Woohoo video footage of Unreal Engine 4 in action. It's all about realtime with UE4. Alan Willard gives the guided tour.
Aaaaannnd... action!
Aaaaannnd... action!
Willard explaining the points of UE4 is way more useful information than any screenshot posted earlier.
UEd seems immensely more powerful this time around.
Besides the obvious graphical component, ditching uscript entirely for c++ seems, at least on video, to work well.
pretty amazing leaps in technology over the years; companies like Epic and wizards who work for them who can create such mind-blowing high quality software in relatively short time really astound me.
agreed, but actually the whole internet is full of tards saying the graphics are not impressive and that they prefer the prerendered video of the demonstration of the new final fantasy.... incredible... the story of the first killzone2 video repeats....
agreed, but actually the whole internet is full of tards saying the graphics are not impressive and that they prefer the prerendered video of the demonstration of the new final fantasy.... incredible... the story of the first killzone2 video repeats....
It LOOKS promising. But I remember demo videos of the Unreal2 engine, and the Unreal3 engine as well. The demo videos for both of these engines showed finery, features and stuff that I NEVER saw implemented in a playable game setting.
U3 never even got so far as to implement FSAA, and it still doesn't even to this day (for which I have never forgiven them). So the demo videos for U3 made it look as chock full of features as this U4 video looks, but we were never delivered anything that played in 'real time' with as much appeal and features as was boasted within those demos.
The fact is, these demo videos are custom made for these conventions and special guests. They're rendered on super-computers that NO ONE has and could never hope to have. These demos are rigged in advance to run flawlessly. Therefore they are presented with real-time framerate, features and functionality that most users will never be able to take advantage of and never enjoy. So it's all just a tease.
I'd love to be wrong, and I hate sounding so cynical. But I've been jilted by these demo videos one too many times to take them at face value anymore. If Epic (or some other developer) can make a game with this engine that actually LOOKS like this, and runs just as smoothly on a regular computer with a regular video card, THEN they'll have my attention. For the moment, it's just window dressing made to decieve the gullible.
Sure, it ran great on the super-computers that Epic rigged specially in advance. But I'm willing to bet that no end-users will ever see any games that look and perform like this on their systems at home.