Mike Capps On Unreal Engine 4

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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
During an Unreal Engine 3 panel at the Gamefest in Seattle, Epic Games' president Mike Capps revealed that the "Unreal Engine tools had a markedly 'console focus' going forward and that its availability would coincide with next gen consoles anticipated to arrive between 2012 and 2018. This echoes Tim Sweeney's comments this March when he told TGDaily that the next engine would target the new hardware from Microsoft, Sony, (Nintendo?), and then finally the PC. (thanks, MozI)


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
So it looks like the mighty and once king Unreal series sounds like it will be reduced to a watered down console port at best. Oh wait that's right. Everyone plays Gears of War now when the aren't playing Halo, and Epics crown prince is now just a flower in the attic.

Just remember one thing guys. You would be NOTHING without us.

Boy do I hope I'm wrong
:mad:/end rant

PS. Don't let the post count fool you. I've been playing Unreal since 1998
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Unreal Ninja
Jan 21, 2006
^ahahahaha ah ha ah ha... yeah...

Well we know which way "the studio that brought you Gears of War" is going.
I know where I'm going too. :360:


Active Member
Mar 1, 2001
East coast
I guess I won't have to deal with their insufferable bloom overload. The console folks will instead.
Oh wait, Bloom was this gen's 'next gen' feature overload. Next 'next gen' will probably get some other nasty thing to OD on in games.
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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
The essence of what he is saying is not really new. Tim pretty much said the same thing in March. It's just the way the business model is working for them right now, nothing more. I hope this thread doesn't turn into another series of rants.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2001
East coast
The essence of what he is saying is not really new. Tim pretty much said the same thing in March. It's just the way the business model is working for them right now, nothing more. I hope this thread doesn't turn into another series of rants.

The rants are just the result of frustration and a sense of betrayal. People hear all the time how PC gaming is dying, even though it isn't. But it soon will with this festering attitude amongst developers and publishers not to even bother with it anymore because it 'appears' to be dead.

A lot of the companies that got their start and success on the PC are now turning tail for the consoles. It's where the money is, so yes it makes sense from a business perspective. The annoyance is that it doesn't appear that many people are trying to fix PC gaming since they claim it is so broken. The companies that were built on the PC aren't trying to help it.

Sure PC gaming has problems....

I guess its just easier to not bother with them and take the easier route with consoles.

The cold hard reality of it all sucks though. Its all about business, its all about money so the consoles will be getting all the attention. Oh well.
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Apr 22, 2005
Florida, US
The rants are just the result of frustration and a sense of betrayal. People hear all the time how PC gaming is dying, even though it isn't. But it soon will with this festering attitude amongst developers and publishers not to even bother with it anymore because it 'appears' to be dead.

Yes but most of their frustration comes from nothing. People don't really know what Epics motives are they only know what they appear to be.


the authority in beef
Nov 22, 2002
Canberra, Australia
They are putting the engine on as many platforms as is feasible, and starting with the most profitable ones first. Unreal Engine is a fantastic engine and I'm sure that UE4 will bring some incredible games to consoles and PCs.

I think some people need some cheese to go with their whine.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2001
East coast
The problem with folks on this site is that its about a game that was made by Epic so any move that Epic makes will hit closer to home.

Overall I think pc gamers are taking the broad image of loyalties and intentions towards PC vs Console as a whole and applying it specifically with their favorite developers and/or games and attacking it thusly.

In this case it's kind of annoying me because I'd like to see another Unreal game on its home platform, the PC, and with suggested intentions of focusing on consoles now it means its less likely we'll see an another Unreal game, and if we do it'll just be a lousy port.

People develop connections and attachments to things that they like. Once they lose that thing, in this case the devotion of Epic and its IP's, then they get agitated and upset. It's only natural.

Why can't they develop it for all platforms equally? That seems to be what ID is doing with its new engine.

They are putting the engine on as many platforms as is feasible, and starting with the most profitable ones first. Unreal Engine is a fantastic engine and I'm sure that UE4 will bring some incredible games to consoles and PCs.

I think some people need some cheese to go with their whine.

Honestly, I agree with this direction because it makes sense from a business standpoint. However because they are focusing on PC's last people wonder how much attention it will get at all. Take a look at UT3. Now whether you may like the UI or not is not the case here. What is the case is that it did feel very much like it was meant for a console, and this is with them saying they were building it with the PC first in mind. It kind of makes you wonder.

We'll see how things go.

All in all I am excited to see what UE4 is capable of.
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Active Member
May 27, 2004
Well it sounds like things were pushed back acouple of years, I remembered hearing that the next console gen would start 2010 so hey maybe Epic is just adjusting for that.

With the comment about targeting consoles before PC, I dont see why that is a bad thing per see, maybe it means Epic will put needed time and get the PC version of the engine right. So if thats what works then sure cool, we all know what they say and what the do is two different things anyways. This is most likely just news to keep the hounds at bay, its pretty vague!

I guess Epic might have alittle more luck now since lives gone free :lol: still with no Gears 2 announcement and Gears a blur from the past generation of consoles... Yeah something like that, whens Epic gonna buy what was irrational off 2k already :)
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Honestly, I agree with this direction because it makes sense from a business standpoint. However because they are focusing on PC's last people wonder how much attention it will get at all. Take a look at UT3. Now whether you may like the UI or not is not the case here. What is the case is that it did feel very much like it was meant for a console, and this is with them saying they were building it with the PC first in mind. It kind of makes you wonder.
The UI feels like it was made with consoles in mind. The game itself doesn't feel that way at all.

Latent Image

Bring the rain!
Jun 3, 2001
Zer0's Anus
I hope this thread doesn't turn into another series of rants.

Was not the intention, I play UT3 regularly and in Australia the preference is VCTF and to a lesser extent Warfare, I'm just sick of having the same maps again and again specificly in Vctf. If i have to play Suspense one more time I think I'm going to lose it! In fact I did last night, I closed UT3 and went to watch NCIS...

I have supported Epic and UT3, even when everyone else has bitched about it but even now I'm thinking whats the point...

Sorry hal...


Nov 29, 2003
If the "PC Gamer" is dieing as much as they say it is, I wonder what Nvidia and ATi are going to do when those "gamers" stop buying gaming video cards?

Maybe I should stop spending the money on them, since I mean, after all. It's dead, right?

I hope Blizzard doesn't get news of this and still releases StarCraft too, then maybe I'll be satisfied for another 10+ years. (Not that SC:BW) doesn't already full fill my SC needs.


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
look guys, its like this. Epic has nothing to do with the way PC gaming is heading, and if anything you should be getting down on your knee's and thanking them for doing everything they can to save it. How many times have you heard them lobbying hardware manufacturers about dropping thos lame intel inegrated graphics processors that cant handle crap.

The single biggest difference between this generations failed PC releases and previous generations success is software rendering.

Now I know us hardcore gamers like to believe we've all lived in a world where everyone whos been playing unreal since 99 has had state of the art (for the time) graphics cards to run these beasts to their fullest capabilities but the fact is that wasnt true.

Many many casual gamers had craptops from companies like dell or whoever that didnt have those great 3d capabilities. BUT THEY WERE STILL ABLE TO PLAY THOSE GAMES. and hence buy them

That is no longer the case and therefore the PC gaming market has shrunk over night with the release of the next gen engines. UT3 on PC has 0% chance to reach the success levels of its predecessors until hardware manufactures start putting out integrated graphics chips capable of handling current gen gaming in mass production.
Until (or If) that happens PC gaming will be bleeding out and dying a slow death. Consoles are the only reason a company like Epic is even able to continue making UT games. If it weren't for 360 and PS3 there would be no UT3. Or there would have been, epic woulda lost there ass gone bankrupt and certainly there would be no UT4.
So please people, stop hating on epic. Try and understand the realities of the situation the PC gaming world is facing right now and direct your frustrations where they belong, at hardware manufacturers. Then maybe something will get done. In the meantime Epic will do what they have to do to survive and I salute them 100%. Cause as long as consoles can keep Epic alive they will continue to port there games to PC. and Ill take a UT game with a consolized console over no UT any day.

And by the way, there is a long time between now and next gen gaming consoles, plenty of time for hardware manufactures to catch up with the times and get decent graphical capabilities out to casual PC users. And if/when that happens and the PC gaming market opens back up, youll see how fast epic will release UE4 for PC,. But untill that happens the PC is no longer a viable means to grow gaming technology, therefore their development efforts have to be centralized around the consoles lifecycles.

If any of you out there still want to hate epic for adapting with the times instead of curling up and dying, then by all means.... meantime ill be playing GoW2
And for the record I have been playing UT since the first demo came out. Only reason I ever bought a console was to get a sneak peak at what UE3 was capable of a year before UT3 came out. Last console I owned before that was an SNES. Thats how much of a <sarcasm> console lover </sarcasm> I am. And even I understand why epic is doing what they have to do. And next time you guys want to trash Xbox or playstation just remember, they are the only reason you got UT3 for PC and they are your only hope for 4.