

Nope. The same thing happens here as well.


Reporter: Why are you voting Labour?

RandomOldGuy: Because I'm a Labour supporter! And my parents were
Labour supporters! Hoorah for Labour!

well... duh

Having an mmp system helps I suppose, but people will still tend
to define the choice as either left or right of center.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
HaHa Stligar, I was affraid to say anything, my brother says it too. lol.
Ya never know heh.

I don't think so but, or butt ?.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
GMotha said:
So without God, rape would have been ok?
But the bible excists, and still there's rape...

And the religion that states "thou shalt not kill" has allready claimed an impressive ammount of innocent lives. Would you call that hypocrite?

And I advice you to take a closer look at the islam (since that's what you ment by the 'other religion'), since you seemed to be brainwashed by the media enough to actually believe that the islam is a religion of war and killing innocents.

It's quite funny tough, practicly anyone with a conservative mind refuses to think between the extremes. "If you're not with us, you're against us." Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the message they seem to send towards the others. Otherwise, explain the extreme distrust and paranoia.

Well you have some rational points, but people like howard dean, and others are making a laughing stock of whats real.
All in the name of a blame game to get shallow things, or votes, but no real opposition.

Eyuva 'S' NRG

dont mess with the toilet monster
Apr 27, 2000
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ReD_Fist said:
Well you have some rational points, but people like howard dean, and others are making a laughing stock of whats real.
All in the name of a blame game to get shallow things, or votes, but no real opposition.

Well Howard Dean simply wasn't likable in my opinion. It's no wonder he lost quickly to John Kerry in the democratic primaries. The reason he lost had more to do with his attitude and demeanor than his politics however. John Kerry was simply more stately and presidential.

And while stately and presidential won John Kerry all three debates, he still failed to get by the 10 point gap in the polls, although he came suprisingly close, considering the gap.

George Bush appeared stupid in the debates, which is a major part of political strategy, since, if you appear too smart, you will alienate a big part of the public. I learned this from a friend of mine who works as a political consultant.

Does this mean I respect stupidity. No, I err on the opposite side. I err on the perseption of intelligence. If I feel smarter than the president, and I have on many occassions while listening to his speeches, then I start laughing out loud, wondering how such an incompetant fool could be running this nation. I believe a president should do his best, to appear upstanding, stately and presidential, and NEVER give off the appearance of being DUMBER than the average Joe. I expect more from such a position of power.
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The nipples from Napels
Nov 3, 2001
ReD_Fist said:
Well you have some rational points, but people like howard dean, and others are making a laughing stock of whats real.
All in the name of a blame game to get shallow things, or votes, but no real opposition.
Happens everywhere, that's just politics.

Mister_Prophet said:
I find the Discovery Channel interesting.
I think it's a fascinating channel, certainly after I've seen monkeys jack off. Just like people do.