TAZTG said:If these MAPS are done I will upload Blizzard to the Server Later today.
«BuA»Lurker_71 said:I know for certain that I need to add more light to the hallways
there is one other thing I have to fix to keep people (who jump around alot) from getting stuck...
Bonecrusher said:There is no such thing yet TAZ. If I had the time to figure out terrain...I'd make it.
And blizzard is a Dud..for some reason it won't run on the server. Me and TAZ were going to try it yesterday and it wouldn't load up. I couldn't find what was wrong with it either. It works fine in single player but the server spits it back in my face.
ooo preatty«BuA»Lurker_71 said:Lighting Update:
I boosted the lighting some in Thorns2k4... you can see everything better, and yet it still retains it's lovely dark ambience...
here's a pic;