1.2 Comments/criticisms/issues/errors

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Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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Uh...where did I say that people don't like what they do, Don? You make it sound like I said everyone thinks their work stinks, which of course isn't the case. If you read more carefully, you will see that it was directed to those who are always looking for something to complain about, no matter how big or small it is.

Infiltration lives on and some of the "blame" for that falls on people like Crowze, Bushwack and others who spend their free time making addon's for the game, for free. We all owe them a lot. Our bitching and whining doesn't fall into that category.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Crowze said:
Believe it or not, the members of the mod team are human.
So is everyone else. Deal.

The IMT is not going to discover a magical new way of dealing with people that all other content developers on the planet have somehow missed. You generate content, expect to be seen in a certain light. A mild level of professionalism is due because of that. Complaints about lack of free time (which, nobody ever seems to have, mod teams or otherwise) will fall on deaf ears very rapidly. Don't abuse that.

It's an unwritten rule that the development forum shouldn't get flames. A simple "we haven't had time yet, fuck off for a bit." would have entirely avoided this embarrasing thread.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Almost said:
...People tend to forget, or ignore, that everything is being done in whatever time developers have left after work, family, friends and other hobbies.

No we don't. I'm quite certain everybody realizes that this is being done 'for free' and 'in your spare time'.

Besides, we take time out of our lives and schedules to view (or rather, experience) your art. You should be flattered and excited.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Everything goes both ways. You put time into it and we put time into it (and please don't get into a boner measuring match - detailing that gamers aren't as important as devs because both parties are important). If you made content and none of the servers (literally, zero) ran it and everybody refused to use it - I'm sure you'd have a different attitude towards your fanbase. You'd quickly learn that you can't have a successful game without fans.

If you hate being a dev so much - quit - or at least, approach it (the problem) from a different angle. It's tough work, it's aggrivating and it's certainly not for everyone. However - there is nothing more satisfying than sharing your artwork with people - getting feedback and improving upon your mistakes so that you can create something (practically) 'perfect'.

Yurch said it best (and I couldn't agree more on the 'professionalism' comment), but I figured I'd add that - since you seem to think the players aren't important for some reason.

And yes, I understand that you can indeed make a full-blown game (2.9) just for yourself. However, I would have to question your sanity and your 'lack of free-time' excuse...


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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You don't know me very well, crackwhore. I have never seen the community/dev-thing as a pissing contest.

Yurch is right. I apologise for aiding the downfall of this thread. I take my leave.


Jan 18, 2005
*sends Almost 14 pre-released inf ready weapons*

I would say one weapon takes a total of 24 hours to make. Granted, time has to be put for everything to work, and, well, work right.

Most of the guns are made for the IMT, and are then released for public consumption later. January 20th, 2005: AKM is released internally for IMT for testing. April 3rd, 2005: AKM is released to public.

We do benefit our work, and the tim e it takes to get something right is not worth getting attacked. If you don't like what we make... well there is nothing I can do about it... Just suck it up and use stock weapons then.

I don't think anyone here is an ass though. I love the INF community. Just lay off the hard working team.


Jan 18, 2005
errr. well, so it seems. 24 seems right. Unless the modelling, coding, texture making, sound making, script detailing, beta testing, and releasing takes less time =/

Corporal_Lib [BR]

Brazilian Graphic Designer & Gun Nut {=)
Vega-don said:
yeah but dont think like almost said that people dont like it. people love it . but most of the players dont post here saying "we love it"

I DO LOVE THEM ALL, either (except for that strange MAG-7, but it is one in a dozen, a good statistic), I only still play INF due to the IMT new weapons and mutties... if it dependedon the Vanilla 2.9, I would have been bored and quit playing it months ago... and I personnaly hope that IMT keep releasing new weapons, equipment and mutators to (quote); MAKE THE BEST EVEN BETTER... :)
Keep up the good work, guys! And release new content more often, hehehe :D


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
Crowze said:
Believe it or not, the members of the mod team are human. As well as having lives external to Infiltration, we've (especially Duke and the beta team) been working extremely hard over the last couple of weeks to iron out as many bugs as possible from the weapons so we can release them. After all that we would like some time to relax, take it easy, and maybe actually use these weapons on the servers. So if we're not addressing the issues you bring up instantly, it doesn't mean we're purposefully ignoring you. The whole point of you posting such issues in our forums is so we can keep track of things and address them when we have a chance, not so we can answer you as quickly as possible. Deeds not words, as they say.

Bush is quite right in saying that we're not the normal mod development team. The whole idea of the IMT is to bring together all the skills needed to create add-ons for Infiltration, and provide tools and references to help them develop them. That's it - it's not to create weapons for the community or even ourselves, that's for the developers to decide. Most of us do want accurate representations of real-life weapons, but for most that isn't their primary reason for doing this. So maybe you ought to change your expectations of us.

If you have any particular issues, don't bother the individual team members about it. As the more-active-co-leader, please direct general questions and such to myself.

EDIT: Wow, 19-minute instapost.

I'm actually around nowadays (got my comp up and running) so people can talk to me as well. Not duke, not BW, not mercie, not Dr. J, or anyone else. Crowze and I will answer questions on BUF and give the "quick responses" you all want on our forums. Other team members are free to add input in our forums, but crowze and i will handle the duties primarily.


Eternally noob
Dec 4, 2003
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I read somewhere that one of the main things that kept a game running was the addition of new features (I agree, as I still play Diablo). In that respect, IMT has done an extreme lot keeping a fanbase for Infiltration while SS has turned their attention to the next generation project. Some of the contributions I really like, some I use on occasion, others still I would not use if given the choice between that and a rock to throw. But no matter how I feel about some individual contributions, the overall lifetime extension of Infiltration from the IMT cannot be underestimated.

-Freshmeat (Who thinks this discussion has turned a tad negative)


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
New weapons = more ways to die. I think it would take more than fancy pants guns to bring me back to INF. It would take new EAS maps. New random missions that liven gameplay up. DTAS is random, yes, but it's still TDM to me. You can't win by stealth, you win by killing everything on your way to the flag. Sadly, I think all the mappers left INF already. The IMT does a pretty fine job supporting INF with their packs and I think that's great :) But these new weapons don't really change the gameplay. It's just the same game we've been playing for years.


The Cult Of Personalities
Apr 23, 2004
instead of constantly pointing out bugs, why dont yall encourage the mod team and praise them on the hard work they have done.i would think just mentioning a bug once would be good enough and people who need to read it will read it.while they might not reply to the post, maybe they are thinking of ways to correct the bug or work around it instead of wasting time here explaining to people why exactly something is doing what its doing.

but to make an entire topic on issues and things wrong with it, thats just inconsiderate.especially if there has been 3 other topics that already say the same thing....dont be gay, just be patient.if ya dont like the work they do, learn the **** and do it yourself....like im doing :) (not because i dont like the stuff, because i want to help!)


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Inconsiderate? What are you, 12? Criticism is part of the creative process. It isn't insulting, it isn't mean, and it sure as hell isn't inconsiderate. If people take the time to actually provide useful criticism and feedback, it's not only useful; it's a goddamn compliment. Fatuous praise is nothing but social masturbation and a complete f.ucking waste of time. This obnoxiously puerile mentality seems to have somehow taken very deep root in ths community, and it is becoming enourmously difficult to tolerate.
Last edited:
Apr 21, 2003
I personally am mentally heading allready to the next gen INF. Make suggestions and will make some soon.
I just play 2.9 half hearted. The reason is, that I don't care about new weapons, I care about the way I navigate the dude, especially weapon handling, also the realism of the 1st perspective is one of the primal things to me. And I´m not that agreed with the actual INF weapon handling anymore.
That's something that probably will never be changed/developed for the actual INF.

My leak of interest for new guns is not cuz I don't like em, IMT makes an awesome job and finally the AKM got my real interest, but it is still toying around.

The actual INF weapon and movement system was always the best, but it does not kick that anymore.

Thats just my stance. As you said, the gameplay don't change (in my case the movement and weapon handling), thats why my INF is more of a standby, I concentrate on the next gen INF.


The Cult Of Personalities
Apr 23, 2004
Arethusa said:
Inconsiderate? What are you, 12? Criticism is part of the creative process. It isn't insulting, it isn't mean, and it sure as hell isn't inconsiderate. If people take the time to actually provide useful criticism and feedback, it's not only useful; it's a goddamn compliment. Fatuous praise is nothing but social masturbation and a complete f.ucking waste of time. This obnoxiously puerile mentality seems to have somehow taken very deep root in ths community, and it is becoming enourmously difficult to tolerate.

if you put peoples work down, theres good chance they are not going to do anything for INF again.have appreciation for peoples work....im sure they stayed up late nights to do it.besides, its not our job to judge these "bugs" or "problems".im sure these things have been tested over and over again by the test team.the time to be creative is over since its already been released.by the way some of the developers responded, they sure as hell took it as a insult and by the way you talk, i cant blame them.


Elitist bastard
Aug 11, 2004
in urban Michigan(mostly)
the time to be creative is over since its already been released.
might i point out that is it v1.2? ;)

theres good chance they are not going to do anything for INF again
i belive the IMT is a bit tougher then that *and* they want to do what they do to boot.
IMO Arethusa is just doing his Arethusa-thing, and none of this was very surprising.. that is, up till the response.

we all appreciate it (the FAL rocks) and that is why we are here. (because the FAL needs a more realistic rear-aperture :p)