Almost said:
...People tend to forget, or ignore, that everything is being done in whatever time developers have left after work, family, friends and other hobbies.
No we don't. I'm quite certain
everybody realizes that this is being done 'for free' and 'in your spare time'.
Besides, we take time out of our lives and schedules to view (or rather, experience)
your art. You should be flattered and excited.
Are you seeing a pattern here? Everything goes both ways. You put time into it and we put time into it (and please don't get into a boner measuring match - detailing that gamers aren't as important as devs because both parties are important). If you made content and
none of the servers (literally, zero) ran it and everybody refused to use it - I'm sure you'd have a different attitude towards your fanbase. You'd quickly learn that you can't have a successful game without fans.
If you hate being a dev so much - quit - or at least, approach it (the problem) from a different angle. It's tough work, it's aggrivating and it's certainly not for everyone. However - there is nothing more satisfying than sharing your artwork with people - getting feedback and improving upon your mistakes so that you can create something (practically) 'perfect'.
Yurch said it best (and I couldn't agree more on the 'professionalism' comment), but I figured I'd add that - since you seem to think the players aren't important for some reason.
And yes, I understand that you
can indeed make a full-blown game (2.9)
just for yourself. However, I would have to question your sanity and your 'lack of free-time' excuse...