Rate The Last Game You Played

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Flyin' High
Aug 5, 2008
It may just be me, but ever since Rare went over to Microsoft, the games have been slipping. if M$ does indeed let Rare go, they should go back to Nintendo where they hit it big and stay.

You're not alone. God I miss the days when Rare made games for Nintendo.

Donkey Kong Country...
Killer Instinct...

I really wish they'd make a KI3. Or hell, at least port KI and KI2 arcade over to XBLA. KI was the perfect blend of Street Fighter combos, fluid controls/animation and technical prowess with Mortal Kombat gore and its own little flare to boot -- insane combos and an over-the-top announcer.


is cool
Jan 20, 2008
Ceredigion, UK
Not really a game but I've been playing the missing information mod for HL2, and the borealis levels are awesome, especially the use of the fire extinguisher. Though judging by the Ep3 concept art, the final borealis will be somewhat different.

On top of that, I just reinstalled my copy of Lemmings, which freaking rocks!

Juggalo Kyle

Sup brah.
Mar 23, 2005
Northern Cali
Rate the last game you played.

Since there isn't a thread on it...

Grand Theft Auto 4 - 8/10

I really do like this game. It does have it's repetative moments, as every GTA does, but I do like the main story. I like how your character goes from not knowing anything, and driving a cab, to getting involved with gangs, then mobs, then drug runners. Plus Knifing Willie Nelson outside of one of your safehouses is always funny. *It's actually a Willie Nelson look alike, blabing on about anti-government or conspiracy crap*


Jun 24, 2004
Bionic Commando - 6.5/10
Swinging is fun, shooting not so much. The game is unfortunately very linear and thus won't allow you to use your swinging ability to explore the area, in fact the game will even punish you if you do with near instant-death radiation borders (which are nigh invisible in some areas). The story is also utterly uninteresting, albeit kinda hilarious in an unintentional manner.

inFamous - 9/10
A solid game from top to bottom with excellent freedom of movement and a very refined combat system. The campaign is of pretty good length and coupled with the side missions, of which there are many, there's plenty to do. On top of that the karma system should give you enough incentive to play it through a second time as the powers on the good and evil side
differ significantly from each other.

Penumbra: Overture (Episode 1) - 7/10
It's a pretty cool horror action-adventure game with a creepy atmosphere. The cool thing about it is that all of the puzzles are logical and often will have you improvise your way through. Unfortunately, as a lot of these puzzles are physics based it's a real shame that the physics engine is terrible and very inconsistent, meaning it's all too easy to fall to your death simply because the plank you're walking on suddenly decided to move in a way that makes no sense. All of that is forgiveable, though, but the combat system simply is not. It's terrible and utterly broken. It seems like the only way you can get past enemies is by "cheating" your way through by standing on a box from which the enemies for some reason can't hit you, but you can hit them. Luckily, they've apparently removed the combat system altogether in the next episode.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 7/10

Stupid plot, silly writing and a handful of unforgiveably difficult sections scattered randomly around and otherwise pretty easy game makes me annoyed with this game. That being said, throwing storm troopers from balconies (or spinning them around their friends until they picked them up and seeing how long of a barrel of monkeys style chain I could achieve--3) never lost it's fun. It was a short game, but I suppose I actually enjoyed myself all told.



Sep 17, 2004
Arma 2 ;)/10 kantham is mad lol guise blah blah blah.


Again a huge taste of Crackdown, which can be kinda fun at times, however like many reviews suggested, the game lacked polishing, and could have used something more interesting than just dull challenges to keep you in the game. All I find myself fighting whenever I load up my finished game are heli and more heli. I can't even remember how many god damn heli's I've blown away from the sky via jump kick.

The overall product is still better than what I expected it to be.
And I expect to start another game on hard sometime again.
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Jan 20, 2008
Guilty Gear AC+ 9.5/10

Best 2D fighter game I ever played. Still another update of the XX series but not a lazy one: new story mode, new missions, team mode and one Survival mode which doesn't suck. Gameplay got rebalanced, and that's the main reason why I like the game (0% button smashing; or you learn the game's mechanics or nothing). Oh well, Bridget sucks balls, Eddie beats everything, my main I-No got nerfed. Whatever, Daisuke owns.

Waiting for BlazBlue now.
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Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.

Again a huge taste of Crackdown, which can be kinda fun at times, however like many reviews suggested, the game lacked polishing, and could have used something more interesting than just dull challenges to keep you in the game. All I find myself fighting whenever I load up my finished game are heli and more heli. I can't even remember how many god damn heli's I've blown away from the sky via jump kick.

The overall product is still better than what I expected it to be.
And I expect to start another game on hard sometime again.

I have to agree. I've been playing it for the last 5 hours.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Guilty Gear AC+ 9.5/10

Best 2D fighter game I ever played. Still another update of the XX series but not a lazy one: new story mode, new missions, team mode and one Survival mode which doesn't suck. Gameplay got rebalanced, and that's the main reason why I like the game (0% button smashing; or you learn the game's mechanics or nothing). Oh well, Bridget sucks balls, Eddie beats everything, my main I-No got nerfed. Whatever, Daisuke owns.

Waiting for BlazBlue now.

I love Guilty Gear XX and would have to agree with your high scoring of it. But honestly at the level of play I'm at (very low-skill), button mashing can work with certain characters (Baiken and Slayer come to mind), but in the end he who knows how to do the moves and play their characters probably will come out on top. I really suck at pulling off super-combos though. Bridget isn't that bad if you can run away like a little girl boy and then yo-yo smack-down a fool.

Really, really looking forward to BlazBlue.


Magic the Gathering (table-top version)
I started picking up this game again after a decade sabbatical. It's gotten a lot more streamlined and a lot of new mechanics have been added. I would say it's a pretty damn good game, with really good starter decks but enough incentive to buy new cards to make them more lethal. Don't think I'll pick up the online version though...


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
F.E.A.R 2 - 8/10

I immediately starting playing on hard because of my impressions of the demo and it didn't really get frustrating till the last 2-3 levels. Overall it was a good game. Not as scary as the first one, but I did have a couple good jumps. Also wtfbbqlol to the ending, I hate when devs pull that ****.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
Otogi 2.

2 out of 5 flipping stars.

Yet another Sega game ruined by their persistence to force inverted controls on every sane person that ever walked the earth.
there's not even an option to make it normal.
"if we give them the option, then they'll use it, and we wouldn't be different anymore!"

Zoloft Lawsuit Settlements
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 1, 2002
Visit site
Assassin's Creed - 9/10
Overall, I really enjoyed this game. I felt the combat was polished, and I liked to start fights for the hell of it. The graphics were really beautiful, and I liked how each of the cities had different atmospheres. Although the ending of Altair's time was a bit cliche, I enjoyed the battle, and in Desmond's time, the ending was a neat "aha!" moment. I can forgive the short-term memory loss of the guards, military, etc during the chase-and-hide parts in order for the game to progress. The only real complaint that I had with it is the repetitive feel of the game, where I knew that you would essentially go through the same things (synchronize the map via tall spires, eavesdrop, pickpocket, save citizen, etc, then finally the assassination) over and over again when I saw that only certain districts (or more accurately the memories of them) were available in each city. I guess that was the life of the assassin. If the game was less repetitive, it would score a 9.5/10 from me.


Look for another post later (I'm too tired to write another mini-review now) about STALKER, and get ready to respond STALKER haters!
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