AI turrets vs Manned Turrets

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Us And Them
Sep 12, 2004
Right now there is really no advantage to manning a turret when the AI does a better job of it, and what mechs can do is saturate a hallway with these death machines and leave them to there business.

What I would like to see is some disadvantages to leaving a turret unmanned.

  • Slower tracking - The turret rotates slower than it would manned, so that if a player is within 96 units of it they can strafe around it faster then it can rotate. (to get behind it)
  • Longer whined up time - When the turret finds a target it tastes .5 a second for it to start firing, so players can atleast get a chance to fire off a round at the target before it pulverizes them.
  • Stun from behind - For those able to get behind the turret repeated melees to the back of it should stop its rotation giving in the future mechanics a chance to place a mine on it or to give your teammates a break.

As for the Machine gun turrets themselves they never seem to let up, you end up just having to throw so many bodies at them that you over power them! How about take something from the Famous MG42. The weapons can over heat. To cool back down the barrel rotating for 3 seconds making a high pitched siren sound letting the attacking players know they can come out of cover and advance.

One of the devs asked me to post this on the forums while I brought it up on a server.
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old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
:) thankyou for your suggestions, I know a lot of people want some balancing with turrets, With this being beta 1.0 this is the best time to get your input in.
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...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
Manning a turret right now will result in a much higher accuracy. Just check that.

However, turrets will get our biggest concentration when we balance things.


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Apr 4, 2002
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Hunz said:
Manning a turret right now will result in a much higher accuracy. Just check that.
Agreed. While an AI turret has a pretty snappy response time, a human manning the turret is generally smarter about which targets to pick off while letting teammates take care of the rest.

However, I do agree with MozTS that the AI turrets need to be at least slightly nerfed. All I really think the AI turrets themselves need is a little bit of lag time based on the bot difficulty setting (like novice=1s...godlike=perfect). Perhaps that stun capability would be good, as well as maybe giving enemy mechanics the ability to deconstruct enemy turrets (albeit at a slower rate and at great danger to themselves).

On a side note, I found that turrets can be extremely effective when used attacking. On Triumph we blew up the defender's crusher turret in the last guard tower and replaced it with a DFA. It provided more than enough cover fire to drive those defenders right into the objective zone.


...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
Turrets in general will need a bit nerfing (we will have to discuss the details), however, I like to hear that they are useful for attackers aswell.

Death Touch

New Member
Dec 7, 2003
I believe currently Turrests are overpowered and difficult to destroy. I think it would be a good idea of there were a limit to the number of turrets, and they needed an Engineer to consistently repair them. I like the idea of team play, tactics, and strategy so I would definitely prefer:
1. Fewer turrets.
2. Easier to destroy, either by Explosive Device by Engineer or continous fire.


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Apr 4, 2002
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Since people are saying that the turrets are too tough, why not increase the hit damage of the rocket launcher? It'll make the anti-armor guy even more valuable while the turrets stay resistant to small arms fire.

Perhaps scaling turret power according to difficulty level would work as well (if it hasn't already been implimented).


Oct 24, 2001
There are already limits for turrets globally. When I say globally I mean that each team has a max number of turrets they can have. If me and you are mechs we can both build lets say 2 turrets and thats it. If a 3rd mech comes in and there are already 2 turrets he wont be able to build...


New Member
Jul 18, 2004
Dissapearing into the fog !
Hi, i would just like to say i have been watching this mod for a while and im very impressed with it :)

To add my bit, i have no problems with the turrets firepower or accuracy so far however i think that they should have a limited ammo amount so mechs have to re-arm them, this would mean teams wouldnt be able to set up unbreachable defences, eventually the turrets would run out of ammo and could be bypassed.

Also on levels where there are turrets set up at the start i dont think teams should be able to build more, the existing turrets already out gun anything the attackers could use so building more is overkill.


old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
yeah, TBH, the turrets are fine as they are.... its just when you get round the corner and see 4 turrets....

abSolut, ive played a few games, where they have been at lest 5 turrets built built by mechs.

What i suggested was turret limit should be set in map.... BIG open maps or areas with multiple routes would need more turrets than a small map. IE : BlackGold is fine. But Unexpected and Refinery should have a lower turret limit set in map config, I dont think i suggested this in team forums yet.

Oh and yes for ammo 4 turrets, but dont forget the AI turrets were going to have a slower tracking / fire rate... this might balance it out already


...aka [A|K]Leviathan, mkay?
Jan 7, 2002
Indeed, we wont add ammo in 1.1, since it will focus on balancing and bugfixing rather than adding new stuff.

And about turret limits: I can just repeat that some kind of resource would add really much to gameplay. Think about the tickets of BF. You can set em for every map, granting attackers and defenders different amounts to balance each map. The tickets go down with every kill and can be spent on turrets and other stuff aswell. If the tickets of one team go down, its an early win.


old skool
Feb 12, 2002
United Kingdom
i think we should introduce a turrent limit in each maps config. that way small maps or liner narrow maps cannot become turret alleys, while bigger maps have more turrets.


New Member
Oct 28, 2003
I'd like turrets to stay as they are. However only have a 180 degree arc of fire. Also, with regards to destroying turrets; how about an EMP grenade for taking out or disabling turrets and future vehicles if added??


DA2 Project Lead/Level Designer
Dec 10, 2002
Redmond, WA
Fluxs, there's already a turret limit in each map, mine are set to one for each of my maps, the only problem is that there are starting defesive turrets because of our lack of build spots and build code for bots, now that this has been fixed we can tweak pre-placed turrets and it won't be as much of a problem I think