What would revive the UT franchise?

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New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Indie games have the special problem of costing more than 2-3 year old AAA games and being much less.

Sorry, but I consider the 1785234234th FPS (but this time without dedicated server or mod support) for $60 much, much, much less than an innovative indiegame fo $10.
And even if crap like MW2 (just an example) after 3 years costs as much as an indiegame it is still only an FPS minus stuff that had been in other FPSs (UT as example) for years (which back then cost less when totally new).

Or, most of the time, indie games are just bad copies of older games.
For example is there an indie platformer that beats Mario Bros 3? Or one of the Sonic games?

This doesn't apply to Bioshock (less than System Shock, but more polygons), Bioshock2, the already mentioned MW2 (6th iteration in just this franchise, with no mod support, dedicated servers, etc...)??????
Numerous other examples could be given.

Add a few polygons and some new shaders and the so called AAA-titles are suddenly not copies of older games??? With the difference that the "AAA-titles" cost more for less.

Strange logic.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Le sigh.. You are accusing me of "declaring the PC dead because it doesen't have the games YOU want to play" (paraphrased).. only, i made it damned clear that the PC can NEVER DIE as it is an open platform, thus your argument is BS.
Then you didn't make that nearly clear enough in your post. You not playing PC games does not mean PC gaming is dead. That was my point.
What it can be, however, is forced into a niche and be marginalized, which is exactly what we're seeing, and that is a bad thing nomatter how you look at it.
That would be a bad thing for us, but this will also never happen. Without SOME PC games, there would be nothing moving the consoles forward whatsoever and that market would also eventually stagnate.
Sep 24, 2005
Sorry, but I consider the 1785234234th FPS (but this time without dedicated server or mod support) for $60 much, much, much less than an innovative indiegame fo $10.
And even if crap like MW2 (just an example) after 3 years costs as much as an indiegame it is still only an FPS minus stuff that had been in other FPSs (UT as example) for years (which back then cost less when totally new).

This doesn't apply to Bioshock (less than System Shock, but more polygons), Bioshock2, the already mentioned MW2 (6th iteration in just this franchise, with no mod support, dedicated servers, etc...)??????
Numerous other examples could be given.

Add a few polygons and some new shaders and the so called AAA-titles are suddenly not copies of older games??? With the difference that the "AAA-titles" cost more for less.

Strange logic.

Did you read my post at all? ;)


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
madspacemarinemustdie said:
Indie games have the special problem of costing more than 2-3 year old AAA games and being much less.
Well, I use Steam for such games: Bioshock 5€, L4D 5.75€, Mirror's Edge 3.75€, ETQW 15€, etc... I don't feel like paying full price for digital download and I only buy full price gmaes as gifts. Either way it's pointless because I tend get bored.

Allow me to elaborate on indie and mid-range games again. The above made me consider the other way around: what kind of games do you have for sale in a nifty package, costing 60€ for consoles? Sure, the top titles are there alright, but so are the more limited and lower budget games (I'm not talking about simple arcade). Generically on release, movies on DVD cost the same, so do music CD's, so do PC, XBox360 or PS3 games, so do PSP cartridges(?). All regardless of genre and quality. Good or crap they are all there. Can you do that with non-AAA PC games on Steam? I'm afraid you can't. I've seen a poll where for very low price, half of the voters mentioned they expected around 10h of gameplay, some wanted replayability, wouldn't buy if it doesn't have multiplayer,etc... Since Steam grabs 30% of almost nothing...

Then while the XBox has impact on crippling PC games, I'm not sure that the PS3 is to blame. The Japanese industry never cared about the PC and often neither the XBox. There are lots of games that are PS3 + Wii, some studios are Japanese hardware only. So, at least in Europe, I wonder if it's not a matter of games becoming console exclusives, but the combination of PS3 exclusives that don't make it for PC because they never would; and games that would be PC exclusives and now are also released on the 360. I mean, there are still tons of PC exclusives, some low budget and mid-range games. The point is, are full price console games "better"? Somehow I'm not convinced

For me, the 2 major problems are the death of genres (ex: my sister is an adventure fan that dropped gaming altogether), and the way serious or/and FPS are saturating or even suffocating PC gaming. I don't see less games or lower quality, what I see is devs not being able to scale up the investments, shifting to shooters or just dying because their genre isn't popular anymore.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Indie-games (and most non AAA games in general TBH) have just one problem :
zero skill in marketing in a market that runs on the flavour of the day (or week if you're lucky)

The same effect is visible anywhere there's production of content is greater than the ability to consume said content. There's always a niche-market that considers itself 'superior' to the mainstream (pop vs alternative, indie-movies vs Hollywood, indie-games vs EA & co)
The pattern is the same and there's no real solution, except to stop worrying about how much 'better' your choice is as in reality your choice is as bad and as good as anyone else's provided you're enjoying it.


Jun 29, 2009
I don't mind if it's exclusive or not as long as the PC version doesn't feel like a bloody console game.

Seriously. 99% of new games I have to hack some inis to get my mouse right because if the mouse speed slider is at 0 it is too slow and if it is at 1 I get a sens of 7cm/360


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
The new Steam UI shows 921 games. Quit whining already :p

Back on topic. To revive UT, the next Epic game be successful on PC and globally, and the investment on UT4 must be way lower than for UT3. Don't go OTT, just introduce enough changes and additions so it feels like new and still doesn't alienate players, cross-platform gaming, a tournament ladder that can be played co-op online, a polished UI with access to custom content, keep gametypes as much as possible (ONS, DM, Duel, Greed, CTF, vCTF, Invasion). Some sort of MMO game mode would be great, but surely forget about cutscenes, tons of retail maps or time consuming uber details.


XSI Mod Tool User
Nov 12, 2008
Cleveland, OH, USA
To get back on topic with UT, if I were to revive it, I would suggest to Epic that there be a free-for-all Vehicle DeathMatch gameplay mode (Demolition Derby in other words). Not to say it couldn't be done as a user mod, as I have seen vehicles used in DM maps, like Heat Ray, but that was only ONE vehicle, I'm talking at least a four or more vehicle map that you can have at it with other players. I'm in the works of doing such a map like this, and I'm hoping that I can get away with just making it a DM map with vehicles at this point, up until someone makes an official Demo Derby gameplay mode mod.


New Member
Aug 23, 2005
The next UT would be popular if they released it for free and supported it with advertising textures in the default maps.

And of course, with all the aforementioned suggestions; highly customizable and modable a la UT99, go back to the UT99 play control, more realistic settings (more alongs the lines of UT99 assault than this futuristic alien crap).


Official Photography Thread Appreciator
Apr 29, 2001
Visit site
TBH nothing in this thread would revive UT.

Pretty much. Some of it wouldn't hurt though. I could be happy with a small but active competitive community. Right now "active" is a bit too strong of a word to describe it. More like "semi-flatlining".