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Birthed of Destruction
Mar 9, 2002
Kettering, OH
Perhaps it would be best to do GW2. You won't necessarily need an awesome rig to power it, at least. Everybody that shows up decently would play it, except maybe Ice. Did Ice ever play GW?


The getting killed man!!
Feb 22, 2005
Ohio...that suck ass STATE.
I don't think so. I think he wasn't really into it in the first place when Taz and a number of other people started to play it. Help us out Ice. We have to get him into it when GW2 comes out later this year.

Maybe get into competitive play on GW2???


Sep 17, 2004
I pop in your clan's apple to let you guys know that this isn't BU's fault and no one should be fired. BU doesn't host it's own stuff, they got a provider. There was 2 drives that failed at the same time by the 8TH, and one of them was the backup drive.

They are now using a different way to save backups, this shouldn't happen again.


The getting killed man!!
Feb 22, 2005
Ohio...that suck ass STATE.
Pimp daddy. I hope it doesn't happen again us and for anyone else that uses BU.

Come on ICE...change them diapers....and GW2. You ROCK. Or I can show you how to change them diapers and play. I did it for a few years. LOL.


Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
I pop in your clan's apple to let you guys know that this isn't BU's fault and no one should be fired. BU doesn't host it's own stuff, they got a provider. There was 2 drives that failed at the same time by the 8TH, and one of them was the backup drive.

They are now using a different way to save backups, this shouldn't happen again.

We know that technically it wasn't anyone's fault, and that hardware was to blame, and we know that the backup was one the drives that failed (most of us are regular BU readers too).
We were just bummed that Boney (and Hal) put a lot of work into this, and it just went away.
If anyone has a right to complain (other than lost post counts and shared information) it's Boney... he went to a lot of trouble updating the site, and a lot of spare time doing it. And Boney is a busy man these days, what with school, work and trying to have a life.

Not to say that anyone (especially Hal) @ BU has nothing but free time on their hands, or any such nonsense... we're just close to Boney, so that's where we "feel the sting".

Just please learn from this, so that everyone who lost out doesn't lose out again in the future. ;)


Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
Perhaps it would be best to do GW2. You won't necessarily need an awesome rig to power it, at least. Everybody that shows up decently would play it, except maybe Ice. Did Ice ever play GW?

From everything I read on GW2W today (http://gw2wiki.com/index.php/Main_Page), GW2 is supposed to be an expansion to GW, where all three chapters & GW:EN are all part of that world (and thus all available on the same game, tho Cantha and Elona may end up being unlockable because of the storyline).
This tells me that they will be keeping the same engine they used for GW, and it would likely run on the same rig (my previous rig was an Intel 2.54 with 1gig of ram running AGP)... which would make it playable by just about everyone in the clan, if I remember correctly. :)


Make choices, don't look back...
Oct 14, 2001
Spring City, PA
I pop in your clan's apple to let you guys know that this isn't BU's fault and no one should be fired. BU doesn't host it's own stuff, they got a provider. There was 2 drives that failed at the same time by the 8TH, and one of them was the backup drive.

They are now using a different way to save backups, this shouldn't happen again.

Thank you, Kantham... we're fully aware of what happened. Some of the old guys around here aren't so good with words and sometimes have difficulty putting what they want to say into good, structured sentences. ;)

However this is the second time during our stay here that the forums have needed to be restored to a backup that is not very current. The last time was in June of 2003, where ~15 months of data was lost. I have a feeling that the more "recent" backup that was lost in the crash still would have caused several months of data to be lost.

Its nothing against BU or its admins, we are happy to be here (despite the waning UT community). You can imagine how frustrating it can be to lose that many posts bloated with clan history and good times. I appreciate you stopping in to try and clear things up, but we know whats going on. Thanks.

From everything I read on GW2W today (http://gw2wiki.com/index.php/Main_Page), GW2 is supposed to be an expansion to GW, where all three chapters & GW:EN are all part of that world (and thus all available on the same game, tho Cantha and Elona may end up being unlockable because of the storyline).
This tells me that they will be keeping the same engine they used for GW, and it would likely run on the same rig (my previous rig was an Intel 2.54 with 1gig of ram running AGP)... which would make it playable by just about everyone in the clan, if I remember correctly. :)

Well thats news to me. It will be kind of difficult for them to add z-axis (jumping, swimming etc.) if they keep the same engine. The gameplay is already good so don't F it up like UT3... but they could make it extra pretty :p. A guildwars that brings my current rig to its knees, thats what I want :lol:
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Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
Bonecrusher said:
Well thats news to me. It will be kind of difficult for them to add z-axis (jumping, swimming etc.) if they keep the same engine. The gameplay is already good so don't F it up like UT3... but they could make it extra pretty :p. A guildwars that brings my current rig to its knees, thats what I want :lol:

I never said they wouldn't be making changes to the engine, but I can't imagine a brand new engine running an expansion to the current GW. Granted it's not impossible, but I have a hard time seeing it.
Of course I could be completely wrong... they are going to make it a persistent world including meeting people out in the world, not just in towns (can you say "goodbye solo farming"?) and realtime/scheduled/triggered events.
I guess we'll have an answer when they start putting out screens and renders.

I have to disagree with you on one thing tho; I'd rather see GW2 run the same way GW does. If GW2 goes the same path as UT does, it's going to lose customers... just like UT3 has.
If UT3 has taught us anything, it's that pretty isn't everything... and the proof is in seeing players like TAZ who work their asses off getting every reward they can because they enjoy the game that much.
The same can't be said for UT... especially in our cases... which of us has been playing UT or UT2004 for the last 2 years? None of us.
I'm 25 months into GW, and I haven't quit yet... that alone should say something.
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Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
We know that technically it wasn't anyone's fault, and that hardware was to blame, and we know that the backup was one the drives that failed (most of us are regular BU readers too).
We were just bummed that Boney (and Hal) put a lot of work into this, and it just went away.
If anyone has a right to complain (other than lost post counts and shared information) it's Boney... he went to a lot of trouble updating the site, and a lot of spare time doing it. And Boney is a busy man these days, what with school, work and trying to have a life.

Not to say that anyone (especially Hal) @ BU has nothing but free time on their hands, or any such nonsense... we're just close to Boney, so that's where we "feel the sting".

Just please learn from this, so that everyone who lost out doesn't lose out again in the future. ;)

Agreed, we understand what happened and I (one of the Older Guys) was just spouting off my disappointment. Still the fact remains that alot of time and effort to improve and re-organize this small BuA section was wasted. We didn't just lose threads or thread counts, we lost alot of important historical data. Clan Match Info, Memberships, Attendance, etc. Anyway thanks for dropping by and posting.


The Iceman Cometh....
Jul 22, 2002
Baltimore County, MD
I never did get into GW. I should probably DL the demo and see if it is something I like. However, seeing as everyone here likes it, I don't think that would be a problem. I am just really not so into RPG-style gameplay. I like my games to be a little more action-oriented, and not where I have to constantly flip through menus while in battle to select the best attack. If I am wrong in any of this, please let me know. :)


Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
GW, isn't like that. If you have seen any of our In Game Screen Shots you will know what I am talking about.
What you see on your screen is mostly your preference. Normally you will see the following.
Small Radar Map, with you in the center and a small circle around you.
Weapons, You have 4 choices to swicth back and forth.
Party Formation, Who is in your group
Skill Bar, You have 8 slots to place your skills.
Small Map, can see where you have been and where your going.
Health, Energy and Level Bars.

Thats pretty much it but you have other things you can turn on and stuff.

When your in a Town or Outpost you set your skills up, form groups (Solo with Hero's/Henchies if you prefer) buy and sell, craft and look at all the idiots running around. This is where everyone meets..

Lurk got me hooked on it. I still like the fast paced games but GW does get exciting at times.


Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
I never did get into GW. I should probably DL the demo and see if it is something I like. However, seeing as everyone here likes it, I don't think that would be a problem. I am just really not so into RPG-style gameplay. I like my games to be a little more action-oriented, and not where I have to constantly flip through menus while in battle to select the best attack. If I am wrong in any of this, please let me know. :)

Flip through menus?
You sure you weren't playing WoW?

In GW you have 8 chosen skills that you do battle with, that combination of skills can be chosen, and rechosen in towns and outposts, so you never have to be stuck with the same 8 skills.
Battle itself is realtime, not turn-based... so you could consider it more action oriented.
Best thing for you to do would be to download a demo and check it out again... because I think you got it confused with something else. ;)


The Iceman Cometh....
Jul 22, 2002
Baltimore County, MD
Well, in this case, I am happy to be proven wrong. I will DL the demo at some point and try it out. You never know, I might end up coming home to run raids with Dev, Taz, and Lurk! :)