Been around that long? not exactly. Started playing Unreal when we got a new pc around November/December 1999, which was about the time UT was released.
I was 11 back then, and after having played several new games on our new pc, my brother decided to buy Unreal, because his friend recommended it, and it was available in the bargain bin.
I still remember vividly how we (me and my bro) were scared the crap out of ourselves in the first level, when the door closed and you could hear the dude scream, and when the lights went out in that long corridor, and the music from Terraniux, and how we (my bro did most of the playing, I just sat next to him, watching) were stuck in that damn Spiretower for hours, watching how the Nali's were being tortured in one of the final levels before the mothership and of course the brilliant ending cinematic....
Unreal has altered my reality.. Forever.