FragBU: Friday, October 8 and Saturday, October 9
#FragBU on irc.enterthegame.com
New to FragBU? Read the FragBU FAQ
Server settings:
Name - BeyondUnreal Ketnar MotherShip
Server Location - Virginia, USA on a 100 MB connection
Server IP - ut2004://
Game password - orange
Start time - 6:00 PM CST (Midnight GMT)
Setup:Map Voting - Enabled
Mutators - Talking Icon (it is 100% working now)
Max Players - 16
Max Spectators - 2
Bots - 0
Version - 3323
Map Voting Configuration:Gametypes- Jailbreak 2004b ECE, ONS, AS, BR, DM, TDM, CTF, INV, MUT, LMS
Maps: It is highly recommended that you install the following maps/packs prior to joining. Redirect downloading is enabled through the GameServers.net Redirect Program.
- All retail maps
- CBP2 Volume 1 and Volume 2
- CTF-Lavagiant-ClassicV2
- Raffi_B and Element Map Packs
- Flag Pack 2004
- CTF-RB-Arid FragBU Edition
- CTF-Confrontation
- CTF-EternalCaves-Classic
- ONS-Pipeline
- Onslaught Bonus Maps
- AS-Thrustv2
- AS-Vindication
- ONS-Rapanui
- DM-Goose2k4
- CTF-Naelir
- CTF-CoretClassic
- CTF-RomraMoonStation2k4
- ONS-Dinora
- AS-Acatana
- ONS-Alien2
- DM-Altena
- CTF-Lucius2004SE
- CTF-Aedes-Final
- Editor's Choice Bonus Pack
New maps this week: