Glad to hear that brotha.Some days ago,I reinstalled my whole OS and I installed only Unreal,UT,Unreal2 and UT2004,hehe.I have UT3 and Gears Of War,but I need my new system at first to play the game in a good res and quality,you know.I hope we can manage it to play together in UT3 when I get my new system,hehe.
I'm playing the UT2004 SP too,I already unlocked ClanLord and Xan,now I must unlock Malcolm,hehe,have fun at fraggin.
Yes,it is really a shame not to include the Skaarj in a Unreal game,you know since the beginning they are in the game and now they aren't,but don't be sad brotha,EvilEngine will probably release a Skaarj model for UT3,he's been working on the model for some time and it looks awesome.I really liked it to play as Dominator,ClanLord or Mekkor in UT2004,hope somebody will make a remake of them,too.
What will be your character in UT3 ? I think I play as a Krall at first until someone will release a Skaarj model (good quality).
See ya brotha!