Few changes I have coming.... hopefully this weekend, but it might not be until next....
Pickup effects have been completely redone, and they're all recieved an additional layer of effects. Also, when one respawns, it is "constructed" via laser effect, thanks to NW3. Balance has been re-evaluated and I changed many things, and added many more. I've increased respawn timers, since pickups drop from dead players now. Boots got the most dramatic increase and is now at 42 seconds. Trying to implement a UD that can't be turned off and has a shorter duration for when it is "given" by the timer. Otherwise UDamage upkeep would be ridiculous, I'm afraid. You raised a valid point Sparky let's test it sometime. If I could implement a cooldown I might do that instead, but this is easier, for now, and I'm not sure I want more cooldowns in UT. Invis now increases speed by 1.15 or lowers it by 0.15 if you have the flag. It also mutes your footsteps, gunshots(trying), everything. Remember I'm also nerfing it to reveal you when you fire or are hit, though I might have that disabled for testing. Mmmm I tried making the boots activated lower your mass instead of your speed, but then you would feel obliged to use it every time you RJ, I like it better just increasing speed, makes it more comfortable, even if it can stack with the invis for a ridiculous brief speedburst. The ShieldBelt now regenerates..... and many other things I'm sure I've forgotten.... oh, very different, new shieldbelt effect over your player/weapon model too. Ah, and new invis model too - well, you won't see much difference, but it should make you a little easier to spot by your weapon perhaps.
I'm not happy with the BioRifle primary fire past a certain range, trying to add a different/additional mechanism to it.
And.... I'm looking at adding a 'animated' overlayer texture to the weapons.... something like the shieldbelt over your weapon, but tighter, cooler, more transparent, lava etc.
It took most of my time just to get the pickup bugs fixed.... why I haven't got more done yet. though.....
I won't know if any of this is fixed or works truly until I put it online.