Epic Announces "Major" UT3 Expansion

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Got Lead?
Dec 11, 2004
I'll wait and see, honestly I'm done with Epic titles after the horrors of UT3. Not to say it cant be fixed but its allot of fixing and tweaking needed.


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
I do not intend to buy another Epic title unless they give me a very good reason to. Bringing out the Linux client might be nice for a start. It would be really ridiculous if the expansion is gold while the the promised Linux/mac client still isn't.


Hater in Rehab
Jan 20, 2008
Modena, Italy
I'll take another UT2004 any day (strictly speaking level of improvement and content).

UT3 with a major functionality overhaul, a few tweaks under the hood, and some new content/modes would be awesome.
They can implement all that in an expansion pack, if they choose to break compatibility with UT3 like they did with 2k3->2k4 we will end up with an even more splitted playerbase, meaning even less people online playing the game than there are today.

With an expansion pack they can replace the menu, do another Single Player storyline, add more levels and more gametypes and even make under the hood improvements keeping backward compatibility with UT3, assuming that they patch the old version accordingly.

Think of what blizzard have done with the first expansion pack for WoW: if you don't have the expansion you can still play with other people on the old content, but if you want to have access to the new content you have to buy the expansion. I don't see why this wouldn't work for UT3.


Feb 12, 2002

I just remembered the MSUC. I hope it's not just all the MSUC winners on a disc. :p
The games industry is doing very well despite the economy.
I was being a little sarcastic. I keep reading "...in this economic climate..." and it seems like the running excuse to charge for stuff.
I'd be happy as all heck to see another UT2004, but oddly enough I already paid for UT3.. so I'd kinda like to see that get fixed for a minimal cost, or better for free.

However, since devs gotta eat, and buy baby formula (for their sports cars) an expansion price tag of far less than a full $50 retail release would be doable, I guess.

Like others who are still holding out hope beyond reasonable doubt for UT to be revived this is great news to me. Just the same, I'll wait for reviews, and or a demo this time around before I plunk down a nickel.

The games industry is doing very well despite the economy.

Yeah it honestly seems in an age where the people running the system seem to think things like food, housing, and water are "luxuries" and your banks have more control over your money than you do, escapism gets pretty popular.

I can honestly say, if not my sons needing me, and me having my games to vent with, I'd have played a session of real life GTA by now.
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Beelzebud (Satanas)

New Member
Jul 15, 2003
If it's free, then cool. If I'm being asked to spend more money on top of the fifty dollars I spent on UT3, then I'm going to pass. I shouldn't have to pay more for a game that wasn't finished to begin with.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
RennyManJr... Oh you're talking about a compatability break? Yeah, I agree that it would be nice to keep them compatable, if it were somehow possible to prevent someone from just "expanding" their existing UT3 game on their own. ;)


I see a blue screen
Feb 22, 2008
City of the Polution

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful news!!! wohooooo !!! please Epic bring back Xan kriegor please!!!!!:y5:

More maps? new fights in a real Unreal Tournament? (not a pathetic copy of gears ewwww this is Unreal Tournament!!!) better IA? improvements in the gameplay? NEW UI? like someone told before SO FREAKING MANY POSSIBILITIES ! yeaaaaaaah GO EPIC! GOOOO! \o/:clap::cheers::2thumb::rockon::notworthy::crazydance::flame:


Feb 12, 2002
I'll wait for reviews, and or a demo this time around before I plunk down a nickel.

IF they do it right this time :p
It is in fact, precisely the (poor excuse for a) demo which put me off buying UT3 for ages. (and finding out that the beta demo, was in fact what the full game was)

But anyways... a demo for an expansion? Seems unlikely.


kittens give Morbo gas
Aug 11, 2008
please Epic bring back Xan kriegor please!
On that note, I hope that if they bring back characters or species I hope they give them their own voicepack instead of a recycled one, like they did to the Skaarj in UT2004.

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Wow. Very good news, I'd say. This might be just the thing that redeems UT3 - if it's pulled off right!

What Epic needs is a few killer game modes, a newer, better UI, and enough polish on the toilet seat that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to squat and take a dump.

If they do that, UT3 will bounce back in a BIG way, I think. 2004 was a success, built on top of 2003 - what's to say this expansion can't do the same?


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
Aha, I knew it! Here's why they wouldn't talk about any future stuff, or explain why they didn't have the Malcom model in UT3, etc.

But, like many of you, I remain skeptical, and I will not rush out and buy it this time, I will wait for reviews. And I should hope it's not full price or anything.

And I hope they aren't cramming in any more of that awful story.