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Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
This review doesn't make sense to me. How far are you into the game? What do you mean by "lead by the nose". I haven't played in roughly a year or so but I remember stopping shortly after beating the boss of the floating city and it definitely didn't feel like my hand was being held. Also there is auto targeting. I think there was 3 different aiming options. Manual for advanced players, full on auto aiming, and auto aiming that locks onto target, but can still move the target redicule for precise shots. You might want to check on your settings.

I think I have the third aiming setting where I can lock on but if I so much as twitch my Wii remote I loose the target.

By lead by the nose, I found that (for a Metroid) the game was a tad bit more linear than I expected (and I'm pretty sure I'm past the floating city planet); I hated Metroid Fusion for this. I think for Prime 3 it has to do with how all of the worlds are split apart, whereas previous Metroids were interconnected. It just feels like each Prime after the next got worse, and 3 is the worst of the bunch. Still a good game, but not great and not stellar.

If you think for some reason that a 3/5 is a low score, I wouldn't necessarily put that grading on a percentile scale (which is why "Good" is next to that score). I'm using Backloggery's rating system: 5 stars is outstanding, 4 is great, 3 is good, 2 is decent, 1 is bad. Prime 3, from the amount I've played (at Pirate world), is between good and great, but mostly good and I round down. It just doesn't live up to some very high expectations I have for Metroids.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Doom RPG for Mobile Phones 4/5

I've been playing the Dooms in one form or another since the release of Doom.

This version of the game, although turn based and RPG'd, manages to keep the sense of the original game and is a bit of fun while I'm on public transport or sitting somewhere waiting for something to happen.


New Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Netherlands
WARNING - post contains spoilers.

Mass Effect 2 - 9/10
positive parts

The story is fantastic,
I just finished it as well, and even though I loved the game, its main flaw was the story IMO.

All in all it doesn't continue ME's story at all. It tells a completely new one. Well ya, the Collectors are working with the Reapers, but where the hell did they come from anyway? They're new creations. Might as well have been left out.

They could make a dozen more ME games like this. In ME3 an interspeciary war may break out 'cause, like, the Reapers indoctrinated the Turians or something. And in ME4 suns might be blowing up, destroying clusters, and the Reapers happen to be causing this.

I'd have liked ME2 to have directly advanced ME's story - take the fight to the Reapers, getting closer, with ME3 rounding it off with an enormous galactic war between every sodding Reaper out there and the ''civilized'' races of the galaxy.

Now they're gonna cram that last major battle in one game. It had better be big.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Jackal ruined it for me by being an ass.
he probably just has a crush on you.

it's the same reason I used to pull the hair of that blond girl who sat in front of me in 2nd grade. she was totally asking for it with those Little Mermaid earrings and Osh Kosh overalls cut just above the knee... what a freakin' tease.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
I posted this 2 years ago

MGS4 10/10

I feel I dont need to explain myself, just read the thread created by Twisted Metal to get my impressions on this game. Its a beautifully well made game and will probably not get topped till God of War 3

With that said

God of War 3 - 10/10

Topped and then some. The first 20 minutes of the game is just so mind blowing it is hard to describe in text form. It absolutely trumps the scale of the battles from the first 2 games by a wide margin. TBH this game had a very very hard act to follow and I believe they triumphed on every level. Some minor nigglings that have since been fixed, but it hardly affected the score at all.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
it's the same reason I used to pull the hair of that blond girl who sat in front of me in 2nd grade. she was totally asking for it with those Little Mermaid earrings and Osh Kosh overalls cut just above the knee... what a freakin' tease.

Wow... sounds ****in hawt, got any pics? :drool:

wait wut
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Jan 20, 2008
God of War 3 - 10/10

Topped and then some. The first 20 minutes of the game is just so mind blowing it is hard to describe in text form. It absolutely trumps the scale of the battles from the first 2 games by a wide margin. TBH this game had a very very hard act to follow and I believe they triumphed on every level. Some minor nigglings that have since been fixed, but it hardly affected the score at all.

Best action-adventure game on PS3, seriously.


Shadow Complex 9/10 - Favourite and personally the best XBLA game by a long shot. This is when Epic develops suddenly something new instead of the usual UT/GOW routine, and they do it always correctly. A bit too much. Fast and entertaining, Epic can still do amazing 2d shooter games after JJ. Overall, I dare to put it at the same level of some of the best Contra games.

Fallout 3 10/10 - Still playing the hell out of this mofo (on PC) for a year now. First time I like something from Bethesda, can't wait for New Vegas. <3'd also the second one.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma II 4/10 - The only real added feature in this atrocious blasphemy is boobs physics. Itagaki is gone, so no more real good 3D NG games from now and on.

IIDX EMPRESS CS (PS2) 9/10 - Almost nobody knows this game because is JP-only. From Konami, always the best rhythm game series ever, and the difficulty is in-freaking/unbelievably insane. Lots of original awesome music too so it's all okay.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Final Fantasy XIII - 8.5/10

Ok some will disagree with me on this rating, but I rate it based on story and gameplay time. First let me get into the story. Some will say it is very vague, and that you will need to consult the datalog in order to get the best idea. To be quite fair, if you pay even a small amount of attention you will get a general idea of what the story is about. The purpose of the datalog is to really give a good representation of the characters background. And besides, it is not politics ridden like FF12's was.

Now onto gameplay. Yes it is very linear, more so than most FF's but to be quite fair it really didn't bother me as much. Note I said ME, as others will probably find this a huge turnoff. The battle system has seen yet another change and I find it very refreshing to say the least. I have seen others state all you do is change from fighter paradigm to healer and back again, with an occasional buff or debuff. This may be true somewhat, but later if you don't set these up correctly, you are just asking for a world of hurt.

As far as side questing is concerned, it has a great deal less than FF12. There are only 64 missions(marks from FF12) to do, and only 1 heavy weight to take down and that is it. Strangely enough though, I have sunk in nearly 110 hours into the game. Take around 25-30 hours off for grinding and you still have a 85-90 hour game. Not bad for something that seems pretty linear.

Overall it isn't the best FF out there, nor is it the worst. It tries something new like every FF before it, and people will always reject change, but it was a breath of fresh air the series needed and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I haven't played a good FF game since VI, but that's me.

Also, finally completed Gears of War after a long procrastination. Yeah...I am now vindicated that my initial impression was correct. This is a dull game, through and through. Not a single memorable piece of gameplay, beyond maybe...the first chainsaw bayoneting I guess? I'm told that the multiplayer experience is quite different...but to be perfectly honest I don't give a crap. I gave the game a shot. I tried to like like it, and I know I'm probably in the minority. And I'm quite fine with that. 4/10 if I'm being honest, since there just too many clunky moments (not to mention a few broken bits, like the pushable car that kept getting stuck on a invisible obstruction) for me to give it a really average verdict.
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Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Just have to jump in here to say that I really, really enjoyed XII. The story sucked, but the gameplay was my favorite in the series--especially the sidequests. XIII's gameplay...I don't see how it will get better than XII's.

As for the story in XIII, there is a white-haired whiny kid name Hope. He's one of the main characters. Do I need to go on?


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
I haven't played a good FF game since VI, but that's me.

Also, finally completed Gears of War after a long procrastination. Yeah...I am now vindicated that my initial impression was correct. This is a dull game, through and through. Not a single memorable piece of gameplay, beyond maybe...the first chainsaw bayoneting I guess? I'm told that the multiplayer experience is quite different...but to be perfectly honest I don't give a crap. I gave the game a shot. I tried to like like it, and I know I'm probably in the minority. And I'm quite fine with that. 4/10 if I'm being honest, since there just too many clunky moments (not to mention a few broken bits, like the pushable car that kept getting stuck on a invisible obstruction) for me to give it a really average verdict.

Did you play GOW on PC or xbox? solo or coop?


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
As for the story in XIII, there is a white-haired whiny kid name Hope who grows balls later on in the story but I would know that if I played further in the game har har har. He's one of the main characters. Do I need to go on?
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Juggalo Kyle

Sup brah.
Mar 23, 2005
Northern Cali
WoW - like 1 million billion / 10

It's good n' stuff... when people don't suck in Raids.

Oh and...

Mass Effect 2 - 10/10

Loving it so far! Rating is subject to change.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Yes, MMO's aren't exempt from this.

Capt. Toilet, do I have to slodge through 30 hours or more before I can tolerate any of the characters that aren't Sazh?

No game needs this long of a setup before the meat of the game is presented.


Jan 20, 2008
I haven't played a good FF game since VI, but that's me.

Also, finally completed Gears of War after a long procrastination. Yeah...I am now vindicated that my initial impression was correct. This is a dull game, through and through. Not a single memorable piece of gameplay, beyond maybe...the first chainsaw bayoneting I guess? I'm told that the multiplayer experience is quite different...but to be perfectly honest I don't give a crap. I gave the game a shot. I tried to like like it, and I know I'm probably in the minority. And I'm quite fine with that. 4/10 if I'm being honest, since there just too many clunky moments (not to mention a few broken bits, like the pushable car that kept getting stuck on a invisible obstruction) for me to give it a really average verdict.

You should have played the 2nd one directly. That actually has variety in the campaign.
I'd give the first a 6 now and the second a 9.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Capt. Toilet, do I have to slodge through 30 hours or more before I can tolerate any of the characters that aren't Sazh?

No game needs this long of a setup before the meat of the game is presented.

Well your original post stated you just hated Hope. If you can't stand the other characters then well I am sorry for your loss. I will say that Hope does grow some balls at the end of Chapter 4. Vanille was probably the only character that I was annoyed with, and that was after she revealed her deep dark secret.