I'd be happy as all heck to see another UT2004, but oddly enough I already paid for UT3.. so I'd kinda like to see that get fixed for a minimal cost, or better for free.
However, since devs gotta eat, and buy baby formula (for their sports cars) an expansion price tag of far less than a full $50 retail release would be doable, I guess.
Like others who are still holding out hope beyond reasonable doubt for UT to be revived this is great news to me. Just the same, I'll wait for reviews, and or a demo this time around before I plunk down a nickel.
The games industry is doing very well despite the economy.
Yeah it honestly seems in an age where the people running the system seem to think things like food, housing, and water are "luxuries" and your banks have more control over your money than you do, escapism gets pretty popular.
I can honestly say, if not my sons needing me, and me having my games to vent with, I'd have played a session of real life GTA by now.